I've just started to play this game and so far it's been really enjoyable. I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind answering a few questions for me.
1, One of the reasons I started to play was to get my hands on a Defiant. After having a bit of a look around the forums it seems like quite a few people think that this ship isn't that good. I'm not after the best ship in the game but is it worth getting one (when I get there)?
2, I seem to be picking up quite a lot of samples from scanning anomalies. Are these worth keeping or should I sell them? I've at level 12 atm so I guess I can't do anything with them yet.
3, At the moment I'm concentrating on the PvE side of the game. I've had several invites to join fleets while playing. Is it worth joining one yet?
If someone tells you it is not a good ship, dont listen to him.
We reached a point in the game, that if you like a ship, go for it. If you want to feel like you are flying in a Defiant, because you like that ship, go for it. Its not a bad ship, not by far, but its not even closer to the best escorts in-game.
But like me , i pilot ships that i like, not ships like i consider the bests. If you are worried about not having a capable ship, the Defiant is really capable, mostly you will rely on your ship equipment, and as any other ship, the equipment you put in your ship will make that ship stronger or not.
Well, i honestly dunno about the particles, i am not really interested in the new crafting system, but i guess you can stock em and use em later in the new crafting system , but im not sure about that. If you have a fleet, you could just store em in your fleet bank.
Having a fleet is not about pvp, having a fleet is just to have a hub with players that can help you in the aspects of the game, and you will have acces to fleet ships, fleet weapons and other stuff that in some cases its far better than the regular stuff. You also will have +500 refining limit increase, elite pets for your carriers, etc.
I will say that joining a fleet depends on your expectations. You can always join a fleet and see if you like it, you can always leave the fleet at any time, and join another, and so on. Its not a big deal.
I've just started to play this game and so far it's been really enjoyable. I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind answering a few questions for me.
1, One of the reasons I started to play was to get my hands on a Defiant. After having a bit of a look around the forums it seems like quite a few people think that this ship isn't that good. I'm not after the best ship in the game but is it worth getting one (when I get there)?
2, I seem to be picking up quite a lot of samples from scanning anomalies. Are these worth keeping or should I sell them? I've at level 12 atm so I guess I can't do anything with them yet.
3, At the moment I'm concentrating on the PvE side of the game. I've had several invites to join fleets while playing. Is it worth joining one yet?
Thanks for taking the time to read.
1) the defiant is fine. Its not the best ship in the game. Neither are about 75 other ships that are not scimitars. Fly for 5 min outside a major hub and you will see 50 types of ships in play. Including the defiant. You can excel in that ship, and have fun with it, and do anything in the game with it. Its good enough.
2) Unclear. Crafting is about to undergo a re-vamp, and details are sketchy at best. However low end crafting is useful, if you enjoy it, so make some stuff with them if you want. Also, crafted high quality items are (currently, future unclear) only account bound, so you can re-use them on any alts you make later. If you are strapped for room, some are worth a bit in the auction house so check there first. Also, you can mail yourself things, so a storage alt can handle them if you like.
3) fleets are important. You need to donate to them and participate to gain access to the fleet stores, which are earned by fleet wide contributions and access is granted based off the rules in that fleet (so ask before join..). Starting at level 5 you can do fleet alerts for marks to donate. Fleets are not a pvp thing, they are a combination of social area, a joint effort to build a starbase, and whatever else (pvp, pve groups, role playing, whatever). Choose early is fine, but choose wisely.
Thanks for the fast replies. At the moment I'm not after the best ship in the game so as long as the Defiant can hold it's own I'm still going to aim for one. I was just a bit put off after reading some negative comments about it.
I think I'll have a look for a noob friendly fleet a bit later. Sounds a bit better than the clans I've been in in other online games.
Thanks for the fast replies. At the moment I'm not after the best ship in the game so as long as the Defiant can hold it's own I'm still going to aim for one. I was just a bit put off after reading some negative comments about it.
I think I'll have a look for a noob friendly fleet a bit later. Sounds a bit better than the clans I've been in in other online games.
Once again thanks for taking the time to reply.
