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Scheduled Maintenance (July 17, 2014) [Complete!]



  • tasshenatasshena Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I don't know how you can laugh or joke so much Smirk, with all the BS the company is dishing out.

    Because that is what Smirk is being paid to do, and if it stops, so does the paycheck and the food on the table.

    Take a look at the labor market sometime. There won't be a new job if Smirk gets fired. They'll just find someone else to try to make light of all of it.

    Personally, I feel very sorry for Smirk and Trendy having to bear the brunt of the bs that goes on above them. I'd decide it not worth the check eventually.

    For the record, I've seen people on my fleet's bboard commenting on the changes, the reports from them (y'know, people actually playing the game and looking) aren't as negative. *shrug*

    So my general attitude is 'wait and see'.
  • pwefailpwefail Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Communications between Cryptic and PWE ?

    Work in progress,coming next Tuesday.;)
    The player formerly known as Chunter.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Sucks this is taking up the last three hours of the Risa event. There goes my ability to turn in my last days worth of birds for marks.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    1) I did not criticize them or their decisions. How can anyone be negative? Game is good.

    I like state of this game, of pvp and its development also state of KDF. There is so much content that I don't know what to do first. I also like grinding marks for reps.

    2) Great, they will surely improve it just like they specialize in revamps and improvements.

    3) Maybe, I personally like dinosaurs with lasers attached to their heads, i think it's canon and good for trek game.

    4) They should continue to use social media for important game info and stop doing blogs.

    I wish you would be constructive instead of sarcastic, had you phrased it like this they would be more likely to listen:

    1) I am concerned about the state of this game, including it's lack of development in the Klingon faction and PvP system, and I personally do not enjoy grinding reputations.

    2) While I understand that they have said they are working on it, based on past history I am not sure if they wll follow through, or will make the right improvements.

    3) Maybe, however I believe exploration should play a larger role in this game, and feel that dinosaurs with lasers do not fit a Star Trek setting

    4) I do not like their use of twitter for announcement, in my opinion, communication should be through official forums instead of social media

    ^^This is the kind of response they listen to
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    arrmateys wrote: »
    it's too bad that r&d inventory isn't exempt from the vendor sales and items in it appear above regular inventory items while selling, which means i won't be using it either way.

    i'll probably be keeping all the crafting materials in the bank as usual.

    This is a bit annoying, to be sure, but that is why i use the drag and drop function instead
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Question is ''how much Dilithium''? Is it worth the daily grind?

    *get my Persistent Officer Uniform ready*

    Not really....Dyson Dailies, Rom Dailies and Defera Hards give 320 dil.

    Defera Mediums give 224

    Defera Easy, Dyson mini and rom mini give 120
  • michaelp1989michaelp1989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I wish you would be constructive instead of sarcastic, had you phrased it like this they would be more likely to listen:

    1) I am concerned about the state of this game, including it's lack of development in the Klingon faction and PvP system, and I personally do not enjoy grinding reputations.

    2) While I understand that they have said they are working on it, based on past history I am not sure if they wll follow through, or will make the right improvements.

    3) Maybe, however I believe exploration should play a larger role in this game, and feel that dinosaurs with lasers do not fit a Star Trek setting

    4) I do not like their use of twitter for announcement, in my opinion, communication should be through official forums instead of social media

    ^^This is the kind of response they listen to

    Many players including me were positive, negative yet it didn't change the game for good so my last option before uninstall is sarcasm.

    Seeing state of game I/we can conclude that positive/negative/constructive feedback* don't work but thank you for feedback making lesson.

    *see galaxy lolrevamp, story content, pvp/pvp balance and new (lol) maps, KDF things.
  • karmaplasticitykarmaplasticity Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    SOO happy im going to get to craft better things now. Been watching lots of these posts and I really like w'hat im seeing out there.

    I wonder if the winners from the Risa photo contest will be uploaded in this, and also, on a random note - I would love to see mark boxes stacked in my inventory and not just sitting there- I want to save that stuff up for some reason. anyway.

    so happy about the update going live today- I'm going to be thinking of it all day at work as I do my real life grind.

    Say hi to UFP Starfleet while you all are out there in the sectors !!!

