Looking at the dev tracker, I still see devs talking about adding foundry maps and assets.
Didn't they announce that resources were moved from foundry to PVP? Why is there still foundry development and yet no PVP development?
EDIT: In case folks have forgotten, this is referencing Geko's announcement during
Priority One ep. 158 back in January.
most new additions, thats are not a new pve mission, are in a way pvp content. next lockbox, super boosted crafting stuff is taking up system time, and will, intentional or not, have a big pvp impact. featured EP 9.5 is taking up the time of map and content guys, preventing them from hooking up more pvp maps, as usual. as soon as season 9.5 launches they will again have some huge pve project they have to start, preventing the hook up of new pvp maps. just like the last 6 seasons or so.
it must be significantly more easy to put things in the foundry then the pvp map rotation, and the only one that knows how to do it probably coded it in sanskrit and quit years ago
As for pvp-impacts, see drunken. Though its more or less collateral damage on that side^^
First of all, there might be ongoing PvP developement (as unbelievable as this may sound) taking place.
Secondly, converting existing assets into Foundry assets won't take as long (and really doesn't take a lot of time. that's what tacofangs once said) as creating more features for the foundry editor itself. So there basically is no foundry developement going on right now, just some asset conversions, which don't impact any foundry functions at all and cost nearly no ressources on cryptics part, since the art designer can do the conversion, not some systems guy or a programmer.
As frustrating as the current status of pvp may be, the foundry is in no way to blame in this (seemingly) current scheme to impede any pvp function this game has or will have in the future. (At least that's the sentiment i can read between each line in the pvp subsection)
- Judge Aaron Satie
...and I find this thread ridiculous.
Also, Taco adds assets to the foundry. Last I checked, he does not and cannot work on PvP.
We were told by Geko that we would have been getting actual development, which I define as scheduled developer team time adding new features, with the new features in around season 9. This has not actually happened.
This. Thomas the Cat added the Uniforms in his off hours. Tacofangs has helped out with maps and assets in his off hours. And we have someone on the ship art team adding costumes in their off hours.
NONE of this has been officially done by Cryptic, but by a handful of passionate devs willingly interacting with the community and giving up their free time after work to add it. None of this was on the official schedule. This has purely been the work of wonderful men and women choosing to give up time at home to work on adding assets.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
Foundry and PVP could be what makes this game epic and different but thouse are long term invesment.. but they chouse the short term grind development.
Division Hispana
Foundry encourages creativity and player-dev interaction, unlike most of the malice that comes out of this sub-forum.
Yep, all that time the devs have to waste trying to fix various exploits because somebody was creative.
Well, there is that ... sadly.
But the truth of the matter is as simple as positive, friendly communication with the Devs.
It's amazing what happens when you talk to people like they are people, and not go on the attack about things we don't like.
Find the Devs that share your interest and engage in thoughtful, friendly, respectful conversation about shared interest.
That's what I see happening anyway.
- See Ya Out There Among The Stars -
The devs working on sto now are probably putting in 80 or more hours a week and we still aren't getting enough variety in development to keep it going. They need to hire more ppl.
i count 47 devs in the STO dev tracker, there may be more that have no interest in posting
dontdrunk's got it right. The current STO Dev team is around 50 people. Not all of them are going to want to interact with the community in their spare time. The ones who do are those who go above and beyond the line of game development duty.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
As far as system designers, did they ever pick up a replacement for Andrew after he left? There's Jeremy, they picked up Phil and Jeff...but is there anybody else there? And...are they strictly STO anyway, eh?
Heh, still think this twitter account is a trip: https://twitter.com/CrypticJobsDude
"Sorry you all got fired...want to come work here?"
Also, there's no reason the PvP and Foundry communities can't help each other either. Heck, I've long been of the opinion that Cryptic should open up a new branch in the Foundry to allow players to create PvP maps.
Because in a later interview he said that was a generic statement to mean resources from A were needed for B.
He did not specifically mean PvP. It was poorly worded and misleading.
