I think there should be a reputation mark to fleet mark conversation, not a 1 to 1 but maybe a 5 to 1 (4 rep to 1 fleet) or a 10 to 1??
I personally would like this idea, it would help break up the day to day grind and help both small and big fleets, for example I have recently went from a very large fleet to a just starting off fleet and an grinding fleet marks for our new station but at the same time I have a newer character that I have gotten to T5 omega but have not gotten the accolades for the titles (silver star, sf cross and MOH recipient) yet. Now I want to work on them both but I dont like having to pick one or the other cuz they are both time consuming... idk I just think it would a progressive idea and would help everyone with there fleets.
I think there should be a reputation mark to fleet mark conversation, not a 1 to 1 but maybe a 5 to 1 (4 rep to 1 fleet) or a 10 to 1??
I personally would like this idea, it would help break up the day to day grind and help both small and big fleets, for example I have recently went from a very large fleet to a just starting off fleet and an grinding fleet marks for our new station but at the same time I have a newer character that I have gotten to T5 omega but have not gotten the accolades for the titles (silver star, sf cross and MOH recipient) yet. Now I want to work on them both but I dont like having to pick one or the other cuz they are both time consuming... idk I just think it would a progressive idea and would help everyone with there fleets.
there are already tooooo many fleet marks in the system.
there are already tooooo many fleet marks in the system.