The very first review at the glass door link is from:
Anonymous Employee (Current Employee) Redwood City, CA
This review, which is a positive review, btw, is from someone who lives 38 minutes away from ...
Los Gatos CA.
Guess what's located in Los Gatos CA?
If you read the full set of reviews, good and bad, on the link given, you'll note it's quite specific to Cryptic on much of what's being said. (Which makes perfect sense. Since the primary US employer of Perfect World Entertainment IS Cryptic. So this is a set of reviews on a US site, so you're getting feedback about people in the US who work at the US arm of PWE ... which is ... ta-daa ... Cryptic).
Everyone that leaves a company or is fired for whatever reason is going to be pissed off when writing one.
That's not true. I'm perfectly fine with the last three companies I worked for. And wish them the best. And am still in contact with quite a few people from them. I've even left reviews for two of them on different job related sites.
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
(...) Everyone that leaves a company or is fired for whatever reason is going to be pissed off when writing one.
I completely disagree with the blanket "everyone" statement, askray.
I went through a prolonged corp-to-corp acquisition process in one of my jobs. I was among a small number of employees who were brought aboard, post-acquisition.
Within two quarters, the company (corporation) decided to conduct a Reduction In Force (RIF). I was among those who endured the downsizing.
I watched a decade-long career commitment to one company end with the acquisition; I worked hard to deliver for the new parent company. (Longer commute, longer hours -- and I was already working 60-80 hour weeks. Welcome to Silicon Valley.)
I was not "pissed" when I was notified of the RIF (and the loss of my job). The acquisition wasn't yielding the financial forecasts that our executive management assured investors, customers, etc. about. I loved my work; had great co-workers; and adapted where needed to the business dynamics. I had PLENTY of reasons to be pissed. But I wasn't.
Maybe it's too much maturity: I understood the reasons for the RIF; I knew not all details were being provided; and I would have to start anew elsewhere. I actually appreciated that the executives were making sound decisions to keep the company as a market leader. I would have made similar decisions, as I was the CEO, Chairman or Board of Directors.
And I've written positive things about the company. So there. :P
Going back to the statements about Cryptic/PWE and this STOked podcast:
I stand by what I wrote in this thread.
I think CaptainGeko did a disservice to the company -- and esp to the players (aka customers) -- with his various interview comments.
And I find it humorous (and sometimes ludicrous) to read some of the interpretations of comments here.
Frankly, I was fascinated to see other threads pop up (by non-regular forum posters) which hammered the interview, too.
IMHO, we can only hope for better professional conduct going forward. We're here in the forums (I think) because we want to see STO survive... and improve.
If I were you I'd just let it go. I mean the reviews and the site speak for themselves. The good ones and the bad ones. The content of what they're talking about is pretty apparent.
Oh and I'm pretty sure PWE's corporate HQ is still listed as Beijing.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Back when I worked for a small suburban newspaper in PA, Gannett was still the name on my paycheck and still the company that called the shots. And their entire corporate culture set the standard for how their hundreds of smaller papers were put together, hired staff and were run.
So the feedback listed on that site is pretty directly about Cryptic. The lack of chinese characters on the web page give that away.
The very first review at the glass door link is from:
This review, which is a positive review, btw, is from someone who lives 38 minutes away from ...
Los Gatos CA.
Guess what's located in Los Gatos CA?
If you read the full set of reviews, good and bad, on the link given, you'll note it's quite specific to Cryptic on much of what's being said. (Which makes perfect sense. Since the primary US employer of Perfect World Entertainment IS Cryptic. So this is a set of reviews on a US site, so you're getting feedback about people in the US who work at the US arm of PWE ... which is ... ta-daa ... Cryptic).
That's not true. I'm perfectly fine with the last three companies I worked for. And wish them the best. And am still in contact with quite a few people from them. I've even left reviews for two of them on different job related sites.
Cryptic Studios -,26.htm (Located in Los Gatos, CA)
They are technically two separate companies.
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
I went through a prolonged corp-to-corp acquisition process in one of my jobs. I was among a small number of employees who were brought aboard, post-acquisition.
Within two quarters, the company (corporation) decided to conduct a Reduction In Force (RIF). I was among those who endured the downsizing.
I watched a decade-long career commitment to one company end with the acquisition; I worked hard to deliver for the new parent company. (Longer commute, longer hours -- and I was already working 60-80 hour weeks. Welcome to Silicon Valley.)
I was not "pissed" when I was notified of the RIF (and the loss of my job). The acquisition wasn't yielding the financial forecasts that our executive management assured investors, customers, etc. about. I loved my work; had great co-workers; and adapted where needed to the business dynamics. I had PLENTY of reasons to be pissed. But I wasn't.
Maybe it's too much maturity: I understood the reasons for the RIF; I knew not all details were being provided; and I would have to start anew elsewhere. I actually appreciated that the executives were making sound decisions to keep the company as a market leader. I would have made similar decisions, as I was the CEO, Chairman or Board of Directors.
And I've written positive things about the company. So there. :P
Going back to the statements about Cryptic/PWE and this STOked podcast:
I stand by what I wrote in this thread.
I think CaptainGeko did a disservice to the company -- and esp to the players (aka customers) -- with his various interview comments.
And I find it humorous (and sometimes ludicrous) to read some of the interpretations of comments here.
Frankly, I was fascinated to see other threads pop up (by non-regular forum posters) which hammered the interview, too.
IMHO, we can only hope for better professional conduct going forward. We're here in the forums (I think) because we want to see STO survive... and improve.
Keep on keepin on Askray.
If I were you I'd just let it go. I mean the reviews and the site speak for themselves. The good ones and the bad ones. The content of what they're talking about is pretty apparent.
Oh and I'm pretty sure PWE's corporate HQ is still listed as Beijing.
There's the key word/statement here methinks.
Back when I worked for a small suburban newspaper in PA, Gannett was still the name on my paycheck and still the company that called the shots. And their entire corporate culture set the standard for how their hundreds of smaller papers were put together, hired staff and were run.
So the feedback listed on that site is pretty directly about Cryptic. The lack of chinese characters on the web page give that away.