EDIT: Link to the poll: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1N63EiAr7ZhxN5pU92TGZBuw31wFLImV4tmt2Dga31ts/viewform?usp=send_form
Now that drogyn did such a splendid job on compiling Top 20 lists for most wanted assets and costumes, respectively, I'd really like us to repeat the process once more, this time for editor-functions/abilities. This does NOT include foundry UI/in-game UI improvements like author subscription etc., but actual parameters the editor can modify. I'll make a start with some of my most wanted functions (ideally, drogyn could set up a new poll?):
- Determine away team size - Being able to set a parameter for each map determining the max. number of BOffs a player can take along (0-4).
- Shuttle trigger - Mark a space map as shuttle-only, i.e. players automatically switch into their small craft upon entering the map (or get an error message if they do not have one).
- Contact dialogue backgrounds - Being able to determine the background image displayed behind an NPC contact's portrait (choice between the numerous background images already used in the game).
- EV suit trigger - Having an option whether a player is required to wear an EV suit upon map change or/and having a map trigger location at which damage is inflicted on the player if not wearing one.
- Mini games - Being able to call one of the mini-games already in the game (isolinear chip alignment, cut the correct wire, waveform modulation, dilithium mining, New Romulus gas scan; with a simple success/fail threshold of points in the latter two).
- Basic gravity modification - Being able to set the ground map gravity to "normal" or "reduced" (like on DS9 hull or mining asteroids). Possibly also one intermediate setting to create Moon/Mars environments etc..
Maybe we can collect more wanted functions and let people eventually vote on the top 10 or top 5.
7) NPC Weapon Limitations - Melee Only, Classic Trek (Melee, Phasers, Disruptors only), or 2409 (Kit Powers and Exotic like Thalaron Weaponry).
8) BOFF Pathing - let us create simple pathing that keeps BOFFs from getting stuck in certain areas.
9) Site-to-Site Ability - The ability to transport a player from one area on a given map to another. Like on some maps, it's broken into separate areas and you have to create a whole new map to access them. But if there was a site-to-site ability, you could do that without needing a map transition. Thus saving players one less map loading screen.
10) Destructable Objects - simply the ability to make static objects destructible.
11) Faux Attacks - For background purposes, have NPCs attack a point or another NPC / Object without destroying it. For instance, a gun battle on the ground, or ship to ship combat in space.
Great idea for suggestions though.
One I'd add is trigger toggles. At present each trigger can only be used once. If, for example, you have a console to turn off a force field, you can't use the same console to turn it back on. You can fake it with duplicate items, but each item only works once.
My character Tsin'xing
- costume import to return, with exactly the same functionality it had before
- a better UI for finding missions
- customizable mobs
- the ability to specifically choose what kind of NPC will spawn (for example, a Federation Escort instead of a Cruiser)
- the ability to choose NPC animations specifically for spawning/despawning in addition to idling
- the ability to limit the size of one's away team
- the ability to force players into EV suits
- a 3D editor, if that counts
- the ability to put NPCs into "teams", and to change its team if/when something happens
- the ability to use ship costumes as dialogue contacts to return
- some kind of mechanic for making custom alien starship designs
I'll come up with more, I'm sure.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Add the 3D Editor.
Add sounds or musics from the game's files to trigger at certain points.
Mission contacts that give specific foundry missions for whatever zone they are in.
Foundry achievements/accolades to help promote more play.
Ability to place actual boss NPCs from the game. Dreadnoughts for normal enemy groups and special enemies like the Undine planet killers from the BZ, but able to scale them based on the amount of players.
I'll probably have more requests later.
And Mini games, would be really nice , I'd also like to have placeable R and D nodes like the minerals and gas clouds for the scan game
The ability to designate missions as universal/factionless (would come in handy now that the Fed/KDF war is over).
Come to think of it, if we had a factionless designation we wouldn't even need a Romulan-specific one. Romulan missions could just be designated as factionless; they'd still have to be called out as Romulan missions in the description, but authors would no longer have to make duplicate missions for both allied factions.
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
The ability to subscribe to your favorite authors.
This is why I never had a battle with my story's main villain in space, because there was no possible way to do justice to the ship's power with the crappy mobs we have.
...Though I did pull off something challenging and more or less downright evil by making him a Voth captain mob on a small bridge...
- OR logic for states, currently state logic is only AND (this would solve Markhawkman's trigger toggle question, with OR logic we could create on/off switches with objects, or creat a loop.)
