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A few writing games to consider

rmackiermackie Member Posts: 97 Arc User
edited July 2014 in Ten Forward
I am not sure how many of you enjoy to actually write as well as play Star Trek but I thought I would post a couple links here for games I run, where you write as a character in Starfleet. It is a good group of people but more are always welcome.

The first one is the most ambitious and unique. It is just starting up. but imagine that 4 months before the launch of the NX-01 a tragic shuttlepod accident has occurred killing not only Captain Gardner, but Jon Archer as well. Starfleet scrambles and assigned a newly promoted Captain to the Enterprise, and the ship starts off. This is a redo of Enterprise, there is no telling what adventures we might have, or what we might encounter.


“….you are about to move into areas of the galaxy containing wonders more incredible than you can possibly imagine - and terrors to freeze your soul.” Q – TNG ‘Q-Who’

The USS Frontenac NCC-1678 a newly commissioned Miranda Class starship, has been assigned exploration and defensive patrols along the Klingon Border after the Nero Incident and Khan/Harrison Incidents have given the Federation and Starfleet the perception of being weak.

In 2261 this new ship under the Command of Captain Ryan Bridger, a 3rd Generation Starfleet Officer, and Grandson of a Former Chief of Starfleet Operations, has been assigned to map and explore the Delta Triangle to make sure it isn’t being used as hunting grounds for the Orion Syndicate or Elasi Pirates.

Pirates are not the only thing that could be lurking in the Delta Triangle, a gateway to an Ancient Enemy might be lurking, what wonders or dangers will the crew of the Frontenac find.

We are an SMS/Nova based sim and are currently looking for all department heads except XO, First Officer, and Navigator. If you have even thought about exploring this new universe, feel free to check us out. The Site is evolving as I gather more pictures and information about the Miranda Class in the Nu Trek Verse, so feel free to check us out.


The USS Intrepid has just launched in TF 38, we are enroute to complete a shakedown before joining the rest of the Task Force in the Delta Quadrant. We are currently looking for several key positions including Operations, Helm, Marines. We are accepting of all players, whether you be an old veteran to star trek sims or a new player. Our Command Team will help you along any way we can. If you are interested please visit.


if you are interested feel free to join us on our adventures in the final frontier
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid

Commanding Officer USS Frontenac

Commanding Officer Enterprise NX-01
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