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What reasonable changes would you make to the game?



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    angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I'd introduce roguelike end-game exploration gameplay. although I would love to see many things, all of them would be a completely new game. And the simple gameplay we have in STO may not be too bad, but it would have to concentrate on something it is good in.

    The casual flying around, shooting stuff, beaming down and do something there can be fun in the right context. The kind of exploration system I have in mind would basically take what games like Diablo, Masters of Orion, XCOM: UFO Defense etc. made great and translate it to STO: Randomly-generated maps with random mission assignment - two exploration runs are hardly ever the same. In addition, doing those missions be it exploring an old temple and facing riddles and agility tests or fighting a threat force, would reward loot that's worth a damn, including unique drops and loot sets. Yes, loot is a "game of chance", but that's what these kind of games were about all the time!

    This way you could solo or team up (teaming unlocks more difficult and lengthier missions) and hunt for excellent loot drops and explore strange new worlds together.

    EDIT: Even PvP could be incorporated into this. Via a "drop-in" queue that could be allowed or disabled, different player teams could share the same instance but follow different objectives. Those could either require you to cooperate cross faction or fight/sabotage the other team.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
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    jackal1701apwjackal1701apw Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    2. Make the refined Dilithium pool account wide, or at the very least, allow usage of the account bank with it to store it for other characters. I know there is the dil exchange route, but you lose something while using it and its just tedious.

    It is account wide. And if you are losing some dilithium whilst transferring from character to character on one account you are doing it WRONG.

    You don't actually buy the Zen, you put up a ridiculous offer (like offering to buy 2,000 Zen @ 25 dil per piece. This puts 50,000 dil on the exchange but will not convert to Zen as no-one has offers to sell Zen that cheaply.

    You then switch to the receiving character and cancel the offer, this moving the 50k dil to that toon. Nothing is lost at all. It's not THAT tedious, and you can move pretty large sums at a time (iirc you can put 5 offers up at a time, with a max of 5,000 zen per offer. you can put a higher price than 25, as long as its not a price that will complete)

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    cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    i want to see all klink and fed toon ships in line with romulan faction and more pvp maps.....oh wait this would mean a pvp revamp....I think this and bug fixing spree would be the bee's knee's but cryptic wont 4 season still waiting on a revamp to pvp...

    I dont want to nerf romulans i want fed buff and klinked buffed no player should lose ne thing and with new pvp maps omg this would make me happy
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    schmedicke wrote: »
    What changes would you make to STO and why? Please keep in mind that STO is a free to play game but has to turn a profit to continue service.

    Example: As much as players may wish to have a fully customisable ship with all universal boffs and consule slots, this would kill lock box and Cstore vavariant ship sales.

    Make this game closer to Star Trek.

    Yes, tall order. But looking at what's in orbit outside ESD, Qo'nos, and New Romulus. Yeah. That's just starters.
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Make this game closer to Star Trek.

    An intellectual property using space magic and poor writing under a contradictory message of peace and exploration but doing the exact opposite on an episode-to-episode basis all under the auspice of a better future but in truth used as a money-making venture by a corrupt company to monetize on that idea to people with loose wallets?

    I don't know if PWE/Cryptic can deliver on that. :cool:
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    An intellectual property using space magic and poor writing under a contradictory message of peace and exploration but doing the exact opposite on an episode-to-episode basis all under the auspice of a better future but in truth used as a money-making venture by a corrupt company to monetize on that idea to people with loose wallets?

    I don't know if PWE/Cryptic can deliver on that. :cool:

    You know we got a form of lightsabers in the game. And my favorite, "Dinosaurs that shoot friggin' lazer beamz from their hedz" :o
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    You know we got a form of lightsabers in the game. And my favorite, "Dinosaurs that shoot friggin' lazer beamz from their hedz" :o

    And... The Empire Strikes Back had a form of the cloud city, Stratos, from the episode "The Cloud Minders". What's your point?

    I also don't remember any dinosaurs being in STO. Perhaps you are thinking of another game.
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    yellowalertyellowalert Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    hypl wrote: »
    8. Convert all 24 hour cooldowns into 20 hour cooldowns because why not?

    Instead of a cool down on daily quests, how about just reset dailies at 0600 everyday?
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    stumpfgobsstumpfgobs Member Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Currently i got 2 things:

    I'd like to see female nausicaans in game.

    I'd like to see offensive sci ships with useful sec deflectors and a 4/2 weapon layout.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    qunlar2020 wrote: »
    I would add player domiciles. Located on fleet starbase or faction planet. Crafters could create the furniture. The idea has been visited before we got the fleet starbases and that's cool.House bank for mainenance payments. The could start out as simple appartments at first, grow to a klingon stronghhold or farm/factory the science professions can do an elite academy. It can belong to the account as a whole.

    "My name is Commander Shepard, and I approve of this idea!"

    Seriously, I'd grind for *that*! What this game (severely) lack is precisely that: personal quarters/bridge/interiors in general to work on, and call your own.
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    shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Count me as another supporter of a revamped and extended exploration system...

    ... and another opponent of the existing one being done away with. It's not about farming particle traces or dilithium - it's because the exploration clusters (buggy, tiresome and repetitive as they are) are the only way we get to "explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations". Cryptic, if you don't understand why this matters, you have no business handling the Star Trek intellectual property.
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    tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Given totally free reign, I'd fire the entire marketing department, and most of the brass, first. :) Then, no longer being pressed by greed, I'd instruct the devs to start fixing bugs. No, not just to killl a few bugs, but, like the Husnock, to wipe *all* of them out!

    Then I'd let them work on interior play more. And sell bridge elements, to be assembled in various combinations. And I'd tell the devs to start selling ship costume skins (for the full space sets we own). And I would undo 'Season 9: The Desolation of Hawk,' and give ppl their reputation traits back: also, *all* of them.

    ^^ And, after all that has been done, I probably wake up. :P

    but inorder to do that. you'd have to be rich enough to buy Cryptic From PWE, and hope that you dont bankrupt the company before your "plan" is done. you would never be given that much "free reign" over cryptic with PWE in charge.

    P.S. Do you even know what marketing does if you want to can most of them? P.S. it's not their idea to do lockboxes and stuff if thats what yoru thinking, they do ADVERTISING.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    tenkari wrote: »
    but inorder to do that. you'd have to be rich enough to buy Cryptic From PWE, and hope that you dont bankrupt the company before your "plan" is done. you would never be given that much "free reign" over cryptic with PWE in charge.

    That's the part where I said I'd probably wake up and realize it was all a dream. :P But yeah, under my benevolent rule you'd see a whole different direction for the game, is what I was saying.
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    feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    schmedicke wrote: »
    What changes would you make to STO and why? Please keep in mind that STO is a free to play game but has to turn a profit to continue service.

    Example: As much as players may wish to have a fully customisable ship with all universal boffs and consule slots, this would kill lock box and Cstore vavariant ship sales.

    Fleet based group missions. IE you and your fleet mates go about in your own base dealing with incursions. Cosmetic enhancers that you paid for give small bonuses. Extra guards means more proficient redshirt types as you clean things out.

    Lower level housing on the fleet base. Lockboxes come with random furniture and art. Tradable of course.

    Missions at the ten tiers (10, 20, 30, 40) that are group based to teach late game stfs. