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Reputations: Questions before returning to the game

lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Hey guys, I've been out of the game since the "dinosaurs" update. Reputations made me quit, honestly. Frustrating for dedicated players and impossible for casuals... (Don't even want to mention the fleet stuff...) I would like to ask if there has been any major "reputation" revamp, I only could level up 2 reputation system (borg and romulan) and I really hate it. Can you level up your reputation now without time limits (daily timed cap)? What about account wide reputation? Do the missions awards more generous numbers of resources (marks etc.)?

Live long.
Post edited by lter on


  • ussackermanussackerman Member Posts: 275 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2014
    Yes actually,

    They revamped the Rep system to make all of them in-line with how the Dyson worked. They removed costume unlocks... oh well, here's the DevBlog for full details of the changes...


    And then they revamped how the passives worked that we get at each Tier...


    So there are massive changes. Hope this helps.
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lter wrote: »
    Hey guys, I've been out of the game since the "dinosaurs" update. Reputations made me quit, honestly. Frustrating for dedicated players and impossible for casuals... (Don't even want to mention the fleet stuff...) I would like to ask if there has been any major "reputation" revamp, I only could level up 2 reputation system (borg and romulan) and I really hate it. Can you level up your reputation now without time limits (daily timed cap)? What about account wide reputation? Do the missions awards more generous numbers of resources (marks etc.)?

    Live long.

    Marks Rewards: First content in each rep you do per day gives you the marks for a daily and hourly (55 marks+whatever awards are normal) and dailies all give 2500 instead of 2000 now,

    they only take 30 marks, 15k ec, and 2k expertise, and give a random item from the rep's dil store as well as 340 dil.

    account wide: once the 1st character on account reaches t5, other characters progress twice as fast through the rep
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    In the new Reputations you only need to do a mission every other day to get enough Marks to last you 2 days - at least for leveling the Rep to T5. Since many of the Rep mission only take 5-10 minutes leveling Rep is quite simple now - it simply takes a long time due to Daily restrictions.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I see... So still no account wide and daily limits...
    It's a no go for me, I will download the game to check what's new though...

    Thanks for the answers :)
  • ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lter wrote: »
    I see... So still no account wide and daily limits...
    It's a no go for me, I will download the game to check what's new though...

    Thanks for the answers :)

    The sponsorship tokens make it very close to account-wide.

    Yeah, the system is time-gated, but it takes less than 20 days and about 600 marks to get future toons to T5 in any reputation.
  • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ceekayzero wrote: »
    The sponsorship tokens make it very close to account-wide.

    Yeah, the system is time-gated, but it takes less than 20 days and about 600 marks to get future toons to T5 in any reputation.

    It's better than nothing, that is true. But its 20 days, each reputation for EACH toon aswell? I find the reputation itself something really tedious, specially the daily limit, because it "forces" you to connect every day to the game, instead of you being able to unlock at your own rythm, and also, you dont get the reward for playing well, but for your daily dosis of autism... I think it should be completely account wide at least, but still now is much better than before, of course.
  • edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lter wrote: »
    because it "forces" you to connect every day to the game, instead of you being able to unlock at your own rythm

    It's almost as if Cryptic have worked out that regular custom makes for a profitable business..
  • ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lter wrote: »
    It's better than nothing, that is true. But its 20 days, each reputation for EACH toon aswell? I find the reputation itself something really tedious, specially the daily limit, because it "forces" you to connect every day to the game, instead of you being able to unlock at your own rythm, and also, you dont get the reward for playing well, but for your daily dosis of autism... I think it should be completely account wide at least, but still now is much better than before, of course.

    Well, that's Cryptic's business model.

    Here's the thing, though: The best stuff (currently) in most reputations, for space combat, unlocks around Tier 3. You can get deflectors at Tier 2, and engines at Tier 3, IIRC. That means it's quick and easy to get 2 piece Borg, or Countercommand Deflector/Romulan Engines. Tier 4 Romulan Rep unlocks the space weapons. Keep in mind, you also get random items from the reputation with each project you start.

    Could be worse, could be like crafting.
  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I've heard a lot of people say things like rep and fleet access ect, ect, should be account wide, but I really have never seen the need for it. It was nice of them to give us the sponsorship tokens for the rep, but it wasn't something that was really that needed.

    It doesn't take that long to progress a toon through each rep and unless you you have a huge amount of characters you really shouldn't have that much difficulty doing it.
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Marks Rewards: First content in each rep you do per day gives you the marks for a daily and hourly (55 marks+whatever awards are normal) and dailies all give 2500 instead of 2000 now,

    they only take 30 marks, 15k ec, and 2k expertise, and give a random item from the rep's dil store as well as 340 dil.

    account wide: once the 1st character on account reaches t5, other characters progress twice as fast through the rep

    It's not automatic - you still need to make a sponsorship token (100 marks per token) for each character. Still, it seems overall rather easy to level a reputation. It takes its time, but not neccessarily play time. You just need to do a 5-10 minute mission for each rep to get the daily bonus marks.

    One trick: If you have the time to do some extra rounds, don't spend the Daily token boxes and instead try to pay the daily with regular gained tokens. Wait until the next mark event, and then cash them in. You'll need some inventory space for that, of course, but it's 50 % extra marks. The next mark event is a few weeks off, IIRC, so now is your chance.

    If you can stand ground combat and dinosaurs, the Voth Battle Zone may be one of the fastest way in the game to earn dilithium,marks and those cybernetic imlants you need for equipment projects. The Undine Battle Zone is similar for the Undine, but I think it overall tends to be a bit less rewarding in terms of dilithium. Still, it's a rather neat environment. No Queue, you can solo pretty much any point (but if you have problems because you have a low DPS type ship or build, try the Romulan points.), except the final Planet Killers. (But if you get to that point, you will have company.)

    The biggest problem of the old reputation system in my experience was getting all those commodities and other input items. You need to fly all over the place to get them cheap, and even using the replicator meant extra steps each time. With the new sytem, you only need marks, skill points and energy credits. Much, much easier.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It's not automatic - you still need to make a sponsorship token (100 marks per token) for each character. Still, it seems overall rather easy to level a reputation. It takes its time, but not neccessarily play time. You just need to do a 5-10 minute mission for each rep to get the daily bonus marks.

    One trick: If you have the time to do some extra rounds, don't spend the Daily token boxes and instead try to pay the daily with regular gained tokens. Wait until the next mark event, and then cash them in. You'll need some inventory space for that, of course, but it's 50 % extra marks. The next mark event is a few weeks off, IIRC, so now is your chance.

    If you can stand ground combat and dinosaurs, the Voth Battle Zone may be one of the fastest way in the game to earn dilithium,marks and those cybernetic imlants you need for equipment projects. The Undine Battle Zone is similar for the Undine, but I think it overall tends to be a bit less rewarding in terms of dilithium. Still, it's a rather neat environment. No Queue, you can solo pretty much any point (but if you have problems because you have a low DPS type ship or build, try the Romulan points.), except the final Planet Killers. (But if you get to that point, you will have company.)

    The biggest problem of the old reputation system in my experience was getting all those commodities and other input items. You need to fly all over the place to get them cheap, and even using the replicator meant extra steps each time. With the new sytem, you only need marks, skill points and energy credits. Much, much easier.

    Yeah, forgot to mention the mark cost
    and as for dyson ground battlezone.....i kinda wrote the book on that
  • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It's almost as if Cryptic have worked out that regular custom makes for a profitable business..

    Dont you say... :rolleyes:

    ceekayzero wrote: »
    Well, that's Cryptic's business model.

    Here's the thing, though: The best stuff (currently) in most reputations, for space combat, unlocks around Tier 3. You can get deflectors at Tier 2, and engines at Tier 3, IIRC. That means it's quick and easy to get 2 piece Borg, or Countercommand Deflector/Romulan Engines. Tier 4 Romulan Rep unlocks the space weapons. Keep in mind, you also get random items from the reputation with each project you start.

    Could be worse, could be like crafting.

    I leveled up crafting in like 1 - 2 hour, you only had to spend 1 or 2 millions of EC and build hypos. It was a bad system, of course, but still much better than Rep, which is also pointles but much more obnoxious... I haven't seen the new crafting system, though.