Well, the problem is, some ships should be "better" than others, and the opposite. Happens a lot in STO. The Defiant should be better than other escorts of the game (for example the jem hadar attack ship) but it isnt, because cryptic didnt want to. And once cryptic is done with something.. dont expect they to fix it or to improve it without a real monetary cause.. :P
Thanks for the fast replies. At the moment I'm not after the best ship in the game so as long as the Defiant can hold it's own I'm still going to aim for one. I was just a bit put off after reading some negative comments about it.
I think I'll have a look for a noob friendly fleet a bit later. Sounds a bit better than the clans I've been in in other online games.
Once again thanks for taking the time to reply.
If you are looking for a noob friendly fleet, my fleet,Undine Task Force, is open to you, you can PM/mail @jarodroto123(me) or @commanderdecius to ask for an inv. There are no requirements and the only stupid question is the one you dont ask
Generally speaking, there are no inherently bad ships that I know of. However, poor piloting / combat skills, poorly chosen captain skills and inadequate gear installed a ship can make any ship the worst ship in the fleet.
Crafting in it's current state is more or less dead. I have kept a 250 stack of the various "anomalies" in my bank to try out the new crafting system. Anything beyond that I merely dump from my inventory. If you are really strapped for ECs then sell 'em on the Exchange. However, to me they have extremely low value and I can make more ECs on the Exchange selling other items.
Joining a fleet is a personal choice. I have not joined one yet and I have de-activate fleet invites on all 4 of my toons. Fleets are good if you are looking to join a social network. They offer an opportunity to get Fleet Gear which are generally better than the gear you can buy off the Exchange or from the Reputation System. You can also get access to Fleet ships (better than the free ship) assuming the Fleet's shipyard is high enough to offer the ship you want and you have enough Fleet Credits to purchase them. Lastly, Fleet members can help understand the game and help you become a better player.
Some fleets have casual rules where they don't mind if you only log into the game a few times a month (because of real life). However, other fleets may require that all fleet members be active STO players. Meaning you play every week; not necessarily everyday. You basically expected to donate resources to various fleet projects. The better the fleet has been built up, the better the gear and ships you can potentially get from your fleet.
I've just started to play this game and so far it's been really enjoyable. I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind answering a few questions for me.
1, One of the reasons I started to play was to get my hands on a Defiant. After having a bit of a look around the forums it seems like quite a few people think that this ship isn't that good. I'm not after the best ship in the game but is it worth getting one (when I get there)?
2, I seem to be picking up quite a lot of samples from scanning anomalies. Are these worth keeping or should I sell them? I've at level 12 atm so I guess I can't do anything with them yet.
3, At the moment I'm concentrating on the PvE side of the game. I've had several invites to join fleets while playing. Is it worth joining one yet?
Thanks for taking the time to read.
I'll add my 2EC worth here.
1) The defiant you can get at level 30 (though you can also get the show version at level 50 with the cloak via the item store). That said It takes time to determine what works best for you. I've been in and out for years now and what I originally thought would be my 'base' config has almost become completely opposite. I used to be big on cruisers and have an engineering bend. Since then and through hours of experimenting I've determined that I personally like playing Tactical Escorts with a Science Captain. Everyone is different so take your time and play multiple chars to level 50 prior to buying any special ships. I bought the odyssey pack and now rarely use them on my Fed chars. I bought the Kyhzon (sp?) Andorian ship instead.
2) As to the materials yea save them even if you don't use them for crafting they're still useful for other Duty Officer missions at times
3) Fleets: Personally if I get a fleet invite blind I automatically decline it. I'm pretty anti social in game because when I'm in game I like to explore and just wander around and do PvE. Some people like to do the fleet missions. Unless you plan on doing fleet actions and other very specific types of PvE there really isn't a 'NEED' to join a fleet.
Above all take your time and find what suits you the best and keep in mind that down the road what you start out thinking you're going to want to be may not be what you end up being after you explore things more. I thought that cruiser and engineering would allow me to live longer solo. While it's a nice build I've found that DPS (Escort) with a balance in Science actually helps me live longer in long term but that's because of how I play personally.
STO is easy enough PvE that any ship will get the job done.
Crafting mats... it's toss up. Might be more useful now, might be more useful after the revamp. New crafting system looks like a POS to me, but the current one sucks too. Sadly, seeing all the iterations of crafting in STO, I'm nostalgic for Season 1's system.
