I got enough dilithium in a single day to refine before going on holiday to buy a ship for 2500 zen. (5% packing up, 95% zone switching in Dyson BZ, 390k across five chars, lol).
I'm for science ships this time for Federation. Got like all the C-Store escorts except the Armitage, all the tac cruisers except the Sovereign Refit (why buying it when you have Excelsior and Avenger?). A NX for boredom... What about science? I heard they're fun to fly and have none
The main tac would turn it in a FBP boat... the sci... it has max FlowC and PartG, guess what...
The pick is between three options. The Intrepid (cause why not Intrepid?) with the Ablative generator. A wonderful canon ship with most inflexible boff layout and a slightly OP console.
The Aventine. Fleet grade, good looking, Aux Phaser cannons, other than being royal annoyance as a fully fledged sci ship it can put on some damage as well. Is the set really worth the buck?
The Reconnaissance Dyson Science Destroyer. Again I would be reluctant on the set. I heard the set three doesn't work at all, my sci doesn't have the anniversary one (but my tac does). A hybrid tac/sci ship looks interesting after I've flown the freebie one for a while.
What would you recommend? I'd like some ideas from skilled captains in these matters, never really tried science, even less a ship.
You just won everything with this
The Intrepid tempts me a lot. It's just too good looking... Never have enough of watching Endgame and Ablative Generator in action :Q_
And it's price sensitive. 2000 ZEN, FSM can be bought on the Exchange.
The Vesta is the one that I don't really like in the looks. The Intrepid has nearly the same ability you get purchasing the bundle set 3... in a canon way, just by equipping a console. And lasts for much longer.
I would never use all the ships in the bundle except the Aventine, and its Aux dual heavies are a great asset. 2500 ZEN-5000 ZEN
The Dyson ship bundle has awesome consoles, all of them worth equipping. Period. However, knowing the set 3 is broken backs me off from them... That's why I'd go with just the Montgomery class. 2500 ZEN-5000 ZEN
Now, i've taken some time to level up my sci and get the Vesta bundle for him, and i have to admit i've flown Hunter, Contortitrix, evert fed tac ship, still no ship makes me enjoy more this game than Vesta. it's tanky, great consoles, beautiful, agile and very flexible.
i've also flown Dyson, but if you dont have the Secondary Deflector from the free Solanae, there's better ships, the tac mode/sci mode can be nice, still Vesta is better for me.
Intrepid was fine some time ago, now there's better ships, better consoles etc.
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Galaxy the worst cruiser, Defiant the worst escort.
Hey... they all have Comm/LtComm/Ensign tac, engi or sci boff seating!
What would you recommend then?
1. 1 Tac boff (lt) limits you to 1 TT
2. Can't equip DHC
3. Too many science boffs ( 3 ensign!)
4. No pets for additional CC
5. Weak hull
6. Weak console. 3 min CD, limited duration and consoles disables shield for several seconds before armor kicks in. It is suicidel to use unless your shields already collapsed. Science ships should be focused on keep shields up!
I could keep going on and on. Anyways, I love the ship itself but it performs poorly. Get the Vesta. It is pure awesome sauce and affordable compared to all P2W garbage here.
- Judge Aaron Satie
And only 2 tac consoles on the retrofit, so what would you use them for anyway?
Once again we see the argument that c-store/fleet ships with fixed ensign should be converted to universal for bare minimum functionality.
Poor turn-rate was the last straw for me.
Really, there is some limited potential for a pure-sci offensive build, the 4/3/1 sci layout allows for 2 LtC and 1 Cmdr attack abilities, and still leaves room for low-level defensive and control abilities like PH1/ST1/TB1 that are otherwise usually shorted. However the rest of the ship sucks. It doesnt even have 5 sci consoles. You are just better off getting the Wells and be so much further ahead (more shields, faster turn, less restrictive seating, etc). Or Vesta 3-pack and you can switch around console layouts as desired for the target at hand.
vessel when it comes to drain or part gen builds. It is a bit light on tactical but I never had any issues
killing people with it. If you got the ec or lobi I would recommend the palisade over all other science
ships though, it's just a great platform for sci evilness.
I'd say all of them, the Aventine's console is the worst one of them all, and the 3 piece is quite awesome
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Well, IMO the Aventine looks better than the other two. If that's not the issue...
That super-phaser is not worth a lot. Rademaker and Vesta have much better universal consoles, each with its own advantages. Plus, they're better at what they're supposed to do. Don't forget that while the Aventine is a bit more tac-oriented, it's still just a science ship, so unless you plan to go all-torpedoes (of course, you can use aux cannons, but it's quite tricky to keep them pointed at your target), you'll probably be doing more damage with your science abilities. That's where I think the Vesta shines. Grav Wells, dragging/pushing TBRs, insanely buffed FBPs and stuff like that will likely be your bread.
Rademaker is a well-rounded ship, if you want to be politically correct, or mediocre, if you don't. I personally use it, if only for its increased survivability and maneuverability. And it has the best universal console, at least in my opinion.
My advice... get the pack, mix it up a little bit and see which one will be best for you.
I second this. The Aventine is good, but the Rademaker is great all around for pvp. It makes a good healer, can have the best turn rate of all 3 and the console can be amazing if used properly. The Vesta lets one maximize one science stat (e.g. crazy large GWs) and the console is one of the best heals in the game.