Reduce/consolidate the number of schools to 5: Componenture, Space Weapons, Ground Equipment, Space Equipment, Consoles. Honestly, Consoles and Space Weapons should also be rolled into Space Equipment but that would require Cryptic to be especially generous.
The Componenture school would include all of the crafted ingredients to make items and put an end to having to find which particular school has which particular ingredient. Common ingredient projects would award 50 R&D points + 1/10 of any incurred dil cost as points, Uncommon ingredient projects would award 100 R&D points + 1/7 of any incurred dil cost, Rare ingredient projects would award 200 R&D points + 1/4 of any incurred dil cost, VR and UR ingredient projects would award 500 R&D points + 1/2 of any incurred dil cost.
If the actual equipment projects require dil as well, the costs get kicked back into R&D points as suggested above.
Free jkname!
Can we get some more (canon) KDF outfits, an assortment of respectable skirts/dresses, a long jacket (and more clothes in general) that does plain white well, melee weapon and Mk 15 drops, a T6 Nova, and account-wide lockbox/lobi/promo ships & consoles? Oh, and
Still waitin' on Klingon hairstyles actually worn on TV by a Klingon while we're at it.