Fleets let you get access to fleet stuff. Which you might want at level 50. Fleets do have access to a few doff missions that pay well (Dil mine ones) and some different outfits. You can always try a fleet and if you don't like how they run it, there's a leave button right on the Fleet screen. I know I popped in and out of quite a few fleets before settling on one.
1. As an optimizer...the defiant has dps potential but horrible for self preservation. I hate seeing someone in pvp, almost (and I mean 99 out of 100) it will be a horrible player that keeps popping. No battle cloak, weak hull/shields and boff seating is way less to be desired...don't use this for pvp. PvE, it's fine due to ease of content...i assume it pops a lot in elite undine queues.
2. I'm going to say sell them. I don't think the new crafting system will be new player friendly and you stand to make a good bit of coin from the unaware. I, myself, am keeping them, new crafting system has some interesting bonuses and sto pvp is like technology...you either keep up with it or get left behind.
3. Don't worry about fleets, just enjoy the game at your own pace. No one really says it...but the leveling story missions are fantastic and very much trek. You have probably heard the saying that "end game is where the real game starts." for sto, it's where a different game begins, the trek feeling is gone; if you like a casual atmosphere with sci fi for your mmos...sto is great. if tour hoping to be a captain in the stat trek universe, the feels are few and far between
I was like you, I played wanting to fly the defiant... and if thats what your looking for it delivers well as it feels like the show when you rip through a shield facing and blow her just as your flying through the explosion. I got the fleet/Cstore and tier 3 versions... The tier three version overpowers most anything at that level fast. While the others you will need zen for.
I have went through 3-4 configurations with it, and its still fun as hell. I cant compete in PVP with the top dogs but still hold my own in there. Its not a lazy ship... you can never stop moving and you will never just be pressing the space bar. Keybinds help a lot but its one ship that skill is most important, The cloak is nice but can be dropped for most uses though its fun to use. Make sure you max your armour in your skills, both hull hp and damage resistance skills, you will need them, along with speed and attack patterns.
If set up right she will serve you well, but set up wrong you will pop so fast you will barely get your first run off. Its worth it though if you want the feeling of the show.
Thanks again. I think I'm definatly going to get a Defiant. It's always been my favorite ship since I first saw it in DS9. I think it's the no nonsence look of it and the forward firing cannons that made me want one. As long as it can handle PvE I'm going to be happy. I'm not looking to get the best ship atm, I'm just trying to learn the game and have a bit of fun.
Thanks again. I think I'm definatly going to get a Defiant. It's always been my favorite ship since I first saw it in DS9. I think it's the no nonsence look of it and the forward firing cannons that made me want one. As long as it can handle PvE I'm going to be happy. I'm not looking to get the best ship atm, I'm just trying to learn the game and have a bit of fun.
I will warn you that the cannons it used in the shows are not the ones on the one you get for free at level 30, or the one you can buy in the C-Store with the cloak. There is one in the C-Store that has them. It is the Sao Palo class. However, those cannons are not the best ones in the game. Though, they are good if you want the Star Trek show fill.
Overall, the Defiant has it's advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages for some who buy the higher end one is that it has three tac stations. The third is an ensign station, which is a waste for a lot of escort builds. Though some players like it. It also keeps you from having an ensign station that can help with survivability.
One of the good things it does have going for it is that it has good speed, and turn rate. It makes it harder for the enemy to hit you while you are running at max speed in a fight. I have the level 50 C-Store ship, and the fleet one. I have found other ships that I like better, however I still pull my Defiant out every once in a while to play with.
With the crafting items you can pick up, I would recommend that if you have room in your bank, keep them. There are a few things about the crafting revamp that they might change before it goes live that will make it useful. If so, you might want to try it, or sell them to others that might want to.
If you are selling crafting materials, or anything else, it might be a good idea to unlock your EC cap. If you are free to play that is. If you are a monthly subscriber, or lifetime, then you don't need to worry about it.
When it comes to fleets, I would recommend that you consider what you are after. If you like the idea of playing as a military style, there are fleets out there like that. There are role playing fleets, and even casual ones. I prefer a casual fleet myself, and have been in one since I started a year ago.
Fleets can be a great sources of information in the game, however, even then I recommend that you test out anything someone says. It will also give you a chance to easily find others to team up with in the missions you play. If they are high enough in Tier, they will be able to offer access to the fleet gear, or ships. Also, it can offer you a chance to chat with others while playing solo, using the fleet chat channel. Sometimes I hop in to spend time with fleet mates in chat, when I am not feeling well enough to play.