    As for the goods of reputation, I dont care about them actually. I just can't find any motivation in unlocking stuff that I'm going to use in the same events I've already done ad nauseam in order to archieve it... I could just do Foundry Missions, but after a while, I like to do some elites or pvp's, and in order to do something competent sadly you need the lastest "goodie" or box thing in the most cases (unless you're an escort in which case you are already OP no matter what you do...)
    I've heard a lot of people say things like rep and fleet access ect, ect, should be account wide, but I really have never seen the need for it. It was nice of them to give us the sponsorship tokens for the rep, but it wasn't something that was really that needed.

    It doesn't take that long to progress a toon through each rep and unless you you have a huge amount of characters you really shouldn't have that much difficulty doing it.

    1 month per character, or 2 weeks now with the "sponsorship" tokens if I'm understanding it right. That's considering you do your "job" every day, (because its what the reputation is, a job simulator. Maybe it will be appealing to unemployed people...?)
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2014
    lter wrote: »
    I see... So still no account wide and daily limits...
    It's a no go for me, I will download the game to check what's new though...

    Thanks for the answers :)

    Account wide, you get to craft a token from the first maxed rep toon to get 2x reputation, allowing you to get 6,200XP per day max, so you could max a rep on an alt in just a bit over 2 weeks.

    Note: Need to have account bank unlocked to use.
  • ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lter wrote: »
    Dont you say... :rolleyes:

    I leveled up crafting in like 1 - 2 hour, you only had to spend 1 or 2 millions of EC and build hypos. It was a bad system, of course, but still much better than Rep, which is also pointles but much more obnoxious... I haven't seen the new crafting system, though.

    New crafting is...uh, different. It takes a bit more time, unless you want to spend a substantial amount of dilithium. That's not the topic of this thread.
    lter wrote: »

    As for the goods of reputation, I dont care about them actually. I just can't find any motivation in unlocking stuff that I'm going to use in the same events I've already done ad nauseam in order to archieve it... I could just do Foundry Missions, but after a while, I like to do some elites or pvp's, and in order to do something competent sadly you need the lastest "goodie" or box thing in the most cases (unless you're an escort in which case you are already OP no matter what you do...)

    1 month per character, or 2 weeks now with the "sponsorship" tokens if I'm understanding it right. That's considering you do your "job" every day, (because its what the reputation is, a job simulator. Maybe it will be appealing to unemployed people...?)

    I disagree with your paragraph in it's entirety. You do not need the latest C-Store or lockbox purchase to rampage through one of the old Borg Elite STFs. You also don't need an Escort, thanks to the wonders of A2B - merely three free purple techs and FAW and cruisers are absolutely awesome in battle.

    Now, as to why you want the reputation gear: Because it is cool!


    Sure, you can beat an EliteSTF or handle the Voth BATTLEZONE in gear you get from missions. But the Dyson gun is just plain fun; the CounterCommand armor looks awesome, and so forth. They make elite content easier and smoother, to say the least. Furthermore, the new Delta Quadrant content is going to be much more difficult and the Rep Gear will be much more helpful in allow players to beat it, I suspect.

    Also, there is a lot more stuff to do at endgame now - in addition to the three rather amazing Sphere FEs; and in addition to the revamped Borg/Undine storyline, there are lots of queues that are always popping. And many of them have new challenges. It's not the same six STFs anymore.

    Furthermore, I don't consider anything in this game to be a "chore" or a "job", barring handling fleet matters. If it's not fun, I won't do it. Rampaging around the Voth BATTLEZONE is fun, and I wish I had more time to actually do it. Same with fighting the Undine in their Battlezone.
  • quepanquepan Member Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lter wrote: »
    I see... So still no account wide and daily limits...
    It's a no go for me, I will download the game to check what's new though...

    Thanks for the answers :)

    to be honest the sponsership token is close to this , once you reach tier 5 on one toon grab a token and give it to another character you want that rep for . in know time at all youll finsh the rep on that character . its not a bad way to do it . ive used this method on 3 out of 4 characters . every so often youll have to run a few qued events or a battlezone , but youll be able to just log in once a day to run the projects , then go back to your main for other things if you want .
    its a pretty solid system .
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