Hi guys I'm currently looking to leave my current fleet that I recently joining after some time away(fleet chat is dead).
The Fleet I'm looking for must be one with a pretty active chat , I like the game to more of back round while I chat away to like minded people and the rest
(although in saying that who doesn't like to smash out ICE and can hold my own most the time in PvP but its not really my playground)
Preferably a newish fleet where I'm able to contribute to fleet holdings help others out and rise up the ranks.
I have plenty of time to contribute and have been leader and held high ranking positions in other MMOs (Evony on PC and Hobbit middle earth on IOS) so motivating and making friends whilst being in direct conflicts against Pay to Win players is what iv been used to recently but feel that I'd like to come back to STO.
If you think I'm the guy that can help and fit in with your fleet send me a mail in-game
@duketbar (Fleet Officer)
Tides of War Website
Team Speak: ts.tidesofwar.net - no port, no pass (or simply type ToW in address bar of TS client)
You've mentioned a fleet that is active in fleet chat but also that you liked the idea of a smaller fleet so that you could contribute to fleet holdings. A lot of larger fleets operate several fleets both because of the low cap on characters and to allow more members to contribute to holdings. One of the key benefits of this is it allows you to easily earn fleet currency in a low tier fleet but then spend it in a fully levelled fleet operated by the same group. If you go with a fleet that has such a set up it would mean you could find a large active fleet but still contribute with ease.
You sound like me. Just a guy that can get ****. And just ends up in a high ranking position because of it.
Check out my thread. We are fairly well progressed fleet, but we are very laid back and enjoy pvp and pve.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
But, as we are rebuilding, we have lots of opportunities for advancement and we don't gate those behind earning "x" amount of fleet creds. Rather, we're looking for contributions to the fleet in a variety of areas whether it's helping new members get geared up, running STF's with the fleet, or hosting your own events.
As part of our rebuilding process, we have just recently opened up applications to the officer ranks. While you would have to stick around for a little while (a few months) before you could apply, the avenue up is quite open at the moment.
Rebuilding also means fleet chat may not be as active as you might like, but it has been picking up in recent weeks, so we're getting there.
For more info, you can visit our website: http://starfleetreserve.enjin.com.
Fleet Commander - Access Denied
First Officer - Naw'Tem