There are a lot of possible benefits to being in a fleet.
Sometimes players might just believe what they read on the forums, or they hear what others say. Just because the majority says one thing, doesn't make it so. That is why, if it doesn't come from a developer, I will test whatever others tell me, and personally compare it to something else. Because of this, sometimes I have found builds that are far more superior in most situations to what the majority say is the best.
Experiment, play, and have fun doing it.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
The Defiant is fun, just one tip here, you may want to replace the cloaking device console with something more useful
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
1- If you like the defiant, get the defiant. In terms of PvE i would say the following...
- I find hands down that engineer is the most useful character type for survival, even when flying an escort like the defiant. While I might not do has much damage, i dont die easy either.
I would highly advise it, I am very happy with it, I have flown all kinds of ships with it!
*** There are so many things you can do in game to enhance your performance.
- ship equipment
- skill tree
- reputation rewards (the passives you can equip)
- traits
- the few rare bridge officers who have space traits (ie. efficient,leadership)
- the unique universal consoles, there are many, and some of them are fun to use!!!
- bridge officer skills (ie. Emerg power to shields)
Here's the truth to a game like this one. When you have a basic 3 class system, you create a problem. The problem is you have people who are strong in only one area.
I don't remember the last time I've seen a SCI player, in a SCI ship, healing and supporting the team.
What I do see, is everyone uses their skills on themselves. That sucks, but it makes sense.
In the end, I recommend that you build something you like to play, is fun for you, but also is capable of surviving and doing decent damage. Otherwise, I think you would just die a lot and not 'pop' enemy ships, and therefore have no fun.
couple three things. first, I hope you have better luck with the fleet experience than I did. as said above, you can always leave.. unless the fleet is the Hotel California...
Store the elements in the bank if you think you want to give the new crafting a go in a couple weeks.
there are 4 Defiants, the captain level, the C-store captain level (Sao Paulo) that gives you quad cannons, the C-store refit that gives you the cloaking console, and the Fleet, which gives you a fifth tactical console.
oh, and the Deiant is the best captain level ship. the intrepid doesn't have the firepower and the failalaxy.. wellll
We reached a point in the game, that if you like a ship, go for it. If you want to feel like you are flying in a Defiant, because you like that ship, go for it. Its not a bad ship, not by far, but its not even closer to the best escorts in-game.
But like me , i pilot ships that i like, not ships like i consider the bests. If you are worried about not having a capable ship, the Defiant is really capable, mostly you will rely on your ship equipment, and as any other ship, the equipment you put in your ship will make that ship stronger or not.
Well, i honestly dunno about the particles, i am not really interested in the new crafting system, but i guess you can stock em and use em later in the new crafting system , but im not sure about that. If you have a fleet, you could just store em in your fleet bank.
Having a fleet is not about pvp, having a fleet is just to have a hub with players that can help you in the aspects of the game, and you will have acces to fleet ships, fleet weapons and other stuff that in some cases its far better than the regular stuff. You also will have +500 refining limit increase, elite pets for your carriers, etc.
I will say that joining a fleet depends on your expectations. You can always join a fleet and see if you like it, you can always leave the fleet at any time, and join another, and so on. Its not a big deal.
1) the defiant is fine. Its not the best ship in the game. Neither are about 75 other ships that are not scimitars. Fly for 5 min outside a major hub and you will see 50 types of ships in play. Including the defiant. You can excel in that ship, and have fun with it, and do anything in the game with it. Its good enough.
2) Unclear. Crafting is about to undergo a re-vamp, and details are sketchy at best. However low end crafting is useful, if you enjoy it, so make some stuff with them if you want. Also, crafted high quality items are (currently, future unclear) only account bound, so you can re-use them on any alts you make later. If you are strapped for room, some are worth a bit in the auction house so check there first. Also, you can mail yourself things, so a storage alt can handle them if you like.
3) fleets are important. You need to donate to them and participate to gain access to the fleet stores, which are earned by fleet wide contributions and access is granted based off the rules in that fleet (so ask before join..). Starting at level 5 you can do fleet alerts for marks to donate. Fleets are not a pvp thing, they are a combination of social area, a joint effort to build a starbase, and whatever else (pvp, pve groups, role playing, whatever). Choose early is fine, but choose wisely.