This has all been tried. The kind of attention that PvP needs is not something that could be handled by someone after-hours a la converting art assets. It's something that has to be accounted for at the core of the development process, and that is just not something that Cryptic seems willing to do. Then there is the part where things we've asked for, like a player ranking/rating and matchmaking system, have basically been handled by people like Hilbert, but haven't been touched on or addressed by the developers. This is not to slight them, I know that the dev staff doesn't get to choose the path of the game. They have bosses too, and those bosses are telling them that PvP content, balancing, and QoL fixes are not profitable or prioritised.
Good on you and the Foundry community for getting some things done, but the PvP community has tried positive engagement and DIY for years now. There is a reason things have gotten so hostile in this subforum, and it's not because we're all terrible people bereft of sense.
I never said anything bad about the foundry, I did not even call for a withdrawal of resources from the foundry. I merely asked why contrary to Geko's announcement that engineering resources were being shifted away from the foundry towards PVP, there seems to be dev activity regarding the foundry, but no PVP dev activity. And I'm very grateful that captainrevo1 provided a possible answer to this question:
Also accept that change won't happen over night, and sometime it takes a long time and many (calm) requests to get a suggestion through. Don't be annoying, you need to keep those bridges of communication open, but also don't assume that the idea is dead if you don't get an immediate response. It's often a case of getting the right suggestion, to the right dev, at the right time.
It also doesn't hurt to try and expand your value to the rest of the community. Do everything you can to encourage new players to PvP. Don't drive them away if they're not good from the start. Offer advice, if you have an experienced group invite a newbie to join you. There must be a reason you enjoy PvP, share that with others.
Dragoon's got it right. Foundry community has had its days where it was as dark as it gets here in PVP. We've had our "Cryptic doesn't love the Foundry" periods and to get the small amount of love we're getting now, we had to spend months and years of networking and keeping those lines of communication open.
Yes, definitely PVP is going to require getting Geko and management to dedicate resources to it, and I for one, fully support getting some PVP love. You guys are just gonna have to ride out the storm and keep your heads up. We've already seen some PVE mechanics that could easily adapt for PVP environs (the battlezones spring to mind). If those zones were test beds for future PVP mechanics than you've got the programmers' attentions more than the Foundry community.
And on a side note, I would love to make you guys some space PVP maps in the foundry. I just hope you guys get a little love, and appreciate that a small thing may be the best they can do at the moment (like the Shuttle PVPs). I guarantee you, Cryptic doesn't hate PVP. And I'm sure many devs feel ashamed at the state it is in. If you get heard through kindness, I guarantee they will want to do more for you out of sense of comraderie.
Keep your heads up PVPers. Your day will come. And when it does, my B'rel will be at your side in battle!
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
That is literally what we've been doing for 4 years now.
PvPers have made countless solutions. Countless suggestions*. Dozens of player-made and held tournaments, matches, tutorials, and "How To" sessions. Hilbert (mancom) even took his own free time to design a leaderboard for STO PvP, something that we were directly promised by the Devs was coming "soon" in July of 2010.
We've been calmly (sometimes not so much) asking for help, changes, and development from the Devs for over 4 years. Nothing has happened. Nada. Zilch. Despite numerous assurances that something will eventually come.
What else can be done now?
*Maps. Gametypes. Tournaments. Feature suggestions. Heck, even so far as asking to give us back the Space Assault that they took from us, for no reason really, years ago. How many other games (or areas of play within this game itself) can say that they've got less content 4+years down the line than they did at launch?
I'm sorry for that joke.
Cross-faction queues, Shuttle-exclusive PVP, Small/no team queues. You've not gotten nothing. Its not much, I grant you that, but it is not nothing.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
cross faction teams are nothing more then a byproduct of the war ending, more collateral content. shuttle pvp is the only actual pvp adition, but nothing is more dead then it is. playable shuttles were a dumb addition to the game anyway, no one seems particularly interested in the content for them, the entire concept has been a huge waist of development time.
pvp needs 2 things. more players willing to die without having a personal crisis, and hilbert's leader board matchmaking in the background organizing teams, and balancing career types across teams. so tired of being on all tac teams, vs a team with 2 recluse healers and no dps.