Sometimes i've notice ppl saying that there are no Quad Cannon versions for Fleet or Rep System and the one from the C-store are outdated compare to the more powerful very rare Mk XII dual heavy Cannons, so i've decided to make a thread about it.
So i think Cryptic should make a MK XII Advance Fleet, Elite Fleet and Rep (only for Disruptors and Phasers Rep weapons stores) Quad Cannons, with selectable procs like that of other Fleet/Rep weapons (for an example [Acc]2x or [CrtH]2x, etc.), like the C-store Quad Cannons only 1 Quad Cannon of any type can be equipped per ship, and of course people have to own the Quad Cannons from owning the Ning'tao and Tactical Escort Refit in order to buy Fleet/Rep versions of the Quad Cannons similar in fashion of the Andorian weapons.
I will suggest the same with the Vesta Aux Dual Cannons aswell.
Second, and thats gameplay, they draw engine power too, killing AMP easily. For what pls? For an updated visualisation? They should drain weaponpower like any other weapon. Thats the biggest problem about them (having dmgx4 would be neglectable with fleet-versions ).
Plus, who would want them? They are slow, and inaccurate, with no possibility of decent [mods] unless you intend for them to be some sort of "Sooper L33T I Win" weapon?
Don't we have enough of them already? Isn't Power Creep bad enough already?
I've personally have not use them for years, and i do forgot they drain engine power.
As for me, with the lack of [Acc] procs they're useless in PvP.
I've made this thread mostly due to a conversation i've had with a Fleetmate from a few days ago about weakness of the Quad Cannons. as u say they're screwed, i should not use the term ''outdated'' i've should have use the term'' useless'', sry bout that since english is not my first language.
As for the power i will agree the Quad Cannons should not be taking power from Engines, instead i think they should take away -10 weapons pwr and -10 engine pwr and replace it with -15 weapon pwr drain.
What i meant for Fleet/Rep versions with its own procs, lets looks at the Disruptor/Phaser Quad Cannons, they already have their special procs +[Dmg]x4, for Fleet weapon version for an example a Elite Fleet Disruptor Quad Cannon, 1 standard Disruptor proc, 1 elite special proc and different mods that can be selected like [Acc]x3, [CrtD]x3, [Dmg]x3 or [CrtH]x3, and not a copy from the standard Quad Cannon which is only 1 standard disruptor mod with [Dmg]x4.
I love my quad phasers because they look and sound cool, and they are canon and they are fun. A buff or more options regarding them would be most welcome. They are not the most effective cannons, but i don't mind. I still solo cubes in seconds, so who cares?
Not everything in this game should be about number crunching yawntastic lengths of equations. Its a game, have more fun and less seriousness. You can use things that you like, because you like them, not just because someone's cookie cutter has them in....
If you PVP then fine its marginally mroe important, but for PVE really, none of the level of thought going into some of the DPS builds I see on these forums even matters.....