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My idea for new NWS level missions

jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
The idea that struck me today, these are meant as high difficulty missions requiring teamwork between captains of all careers to complete.

Once you warp in there is a general mission description, followed by a career specific one instructing you in how your particular career can benefit the defense further

For Omega marks or Feet marks: Wolf 359
Go to the Holodeck with a group of your fellow captains and attempt to rewrite the Battle of Wolf 359

Marks are given for:
1) Surviving longer (like NWS) (pew pew Tac)
2) saving federation ships (engineers are better at this)
3) detecting weaknesses in borg shields/tech (easier for scis)

Maybe also a periodic pop-up in between waves where captains of all three careers must work together to salvage a ship, success gives a small team buff and each person who participated gets a Neural Processor and a small number of Omega Marks.

For Nukara Marks or Romulan Marks: New Romulus Defense
The Tholians are attacking New Romulus! Take a group of allied vessels and help the Romulans defend their planet!

1) Set up dampening fields to weaken the Tholians ability to disable your ships or defensive structures.
Rewards Romulan Marks

2) Close tholian rifts so that no more ships can make it through
Rewards Nukara Marks


1) Assist in the construction of emergency faciilties (defense platforms, medical ships, ect) to further impede Tholian attempts to push towards the planet
Rewards Romulan Marks

2) Repair Disabled Romulan and Allied ships defending the planet
Rewards Romulan Marks

1) Pew Pew (Engage and Destroy Tholian Vessels)
Rewards Nukara Marks

2) Intercept Tholian communications (succesful interception of communication allows the captain to direct Allied and Romulan defense ships to intercept incoming Tholian reinforcements)
Rewards Nukara Marks

Note: Not automatic, the captain would have to read a short communication and make a choice from 5 possible spots

All of these tasks award small amounts of marks on succesful completion and a small boost to the overall final reward.

For Dyson Marks or Counter Command Marks: Voth Containment
The Voth are making a push towards Dyson Joint Command! Stop them before they reach the headquarters!

Both cloaked and non-cloaked voth ship push towards Dyson Joint Command, after each wave you are pushed close, ending in a final showdown just outside Joint Command.


1) Scan for Tachyon Emmisions/ Set up Tachyon Grid with the fleet (Needed to keep cloaked voth ships from bypassing you) every ship that bypasses you will be added to the final wave
Gives Dyson Marks

2) Disable Undine Rifts (every so often between or in the middle of waves, Undine ships will open rifts and attempt to destroy both sides, allied ships will be heavily prioritized over Voth)
Gives Counter-Command Marks


1) Each Voth ship that gets through or gets far enough towards the next zone has a chance of disablling Allied ships in said zone, you can either repair them enough to make it back to Joint Command (less marks but they will repair and join you for the final wave) or repair them fully (more marks and they will immediately enter the fight)
Gives Dyson Marks

2) Set up defensive platforms (Engineers can fall back early to the next zone and assist in the construction of defenses for the next wave)
Gives either Dyson or Counter-Command Marks (random)


1) Negotiate Temporary Ceasefire with Voth Battlegroup (when the rifts open, tactical players can negotiate with Voth Commanders of individual battlegroups the number of which depends on the wave, to ceasefire while the rifts are open and Undine remain)

2) Order attack pattern (Issue orders to allied vessels, concentrating them on certain targets and boosting their damage and damage resistance by a small amount)

Ideas about this? Opinions?
Post edited by jarodroto123 on


  • baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Interesting ideas, I like them.

    Except that Wolf 359 was 1 Cube, and not even a Tac Cube at that. So we'd need some mega-gigantic-monster Cube-o-Death, and only defeat one of them for Wolf 359.
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Ground no win scenario
    Self explanatory

    Q, has his fun
    Weird, or as weird as the game would allow, stuff is pitted against you and your fellow team mates with Q himself being the final wave.
    You can't "win" per say. But you can "impress" him to complete the mission. Avoid asteroids of doom and do enough damage to him to succeed
    Maybe a giant horta in space spewing deadly gas
    Or the monster space bat from "the big dig" swinging in space...

    Solo no win scenario would be HUGE. Amp that difficulty through the roof.

    A night of the comet on steroids encounter would be excellent...save a colony within a time frame kind if deal...science captains use gravity wells and tractor beams to "super slow" the object

    Tactical captains slowly vaporize the object

    Engineers find weak points to break.

    All captains can do the jobs of others...but the proper captain in the right role is doubly effective

    I concur...more difficult encounters please
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Interesting ideas, I like them.

    Except that Wolf 359 was 1 Cube, and not even a Tac Cube at that. So we'd need some mega-gigantic-monster Cube-o-Death, and only defeat one of them for Wolf 359.

    Woops, my memory playing tricks on me :D
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    Ground no win scenario
    Self explanatory

    Q, has his fun
    Weird, or as weird as the game would allow, stuff is pitted against you and your fellow team mates with Q himself being the final wave.
    You can't "win" per say. But you can "impress" him to complete the mission. Avoid asteroids of doom and do enough damage to him to succeed
    Maybe a giant horta in space spewing deadly gas
    Or the monster space bat from "the big dig" swinging in space...

    Solo no win scenario would be HUGE. Amp that difficulty through the roof.

    A night of the comet on steroids encounter would be excellent...save a colony within a time frame kind if deal...science captains use gravity wells and tractor beams to "super slow" the object

    Tactical captains slowly vaporize the object

    Engineers find weak points to break.

    All captains can do the jobs of others...but the proper captain in the right role is doubly effective

    I concur...more difficult encounters please
    :D:D:D:D me like
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