I think I'll have a look for a noob friendly fleet a bit later. Sounds a bit better than the clans I've been in in other online games.
Once again thanks for taking the time to reply.
Well, the problem is, some ships should be "better" than others, and the opposite. Happens a lot in STO. The Defiant should be better than other escorts of the game (for example the jem hadar attack ship) but it isnt, because cryptic didnt want to. And once cryptic is done with something.. dont expect they to fix it or to improve it without a real monetary cause.. :P
If you are looking for a noob friendly fleet, my fleet,Undine Task Force, is open to you, you can PM/mail @jarodroto123(me) or @commanderdecius to ask for an inv. There are no requirements and the only stupid question is the one you dont ask
Crafting in it's current state is more or less dead. I have kept a 250 stack of the various "anomalies" in my bank to try out the new crafting system. Anything beyond that I merely dump from my inventory. If you are really strapped for ECs then sell 'em on the Exchange. However, to me they have extremely low value and I can make more ECs on the Exchange selling other items.
Joining a fleet is a personal choice. I have not joined one yet and I have de-activate fleet invites on all 4 of my toons. Fleets are good if you are looking to join a social network. They offer an opportunity to get Fleet Gear which are generally better than the gear you can buy off the Exchange or from the Reputation System. You can also get access to Fleet ships (better than the free ship) assuming the Fleet's shipyard is high enough to offer the ship you want and you have enough Fleet Credits to purchase them. Lastly, Fleet members can help understand the game and help you become a better player.
Some fleets have casual rules where they don't mind if you only log into the game a few times a month (because of real life). However, other fleets may require that all fleet members be active STO players. Meaning you play every week; not necessarily everyday. You basically expected to donate resources to various fleet projects. The better the fleet has been built up, the better the gear and ships you can potentially get from your fleet.
I'll add my 2EC worth here.
1) The defiant you can get at level 30 (though you can also get the show version at level 50 with the cloak via the item store). That said It takes time to determine what works best for you. I've been in and out for years now and what I originally thought would be my 'base' config has almost become completely opposite. I used to be big on cruisers and have an engineering bend. Since then and through hours of experimenting I've determined that I personally like playing Tactical Escorts with a Science Captain. Everyone is different so take your time and play multiple chars to level 50 prior to buying any special ships. I bought the odyssey pack and now rarely use them on my Fed chars. I bought the Kyhzon (sp?) Andorian ship instead.
2) As to the materials yea save them even if you don't use them for crafting they're still useful for other Duty Officer missions at times
3) Fleets: Personally if I get a fleet invite blind I automatically decline it. I'm pretty anti social in game because when I'm in game I like to explore and just wander around and do PvE. Some people like to do the fleet missions. Unless you plan on doing fleet actions and other very specific types of PvE there really isn't a 'NEED' to join a fleet.
Above all take your time and find what suits you the best and keep in mind that down the road what you start out thinking you're going to want to be may not be what you end up being after you explore things more. I thought that cruiser and engineering would allow me to live longer solo. While it's a nice build I've found that DPS (Escort) with a balance in Science actually helps me live longer in long term but that's because of how I play personally.
Crafting mats... it's toss up. Might be more useful now, might be more useful after the revamp. New crafting system looks like a POS to me, but the current one sucks too. Sadly, seeing all the iterations of crafting in STO, I'm nostalgic for Season 1's system.
Fleets let you get access to fleet stuff. Which you might want at level 50. Fleets do have access to a few doff missions that pay well (Dil mine ones) and some different outfits. You can always try a fleet and if you don't like how they run it, there's a leave button right on the Fleet screen. I know I popped in and out of quite a few fleets before settling on one.
2. I'm going to say sell them. I don't think the new crafting system will be new player friendly and you stand to make a good bit of coin from the unaware. I, myself, am keeping them, new crafting system has some interesting bonuses and sto pvp is like technology...you either keep up with it or get left behind.
