Another side effect (intentional or otherwise) seems to be the removal of the initial assignment of the "Ghosts of the Jem'Hadar" assignment chain. It previously appeared in Cardassian Exploration clusters in the Current Map pane. Since that doesn't exist, makes it tough for the assignment to appear.
I have given some thought to how cluster assignments should work. I will illustrate with the Omega Leonis Sector Block, because it is the only sector block that contains more than one exploration cluster. Please see the table below.
Although the table above is for the Omega Leonis Sector Block, the same rules should apply to every sector block. The rules are as follows:
1. Each cell in the table above represents a set of assignments.
2. Each row represents a tab in the doff UI where the user can find assignments. The yellow rows represent the department heads.
3. Each column represents a source of assignments. There is a separate column for the sector block and each exploration cluster.
4. The sector block and exploration clusters will each have separate assignments for every row: "Current Map", "Personal", and each of the department heads.
5. Assignments in different cells are not allowed to compete with each other. In particular, assignments from the sector block do not compete with assignments from the exploration clusters, nor do assignments from different clusters compete with each other.
6. For each row, the user sees the union of the cells in that row.
7. The exploration clusters no longer have clickable buttons. Cluster assignments are shown together with the assignments for the sector block. See point 6 above.
8. The row "Current Map" refreshes every 4 hours.
9. The row "Personal" refreshes every hour.
10. The department heads, represented by the yellow rows, refresh every 20 hours.
They seem to be in the same place for everyone.
Channel name: supportinfo
Everyone interested is invited to join.
If it's been relocated, I'm all ears.
I just want clarification so I can free up my inventory if what I suspect is true is, in fact, true. Has this mission been eliminated?
Although the table above is for the Omega Leonis Sector Block, the same rules should apply to every sector block. The rules are as follows:
1. Each cell in the table above represents a set of assignments.
2. Each row represents a tab in the doff UI where the user can find assignments. The yellow rows represent the department heads.
3. Each column represents a source of assignments. There is a separate column for the sector block and each exploration cluster.
4. The sector block and exploration clusters will each have separate assignments for every row: "Current Map", "Personal", and each of the department heads.
5. Assignments in different cells are not allowed to compete with each other. In particular, assignments from the sector block do not compete with assignments from the exploration clusters, nor do assignments from different clusters compete with each other.
6. For each row, the user sees the union of the cells in that row.
7. The exploration clusters no longer have clickable buttons. Cluster assignments are shown together with the assignments for the sector block. See point 6 above.
8. The row "Current Map" refreshes every 4 hours.
9. The row "Personal" refreshes every hour.
10. The department heads, represented by the yellow rows, refresh every 20 hours.