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Suggestion for sector block and commodity broker missions

plox21plox21 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
With removal of exploration clusters in the season 9.5 i suggest these missions to be added to the sector blocks.

Missions that i would like to see in sector space:

Rescue missions:

While you travel through sector blocks(or near certain planets) there is a chance to recieve a rescue mission(something like a distress call with borg):
- Rescue survivors of the crash landed crew members from shuttle/life pod on surface of planet or rescue life pod/shuttle crew members in a asteroid field/planet system.
- Aid freighter that is under attack by space pirates(no win scenario type , but with far less enemy attackers).
- Aid ships that are in need of repairs that depends of your class type( with no enemy attack or with it).
-rescue mission that is a trap set by space pirates(fake distress call).

Commodity broker missions:

Commodity broker missions would be great thing for people that like to travel and take a break from killing everything that they encounter.
- Transport goods/personel to the another starbase/planet(could be made like a tour the universe(daily version that grants dilithium/ec and standard version(without 20 hour cooldown but smaller rewards) that grants ec/expertise).
- Survey planets/asteroid fields in search of precious materials(could be joined with crafting as crafting mission).
- Aid colonies/planets with commodities(short mission).
- Locate missing freighter and retrieve cargo(crew of freighter is dead or missing due to alien threat/anomaly/dangerous cargo/mad crew member/ferengi cook).

There are lots of PLanets with beautifull land scapes and starbases in orbit that are rarely(or not at all) in use and could be reused on this way ,
it would give the players a new thing to do at lvl 50(and less) and ease the grind feeling.
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