No videos from me in 3 weeks so here is a big
Summer Special
In this video:
- Fleet Operations 10vs10
- Finest Moment of online PvP
- High Yielded
- Dax & Vice Squad
- Dax & Gizmo
- Thalaron Map Wipeout + Thalaron Mokbara.
- Highly Illogical Saints Row IV vs Star Trek montage
- 21'st century romulan
- Mistery of loot critter
- Space surfboard samba
- Dax maneuvers
- atleast 3 special bonuses
- outro
This took some massive effort and amount of footage to make so
dont forget to rate comment and subscribe for more if you like it
Nice but we dont need an other " Duis good Fight Thread " ^^
Anyway.. :rolleyes:
*** R.I.P. ***
I should invite you to Ker'rat when Ralen and I gank feds scrambling my thalaron. I guess we'd have a lot of fun doubling the rate of fire
huh? i really don't get the meaning of that sentence. please explain
you mean "neepa nerfed OP PLZ?
was just a joke based on riyott's thread here few weeks ago.
i wasn't in Kerrat like 2 years, represents no challenge since forever.
since few ppl are farming there is no point in defending them from klinks, i was doing just that.
that was my fun there.
Sometimes I would even pretend i was farming myself and then delta jumped some poor klink vaper
but yeah, i have basically started pvping there, shame it degraded to empty zones mostly
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
Lol, at 10:20 I can see at least 2 of Vice Squad's Palisade max drain builds (Vice's and mine). All you see are grav wells and Tyken's rifts all over the place with the aceton console going off and shields dropping like flies. Awesome video.
@ 10:30 the return of Rylana, one night only.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
I appreciate that you find it as bad taste, it's your opinion, but 1-2 minutes of dance montage cut in 3 parts in 21min video is not "so much" by any standards.
Thanx for all feedback guys, I really appreciate it.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
there are quite a few explosion sfx actually, but sound got so messed up during upload that you hear onyl one the loudest. one is from mass effect and the quiter one is from saints row.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
So you say that is the reason you have gone on and disliked every single one of my uploaded vids, but then i saw your chat rage yesterday, your "threat" "that I can't put you in my vids", and Mindsharp told me that you really rage because i thalaroned you and they gave you the hard time for it.
Ppl that can't stand to lose should never ever play competitive games.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers