The title explains it all.
Now with players reaching over 100,000 damage with Beam overload now achieving critical hits every time my concern is that other high damage abilities such as the Phaser lance have been rendered obsolete and useless.
Gurumba Siege Destroyer - Disruptor Javelin
Elachi S'golth - Crescent cannon barrage
Kumari - Wing Cannon Overload
Nicor Bio Warship - Focused Fluidic Beam
Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird - Thalaron Pulse
It seems to me these abilities are now useless, not only do many of them do less damage but have much larger cool downs generally 3 minutes as compared to Beam overload with a cool down of only 30 seconds.
No, it doesnt. They made BO to crit every time, but they nerfed A LOT the damage output of the ability. The Guramba javeling for example still deals a lot more damage than BO III and the critics of the javelin are really amazing. But of course, 3 minutes cooldown and the specific situations the javeling can be only be used, makes it really useless in comparison with BO. I agree with that. The javelin is one of the hardest lance type skills to use, and it will never asure you that the damage will be high enough. Having now a station with BOIII every 15 seconds.. yeah.. is a bit op.
Still, even with the damage nerfed, you can do really scary criticals, specially if your build is based on critical severity. This is the main reason BO will be really overpowered in some builds, but in others, it will be just a fine ability, sometimes a little op, but not as much as you think.
The Scimitar had that ability in canon therefore I have it on my Scimitar.
It is useful - combine with grav well for mass-vapage of NPCs in stuff like Fleet Mark Queues.
The rest however - BO Double tap all over again.
Still, even with the damage nerfed, you can do really scary criticals, specially if your build is based on critical severity. This is the main reason BO will be really overpowered in some builds, but in others, it will be just a fine ability, sometimes a little op, but not as much as you think.