I need to know what happens if you have a 20hr project on timer when you claim a sponsorship token. Does it update while on cooldown, or does it pay out the 2500 exp? Should I claim the sponsorship token before starting a 20hr project?
I need to know what happens if you have a 20hr project on timer when you claim a sponsorship token. Does it update while on cooldown, or does it pay out the 2500 exp? Should I claim the sponsorship token before starting a 20hr project?
I believe it doesn't update, due to the fact that you started it before the Sponsorship was claimed... however, I cannot guarantee it, having never had it happen personally
To be on the safe side, I'd claim the Sponsorship first and use it, before doing anything else; that'll save you an extra 20h if nothing else
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Well the reason I ask is because I have one character with a 20hr project on the way while another character is about to hit T5 undine rep, so I kinda wanted to know the answer to this before I started the 20hr project on all my other characters.
But if nobody knows, I guess I'll find out the hard way :V
It does update automatically ... As long as the project isn't "collected" it will award you the extra marks once you've used the token.
It's hard to read, but if you hover your mouse over the "rewards" icons, you'll see it will change to 5000, instead of the default 2500
This is correct, at least last I did it, a couple of patches ago. It'll even double the output of assignments that were under the old 'Commodities and junk' system if you have a really neglected toon that still has them on it, prior to turning them in (won't bring in line with the output of newer assignments, though, only dialies to 4000).
To be on the safe side, I'd claim the Sponsorship first and use it, before doing anything else; that'll save you an extra 20h if nothing else
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
But if nobody knows, I guess I'll find out the hard way :V
It's hard to read, but if you hover your mouse over the "rewards" icons, you'll see it will change to 5000, instead of the default 2500
This is correct, at least last I did it, a couple of patches ago. It'll even double the output of assignments that were under the old 'Commodities and junk' system if you have a really neglected toon that still has them on it, prior to turning them in (won't bring in line with the output of newer assignments, though, only dialies to 4000).