From: Fleet Admiral Jorel Quinn
To: All ships in service in the Neutral Zone
Starfleet Captains.
As we know the Collective is planning an attack at the heart of the Federation. Recent searches by the U.S.S. Advance and the U.S.S. Axanar have detected an exponential growth in the Borg's presence in the Ker'rat system. Because of the ongoing armistice with the Klingon Empire the war zones in the Eta Eridani Sector Block, mainly Otha and Ker'rat, have been abandoned, leaving open space for the Borg Collective to weaken both the KDF and Starfleet.
I've sent this letter to the Klingon High Council, and I hope that a part of the Klingon fleet will soon be rerouted to Ker'rat and the rest of the war zones.
Also, we found signs of Klingon ships who haven't signed the armistice and are attacking Starfleet ships. I've dispatched the U.S.S. Axanar and the U.S.S. Aspera to investigate and engage the enemy. Even if I have full trust in these officers, I fear this won't be enough.
Meanwhile, your orders are the following:
Report to the Ker'rat system, in the Eta Eridani Sector Block, and take arms against the enemy. Let's show them that even if Starfleet and the KDF are not at war, we are still capable of defending ourselves, and willing to use brute force if necessary.
End Log, forward to all Starfleet Vessels in the neutral zone and to Starbase K-7.
Admiral Jorel Quinn
(End message)
Problem is, I've been to Ker'rat many times, with my main CSI Tac and sometimes with my Lag Industries sci, and mostly it's 10 Feds vs 1/2/3 KDF, and as you can imagine it's not fun for us Feds because we want a challenge, and it's not fun for the KDF either.
So, honorable HOBOs, return to the battlefield, you will face the bitter taste of my Phasers!

Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Operation Dingo 1977
House of Beautiful Orions
Ahh, too bad I wasn't there! My Starfleet Tac would have loved it, blasting through KDF Hulls burning them with Elachi weapons!
Too bad I wasn't there
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
i approve this message
A house of Klingons bares fangs
Kerrat shall burn bright
Borg look on amazed
Blue and red mingle with green
Starfleet phasers burn
As Klingons disrupt their hulls
Rommies stab from cloak.
One stands as victor
All question who it shall be
We find out tonight.
lol .