There one thing that the developers have to add to the Traits System.
By giving us the ability to save 1 Ground set of Traits and 1 for Space Traits. That way we don't have to rush to change from Space to Ground by having to put the Traits into the boxes one at a time ever time we decide to do one or the other.
Wouldn't it be great to simply put what Space Traits you want and Save it, then do the same to your Ground Traits and save.
That way we can simply shift from Ground to Space immediately and be ready for any action by simply pressing G or S in the Traits window, and not have to figure them out every time we have to change from Space to Ground Combat...."now how did I do the Ground Traits last time, I can't remember. Let me see, Ok that one, hmm, and this one....."
We could change the traits saved when we find some new trait or improve on the previous set up by simply making the changes in them and Save.
Then we will be ready for either Ground or Space battle by simply choosing one or the other. Click G or S, where the traits in those two sets have been prearranged by the player.
Now if Cryptic finds this idea a good one and want it to make it better than what I suggested above, they could give more than one combination of traits for both ground and space, to account for whom you are going to battle with. Maybe 3 trait combinations each for Ground and Space, with a small space to put a name, like ".Vs the Borg"
The post suggesting that half the traits be locked into ground and half the traits locked into space makes the most sense. If a person can switch between "all space" and "all ground" traits depending on the mission, what's the point of having traits at all or different characters even? Simply change captains between missions or customize one for a particular mission then switch back later? This hardly seems in keeping with the spirit of the game.
Forum interface is still not letting me make new posts, and I wanted to get this out there so other people don't make the mistake I did:
For the purposes of the Fluidic Antigens trait, from Surface Tension, Borg Assimilation Nanites are NOT a toxic debuff- you get the damage resistance, but I tested fairly extensively on defera: not once in a damage period of over a minute did the trait cleanse the debuff.
Toxic damage, not a toxic debuff. Go figure. Still nice for the damage resistance, but Natural Immunities is better.
would be nice, as long as it doesnt bork up traits like it did for the loadout system for how long.
Good point.
Come to think of it, we will be happy with just one set of traits each for Space and Ground.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
For the purposes of the Fluidic Antigens trait, from Surface Tension, Borg Assimilation Nanites are NOT a toxic debuff- you get the damage resistance, but I tested fairly extensively on defera: not once in a damage period of over a minute did the trait cleanse the debuff.
Toxic damage, not a toxic debuff. Go figure. Still nice for the damage resistance, but Natural Immunities is better.