Thought the fed side needed some punishment after a few pugs, so I cooked this bad boy up. Always liked the qin, and got the ship for free.
Thoughts on a pvp build refinement? I included all the details of the build, and she is sassy, but a beautiful lady can always look better in a nicer dress
Tried going for a vape build, I do have 5 nausicaan bridge officers, dunno if you can get the rommy ones KDF side?
(ugly as sin unless you have the zen skin) but makes an excellent vaper. I found the mirror Qin is
best set up like it's fed counterpart, the stock patrol escort, but with slightly more focus on alpha
strikes. I met some very nasty PE that ran attack pattern builds and where a pain to kill.
The only real issue I see with your build right now is no hull heals. Even with Borg set you will
need something to help you regain some hull. If you are set on vaping with the mirror Qin I would
switch TSS to sci team to clear debuffs to allow you to cloak faster. Also, if you are just vaping and
then running without staying I would even switch EptS for EPtE just so you can get out faster.
If you can get them, Elite Fleet Disruptors are the absolute best way to go. Need at least Accx2 weps for PvP. Accx3 is best.
I'd drop the EptW for an EptE and cycle that with your ApO, evasive maneuvers and try your best to speed tank as much as possible.
Get the Counter Command T4 Rep trait "Nano-probe field gen" active asap, it is a must have for an escort right now. Good luck.