3. Don't worry about fleets, just enjoy the game at your own pace. No one really says it...but the leveling story missions are fantastic and very much trek. You have probably heard the saying that "end game is where the real game starts." for sto, it's where a different game begins, the trek feeling is gone; if you like a casual atmosphere with sci fi for your mmos...sto is great. if tour hoping to be a captain in the stat trek universe, the feels are few and far between
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
I have went through 3-4 configurations with it, and its still fun as hell. I cant compete in PVP with the top dogs but still hold my own in there. Its not a lazy ship... you can never stop moving and you will never just be pressing the space bar. Keybinds help a lot but its one ship that skill is most important, The cloak is nice but can be dropped for most uses though its fun to use. Make sure you max your armour in your skills, both hull hp and damage resistance skills, you will need them, along with speed and attack patterns.
If set up right she will serve you well, but set up wrong you will pop so fast you will barely get your first run off. Its worth it though if you want the feeling of the show.
I will warn you that the cannons it used in the shows are not the ones on the one you get for free at level 30, or the one you can buy in the C-Store with the cloak. There is one in the C-Store that has them. It is the Sao Palo class. However, those cannons are not the best ones in the game. Though, they are good if you want the Star Trek show fill.
Overall, the Defiant has it's advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages for some who buy the higher end one is that it has three tac stations. The third is an ensign station, which is a waste for a lot of escort builds. Though some players like it. It also keeps you from having an ensign station that can help with survivability.
One of the good things it does have going for it is that it has good speed, and turn rate. It makes it harder for the enemy to hit you while you are running at max speed in a fight. I have the level 50 C-Store ship, and the fleet one. I have found other ships that I like better, however I still pull my Defiant out every once in a while to play with.
With the crafting items you can pick up, I would recommend that if you have room in your bank, keep them. There are a few things about the crafting revamp that they might change before it goes live that will make it useful. If so, you might want to try it, or sell them to others that might want to.
If you are selling crafting materials, or anything else, it might be a good idea to unlock your EC cap. If you are free to play that is. If you are a monthly subscriber, or lifetime, then you don't need to worry about it.
When it comes to fleets, I would recommend that you consider what you are after. If you like the idea of playing as a military style, there are fleets out there like that. There are role playing fleets, and even casual ones. I prefer a casual fleet myself, and have been in one since I started a year ago.
Fleets can be a great sources of information in the game, however, even then I recommend that you test out anything someone says. It will also give you a chance to easily find others to team up with in the missions you play. If they are high enough in Tier, they will be able to offer access to the fleet gear, or ships. Also, it can offer you a chance to chat with others while playing solo, using the fleet chat channel. Sometimes I hop in to spend time with fleet mates in chat, when I am not feeling well enough to play.
There are a lot of possible benefits to being in a fleet.
Sometimes players might just believe what they read on the forums, or they hear what others say. Just because the majority says one thing, doesn't make it so. That is why, if it doesn't come from a developer, I will test whatever others tell me, and personally compare it to something else. Because of this, sometimes I have found builds that are far more superior in most situations to what the majority say is the best.
Experiment, play, and have fun doing it.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
1- If you like the defiant, get the defiant. In terms of PvE i would say the following...
- I find hands down that engineer is the most useful character type for survival, even when flying an escort like the defiant. While I might not do has much damage, i dont die easy either.
I would highly advise it, I am very happy with it, I have flown all kinds of ships with it!
*** There are so many things you can do in game to enhance your performance.
- ship equipment
- skill tree
- reputation rewards (the passives you can equip)
- traits
- the few rare bridge officers who have space traits (ie. efficient,leadership)
- the unique universal consoles, there are many, and some of them are fun to use!!!
- bridge officer skills (ie. Emerg power to shields)
Here's the truth to a game like this one. When you have a basic 3 class system, you create a problem. The problem is you have people who are strong in only one area.
I don't remember the last time I've seen a SCI player, in a SCI ship, healing and supporting the team.
What I do see, is everyone uses their skills on themselves. That sucks, but it makes sense.
In the end, I recommend that you build something you like to play, is fun for you, but also is capable of surviving and doing decent damage. Otherwise, I think you would just die a lot and not 'pop' enemy ships, and therefore have no fun.
hope it helps.
Store the elements in the bank if you think you want to give the new crafting a go in a couple weeks.
there are 4 Defiants, the captain level, the C-store captain level (Sao Paulo) that gives you quad cannons, the C-store refit that gives you the cloaking console, and the Fleet, which gives you a fifth tactical console.
oh, and the Deiant is the best captain level ship. the intrepid doesn't have the firepower and the failalaxy.. wellll