- story board branching, where each branch contains it's own objectives and map transitions
- copy dialogue trees between any dialogue type
- trigger start and end animations
e.g.: set trigger to 'long', @ start of trigger you could select "tricorder scan" which would progress for the duration of the trigger. @ end of trigger you could select "fall down" animation. This would give us the ability to stack up to two animations to a trigger to add more dynamic object interactions, like scanning a console which explodes causing you to fall back.
-TEST flag for published missions
so, when a mission is published the author would be able to set a TEST flag which would allow the author to test the mission. Once the flag is removed all of the plays and associated playtime stats which occurred while the test flag was set would be wiped. That way an author can test without worrying about messing up his/her playtime stats.
This would also work after a mission has been published and running for a while. If an author needs to modify and make changes to a map they could enter it into test mode and subsequently all plays during that mode would not be recorded once the mission is removed from test mode
- shift select multiple items in the list preview for objects on a map
- cntrl select multiple items in the list preview for objects on a map
- layers in map editor so we can do things such as: hide layer, move layer or bring to front, send to back
- flatten objects: so we can create a new object from other objects then flatten it to one object
- flatten map: so once we've designed a map we want to reuse we can simply import a flat map with no objects rather than a map with hundreds of objects trying to load
- map/custom object/custom outfit exchange: to give us the ability to share UGC
- Add weapon fire, captain and BoFF abilities to trigger animations
e.g., set a rock to move to hidden once it's complete, set trigger animation to "shoot phaser ", this would be used to simulate shooting the rock. Or you could shoot a subnucleonic beam at a space station.
- for the love of god can I get a transport animation on an object other than myself...AND THEY STAY HIDDEN?
- more options to perform multiple edits of objects. As of now, I can select multiple objects and change all of their X.Y,A values but nothing else. I would like to be able to change name, states and triggers if set.
- add timers to all states. e.g., object moves from hidden to visible ONCE OBJECTIVE COMPLETE (TIME), then you select the object and a time value, say 10 seconds. Then the object would appear once the proceeding object was comlete plus 10 seconds.
- option to select HOW NPC's/objects become visible or hidden. That is, to select which animation they use. And no, I don't mean watching an NPC use the federation beam in animation, to disappear, to then use the Klignon beam in animation I chose so they can continusously loop the beam in animation. I mean, wtf?
- proper sorting of items in the object list regardless if I renamed an object or not. Just sort the fracking list.
- copy and paste between maps (especially the same exact map) that doesn't alter the x,y,z coordinates of the objects being copied. There is no reason for an object set to 0 y value to miraculously change to -0.0009324 when being copied from the same exact map.
that's it for now...I'm getting mad.
ability to use first officer instead of captain on away missions
THIS ^^^
Oh, and the also a check box to have invisible mobs/contacts appear on a map without having a beam in animation attached to them.
True, but what about 0 G Environments for EVAs? Like going between a ship and station?
Hmm, which gives me another idea to add to the list - Adding Large Models of Ships to Foundry maps so it be more convincing. Could even use smaller ships with pathing tools to create "orbiting" starships.
Please vote for your FIVE most wanted functions (the list is shuffled for each new user; you can change your votes after submission).
Let me know if I missed something. I tried to differentiate between quality-of-life improvements of the editor (e.g., asset search function) and actual new functions (which is what this is about). Also things like author subscription and revamp of in-game Foundry UI are also not considered new editor functions.
STOWiki admin.
Thanks for setting this up. I had considered doing one of these but hadn't gone beyond thinking about it. I'm sure Taco will be kind and help pass along the feedback again
(IE fight until they are at 20% health then they go passive)
This, I noticed several suggestions not even on there.
Here's another suggestions: lens flares. Lots of lens flares so you can't see a damn thing.
STOWiki admin.
Which ones? Mere quality-of-life improvements to the in-game or foundry UIs were specifically not considered. I've also disregarded ambiguous suggestions like "option to go down to a planet by shuttle, not transporter."
STOWiki admin.
Also, why limit the poll to five choices when the thread title says ten?
Does "functional boss NPCs" include standard dreadnought-level mobs?
One final thing: I don't see "costume import return" in the poll list.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
What's the point of a poll if you don't take all the stuff people suggest? Those are utilities.....
Not to be too much of a negative Nancy here, what if tomorrow we got everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, we wanted added to the Foundry on this list?
All that cool new functionality is useless if no one can find our missions.
We need a new Foundry UI before anything else. That should be #1 priority.
(again: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=943411)