I was eating lunch today and heard a nock at the door. When I opened it there stood a celestial being known as the UPS guy. He reaches out his finger and touches me on the forehead and behold in my hands lay The award winning Mad Catz M.M.O. 7 mouse. With 90 programmable commands a 6400 DPI and a unique 5d button that 5 commands can be programmed to be used with the thumb only. Ha Ha, I can't loose. (JK of course). Now I can play the game and use all my
abilitys WITHOUT even having to looking at the hot bar. Its a gamers dream. SO BE WARE PVPers. I have arrived.
P.S. Go easy on me, I'm still learning. This mouse will make playing so much easier. Its awesome.
I was eating lunch today and heard a nock at the door. When I opened it there stood a celestial being known as the UPS guy. He reaches out his finger and touches me on the forehead and behold in my hands lay The award winning Mad Catz M.M.O. 7 mouse. With 90 programmable commands a 6400 DPI and a unique 5d button that 5 commands can be programmed to be used with the thumb only. Ha Ha, I can't loose. (JK of course). Now I can play the game and use all my
abilitys WITHOUT even having to looking at the hot bar. Its a gamers dream. SO BE WARE PVPers. I have arrived.
P.S. Go easy on me, I'm still learning. This mouse will make playing so much easier. Its awesome.
But you know, you don't actually need all those buttons. Cryptic are unusual amongst developers (and kudos to them for it) in giving those "special" mouse keybind options in Options-Keybinds, that can turn your standard 4/5 button mouse into a mini game controller anyway.
Example: in addition to L/R/Middle Click/Press, I can have SHIFT+those. Then there's L+R click/press (this is a magic one! see below) and SHIFT+ that.
Then, by having zoom in/out bound to SHIFT+MWHEEL UP/DOWN, I can use MWHEEL UP/DOWN for 2 abilities. Then there's MB4 and 5, and SHIFT+those.
That's 14/16 functions just on your standard 4/5 button mouse.
Then of course you can have CTRL+ any of those - that would add another 16/18 functions, giving you 30/34 options.
then ALT+ any of those, that's another 16/18 functions: giving you a grand total of 46-52 possible keypress combos on a standard 4/5 button mouse, without spending a penny!
It enables you to play ground combat more or less like an fps, even if you don't use free mouselook toggle steering and use standard R PRESS to steer (because you can assign L+R click to a main attack, so you tap left while R is being held down, fires off an ability). This is only for ground, though, as L+R seems to be hardwired to ship steering in space.
Also, lobbing grenades with a flick of MWHEEL UP is quite kinaesthetically pleasing.
Though I do wonder how many digits you need to successfully operate this thing. And they must be pretty slender too.
Not only that but it hurts my wrist just looking at it... I get RSI from dealing with the scroll wheel or the mouse for too many hours at a time. If I had to do that sort of mouse work I'd get full blown carpel tunnel.
I was eating lunch today and heard a nock at the door. When I opened it there stood a celestial being known as the UPS guy. He reaches out his finger and touches me on the forehead and behold in my hands lay The award winning Mad Catz M.M.O. 7 mouse. With 90 programmable commands a 6400 DPI and a unique 5d button that 5 commands can be programmed to be used with the thumb only. Ha Ha, I can't loose. (JK of course). Now I can play the game and use all my
abilitys WITHOUT even having to looking at the hot bar. Its a gamers dream. SO BE WARE PVPers. I have arrived.
P.S. Go easy on me, I'm still learning. This mouse will make playing so much easier. Its awesome.
http://assets.razerzone.com/eeimages/products/13785/razer-naga-2014-right-03.png :P
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
going hardcore with a second hand, but still awesome beauty razer diamondback 3g
#nobindsatall :cool:
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
I has no skill, I must cheat or exploit to win. You don't mind do you.
now have fun programing everything...
Though I do wonder how many digits you need to successfully operate this thing. And they must be pretty slender too.
But you know, you don't actually need all those buttons. Cryptic are unusual amongst developers (and kudos to them for it) in giving those "special" mouse keybind options in Options-Keybinds, that can turn your standard 4/5 button mouse into a mini game controller anyway.
Example: in addition to L/R/Middle Click/Press, I can have SHIFT+those. Then there's L+R click/press (this is a magic one! see below) and SHIFT+ that.
Then, by having zoom in/out bound to SHIFT+MWHEEL UP/DOWN, I can use MWHEEL UP/DOWN for 2 abilities. Then there's MB4 and 5, and SHIFT+those.
That's 14/16 functions just on your standard 4/5 button mouse.
Then of course you can have CTRL+ any of those - that would add another 16/18 functions, giving you 30/34 options.
then ALT+ any of those, that's another 16/18 functions: giving you a grand total of 46-52 possible keypress combos on a standard 4/5 button mouse, without spending a penny!
It enables you to play ground combat more or less like an fps, even if you don't use free mouselook toggle steering and use standard R PRESS to steer (because you can assign L+R click to a main attack, so you tap left while R is being held down, fires off an ability). This is only for ground, though, as L+R seems to be hardwired to ship steering in space.
Also, lobbing grenades with a flick of MWHEEL UP is quite kinaesthetically pleasing.
don't be serious i'm just trolling with you
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
And PvP with himself.
i take that as a challange lol
ahah no no, i was just honest on what i saw
Come with me if you want to lift!
Not only that but it hurts my wrist just looking at it... I get RSI from dealing with the scroll wheel or the mouse for too many hours at a time. If I had to do that sort of mouse work I'd get full blown carpel tunnel.
Okay... Um, who are you?... Cpt Geko's brother...