If you want to use the auto-cannon console, you need to run something that uses disruptor-type damage, as it is disruptor-type in nature, and you want consoles to boost both the autocannon console AND your weapons.
The good news is there are plenty of disruptor damage types: Disruptor, polarized disruptor, nanite disruptor, mission reward plasma-disruptor hybrid, spiral wave disruptor, biomolecular disruptor, and elachi crescent. All of those use disruptor damage types and benefit from disruptor tactical consoles.
EDIT2: Oh, you mean the NPC ship. I don't know what they carry. NPCs aren't the same as players. They cheat. They're hard-coded with different skills and abilities. You can't really compare yourself or your ship to them because it's a totally double standard.
Thanks, I just wanted to know when you see this ship come to aid you in a mini battle mission. What's the weapon load power. Now I see thanks to you help.
If you want to use the auto-cannon console, you need to run something that uses disruptor-type damage, as it is disruptor-type in nature, and you want consoles to boost both the autocannon console AND your weapons.
The good news is there are plenty of disruptor damage types: Disruptor, polarized disruptor, nanite disruptor, mission reward plasma-disruptor hybrid, spiral wave disruptor, biomolecular disruptor, and elachi crescent. All of those use disruptor damage types and benefit from disruptor tactical consoles.
EDIT: See here for list of default weapons it comes with: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Bortasqu%27_Tactical_Cruiser
You'll be better off trashing all that and getting your own stuff, though.
EDIT2: Oh, you mean the NPC ship. I don't know what they carry. NPCs aren't the same as players. They cheat. They're hard-coded with different skills and abilities. You can't really compare yourself or your ship to them because it's a totally double standard.
There you go!
Thanks, I just wanted to know when you see this ship come to aid you in a mini battle mission. What's the weapon load power. Now I see thanks to you help.
Time will only tell!