One problem with the diplomacy levelling in the game is that by the time you level diplomacy, the transwarp destinations are not needed for the story chains, as you have long finished the story chains where they would be handy.
Except for Transwarp to K7. T1 diplomacy is pretty easy to reach, even early on - thanks to diplomatic missions scattered throughout the game.
With the proposal to shutdown Memory Alpha, I'm hoping that the diplomatic missions there can be moved off-site, as there were 5, of pretty decent quality. None of them would HAVE to happen on Memory Alpha, so I was hoping these could be moved elsewhere.
A Taste of Home is a pretty simple "go fetch" quest, as O'Brien is now part of the Enterprise crew, it would probably make sense to put this on ESD somewhere. The dialogue could be changed to him saying that because the Enterprise is so often in Romulan space (or whatever reason), he doesn't get home much. Perhaps he can be wandering around the Mezzanine?
Quarantine imho is quite good, and introduces early level players to K7, AND rudimentary puzzle solving in the game. I would think it would make sense for this to go to ESD as well, perhaps NEAR the shuttle bay.
The Ferengi trio, Hostile Takeover, Shady Supplies, and Family Ties pose a little more trouble. I think saving these missions would be worthwhile, as the story was pretty decent, and there are multiple ways to resolve them. Perhaps ESD is not the right place for this anymore though, as there are no boxes laying about anymore. Drozana is probably to mercenary to even CARE about the things going on in those missions. Perhaps K7 would be the best place - the Ferengi could be around the station and you could report back to Wildman, I don't remember much of any reason to actually go upstairs at K7, so that would give a reason.
These missions are non-violent, and provide early (pre-doffing) access to diplomacy points. Without which, the diplomatic rewards become useless (as players are likely well beyond the K7 mission chain before opening the transwarp option). Please consider saving them (if they haven't been already)!
As for memory Alpha, that place irks me. If MA is to be given a place in diplomacy it's to bring all the diplomats and lawyers there and bombard it for instant graduation to T5
Well, that's pretty much how diplomacy in STO works anyway.
See someone you don't like? SHOOT THEM, someone you don't know? SHOOT THEM, someone you're supposed to negotiate with? SHOOT THEM!
Is that a problem with Diplomacy or is that a problem with us leveling entirely too fast and blowing through the story?
I used to enjoy running them on all my Alts.
I, too, would wish them to be saved.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Personally, I think it's a little of both. I found the K7 transwarp easy to get though, and quite handy - that's why I'd like to save these missions. Getting diplomacy XP in time to use the K7 transwarp is only possible through missions, by the time doffing begins, it is too likely to late to be of utility (unless the new player isn't doing the story missions at all).
Does having to fly around (at snail's pace) through sector space give a player an appreciation for size that might be lost by zipping around? Also, does it perhaps give the player a better appreciation of being able to zip around later when they can? Course, that has to be weighed against the "are we there yet? TRIBBLE this, I'm out of here!" angle as well.
I rarely use my actual Transwarp locations - I usually transwarp to "cheap" missions or nearby sectors with "cheap" missions to cut down on my travel time. Sure, much of that is possible because of being 50 and wouldn't help the new player, but when there's things like Surface Tension that I can keep in my mission list for a free jump to that sector - it's along the lines of what I do. I've basically got three missions on all but one of my toons (Skirmish for a 500 EC hop to Eta Eradani, Manhunt for a 100 EC hop to Omega Leonis, and Surface Tension for a 0 EC hop to Tau Dewa).
If there's somewhere else I want to go, I'll just grab a nearby mission - check the price - and either make the hop that way or find a "cheap" mission in a nearby sector and I'm there...
But again, that's not going to help the new player that much until they've expanded their list of potential missions for such hops.
Thing is, though, getting back to the leveling speed - imho - it really is insanely fast and there's no way that any of the DOFFing commendations are going to keep track with that outside of purposefully trying not to level - even there, it's just going to happen. When we get a level+ of XP per story mission...leveling pretty much zips along compared to when we had to mix in some queues, mix in patrols/etc, and all the rest because we weren't high enough for the next mission yet.