    For the Glory of UFP Starfleet
  • z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Good luck everyone! See you on the other side (may we keep our dillithium).
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Our weekly scheduled maintenance has begun! We expect downtime to last for 3 hours and I'll post again once it is complete. Thanks ya'll!

  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    SOO happy im going to get to craft better things now. Been watching lots of these posts and I really like w'hat im seeing out there.

    I wonder if the winners from the Risa photo contest will be uploaded in this, and also, on a random note - I would love to see mark boxes stacked in my inventory and not just sitting there- I want to save that stuff up for some reason. anyway.

    so happy about the update going live today- I'm going to be thinking of it all day at work as I do my real life grind.

    Say hi to UFP Starfleet while you all are out there in the sectors !!!

    I would have to +1 this, i would like for Cryptic to make these boxes stack, as well as for there to be a en masse conversion for marks.
  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Man your trenches, men! The targ-dung storm is coming and it's gonna get messy!
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Our weekly scheduled maintenance has begun! We expect downtime to last for 3 hours and I'll post again once it is complete. Thanks ya'll!


    So what color decals do we get on the hamster wheels this time, if they arent cool looking, the hamsters are gonna unionize on ya :D
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Everyone, to the doom thread! Spread the DOOOOOOOOOM!
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Man your trenches, men! The targ-dung storm is coming and it's gonna get messy!

    *gets a bunch of fans and sets them up in the line of fire*
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    hypl wrote: »
    everyone, To The doom Thread! Spread The Dooooooooom!

  • champion1701champion1701 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Why must you remove Memory Alpha? Just leave it...
    =/\= Commodore Champion1701 =/\=

    =/\=USS Lindsey Stirling =/\= NCC-116747 =/\=

    =/\= Liberty Task Force =/\= Diplomatic Advisor =/\=
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    thanks trendy, currently patching! made a whole ton of ec in the pre-patch gold rush, now am all set with loads of mats, doffs, and even an aegis ready and waiting... Season 9.5 dropping earlier than expected!
  • doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    There anything in the Xindi-box ?
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ..Come to think of it, did they actually get around to saying who the screenshot winners were?
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    doublecha wrote: »
    There anything in the Xindi-box ?

    Just google "Xindi-Lockbox" for several Leaks ... sadly Data-Mining Fleets do a better Job on PR & Communication than Cryptic
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • killdozer9211killdozer9211 Member Posts: 924 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Still waiting on a comment clarifying the things from the tribble notes that didn't make it to these patch notes. Are they included and not mentioned or are they not being updated?
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,234 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    Since they're ready, can't we get the blogs now? I mean, at least that'll give us something to read and discuss while the maintenance is going on.
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  • doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sadly Data-Mining Fleets do a better Job on PR & Communication than Cryptic
    The Branflakes departure was a disaster. The future is dark.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Since they're ready, can't we get the blogs now? I mean, at least that'll give us something to read and discuss while the maintenance is going on.

    No way ... you'll need Permit A38 to read the Dev Blogs :

    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • embrosilembrosil Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hello, I have just logged in to download a patch and there was nothing downloaded. Has it been released yet? And no, I have not prepached, always closed the launcher as it popped up.
  • stolokstolok Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Sucks this is taking up the last three hours of the Risa event. There goes my ability to turn in my last days worth of birds for marks.

    Ditto, if they remove the NPCs that give the missions and take the trade-ins. They don't HAVE to remove them to end the events. But it seems likely that they will.
  • albinovampire987albinovampire987 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm blinded by the sheer volume of new information about the new lock box and other goodies.
    Galactic Horde.
  • adwynythadwynyth Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    stolok wrote: »
    Ditto, if they remove the NPCs that give the missions and take the trade-ins. They don't HAVE to remove them to end the events. But it seems likely that they will.

    Fairly sure they already said somewhere that they wouldn't, and we'd still be able to turn stuff in.

    Too lazy (and hungry) to search right now, though. Bacon levels low!
  • doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    No way ... you'll need Permit A38 to read the Dev Blogs :


    This is the french administration. "J'adore Asterix" :D
This discussion has been closed.