So, amongst the pages and pages of the complaints about the new TRIBBLE doff system, I've seen interspersed amongst the complaints a few compliments about how it at least seems to pick the most crit worthy doffs. This is not so. Previous to the new system, I was logging in every several hours just to make sure I had a full 20 assignments running constantly so I'm pretty familiar with the system. I get that no matter how much we complain about this new cartoon clown system the devs have forced on us, it's not going to change. However, if you're trusting the algorithm to pick the best doffs for the assignment... DON'T. See the two images. First is what the algorithm picked for me. Second is what I picked. I increased the crit rate from 18% to 23%. Unfortunately I couldn't pick anything better because I realized the algorithm seems to just randomly assign officers if one of the traits isn't met and had done so on other assignments. It's TRIBBLE. Assign your own doffs. You'll be better off.
Such a broken piece of mess.
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Your success chance is less though.
Is so much convenient if you are a total noob in the doff system. Period. If not, it is a total mess. In time, you will realize that a lot of assignments doesnt even have critical possibilities and you are clicking without thinking and you will probably could use that doff in other assignment with critical possibilites. And in other assignments like return contraband, where you only need a white common security officer with any trait at all, they auto slot system will place there ANY purple doff when there is no need at all. For example. And this is the main problem of the doff system, and it is a big problem. That and a way to sort the candidates. That and removing the already assigned doff from the candidates list. That, and to make all the fonts far smaller or compact to be able to see all the available assignments on the screen if possible. That and giving us more details about the resources we need to do the assignments, since you CANT see at the same time , the resources you have of the same type of the assignment requirement (just in case you dont have enough and you decide to save em).
And i could go on. Anyone that thinks the new doff system / ui is better or not so bad.. well, something is really wrong with him.. :P
I hope you were making a joke. If not, it's so sad.
I can't see what missions are available.
I can't select the doffs I want to do the missions.
The auto select doesn't work properly.
Since this was the only thing I did in STO I now don't play anymore.
To me this is another obvious indication that the people developing this stuff, don't use it all that often.
critical success traits should be rated higher than success traits, yet it doesn't.
"execute for incompetence" will also choose your most valuable other words "execute for competence"
it is silly and just a trap for new player to lose valuable doffs.
I've noticed this too.
But not on all missions tho.
On some missions the doff system picks good, on other picks bad.
I've noticed the bad example on fed version of "Instigate Defection" mission, where I allways put 1 Alleina (2 crit traits purple reward from the same mission) and 1 Ghoaech (3 crit traits purple reward from Lt. Ferra), but the system allways suggests 2 Alleinas, even if the other doff is available.
as stated before, the system values "success" higher than "critical success"...higher "success" is achieved by adding a doff with a trait that adds to "success" and not a doff that adds to "critical success"
It has allways been that way, it only is more obvious now since the system fills the doffs automaticaly.
Still went live....
I wonder why people keep loging in on tribble and wasting time there... :eek:
For the colonial chain repeats, I have to manually pick the doffs to get me 32% crit.
Had they actually fixed the doffing system in general BEFORE implementing these changes would have been perfect (The doff picking algorithm, not the horrible UI). By fixing I mean the whole mechanics of success and crits where the right doff, even with the right career for success is worse than some other random doff with the same crit traits.
Nice turn of phrase. Perfectly summarized.
I mentioned this on Tribble, and was shot down - that once it gets to Tribble, the chances of changes are very slim, and any changes would be minor, since a lot of time and money had gone into those changes. I had hoped to be wrong, but alas.
The idea that they would go live with a system that took nearly all of the positive usability traits of the old interface and removed them completely is very... perverse is the only word I can come up with.
A list of hundreds of doffs with alien names and multiple characteristics critically important to the missions they are sent on, and there is no filtering system of any kind?
And to not remove the applied doffs from said list once they are chosen, requiring you to remember which had already been assigned??
Did anyone try slotting the 'Holodeck Performance of Hamlet' mission? Selecting 19 distinct, optimal doffs was like Old English Roulette. Took 15 minutes to slot one mission.
And I'm really glad I pounded the Support missions for 2 weeks after Tribble went live with the changes and before it went to Holodeck. It's like a ghost town now - finding live support missions feels like the rate's been cut in half. Even 'Transport Settlers' and 'Send Additional' [sic] seem much harder to find (though this could be me).
My advice to the apparent deaf ears I'm sensing from Cryptic: Start using Tribble as an actual Test server. LISTEN to your players' feedback. Don't take away what they have earned.
It seems the vast majority of your most active players (forum regulars) hate the idea... and while that's a small subset of the playerbase, I think it's an important constituency.
Coupled with the offensive visuals of the new GUI, I'm pretty much hating DOffing, except it's the main source for the new craftnig materials now, so I have to use it anyway... :mad:
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... which also sucks. You require your best Flight Deck Officers for this mission, so I keep them on reserve for it.
Ditto to all the other complaints. The only thing I like is that it doesn't change your menu when you go to the replicator anymore. That one thing is better.
Pretty much. There are players that only log-in a few minutes a day to make doff missions, mostly. (yeah, some players are really tired of the bad way cryptic is heading the game) so, i guess that this new ui would kill their will to keep going. I know how you feel lol.
Not because I think it is does a great job, but because I simply don't have the patience to scroll through all my Doff to cherry pick for every single mission. With nearly 400 Doffs for my Fed engineering toon and 300 Doffs for my KDF tactical toon cherry picking the right Doffs simply gives me a headache if there is no filter to use.
The only missions that I now bother cherry picking are the "Support Colony/Expansion" missions. For other missions it's "Okay, whatever, I don't want a headache..."
I have a Romulan science toon with 200 Doffs and a KDF engineering toon with only 100 Doffs. But even for those two I go with the algorithm's choices most of the time. While cherry picking among 100 or 200 is not as bad as 300 or 400, it is still a damn pain... I was about to buy another 100 Doff slots for my 2nd KDF, but I am debating if I should just wait until Cryptic implements a filter system.
In season 9 they were listed by time left before completion. It was easy to tell when you missions were going to be completed because they were list from shortest time to completion at the top, to longest time to complete at the bottom.
Now, I don't even what order they are listed in. Whatever order it is, it is simply different from season 9. I looked at it once or twice, then I stopped bothering.
I hate the new way of choosing doffs no fillter n it does not section them off with a easy departments like it did before. It does not gray out the buttons like it used to u now have to be carefull when scrolling dow the list or it gets stuck on some missions requirements.
On missions where it's difficult to get only Success/Critical (even with the best doffs), it automatically chooses highest quality with best amount of Crit traits that it can --> a plus from the old one
Having played STO for years, and been intimately familiar with the Doff system, I took... at most one day of adjustment, and work with it now just as well as the old one :P Presentation is entirely different, but execution is just as managable imo
And no I'm not trolling (not that type)
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Yeah, will have to do that too. Before when you had 3 suggestions and empty slots it was ok, but now they are auto-filled and it's a huge pain in the TRIBBLE to find a better Doff OR in the case of Colonization ones that can't fail or crit; picking the 3 worst doffs!
It would be nice if the Support missions were easier to find now. Not that they actually WANT us to get good DOffs...
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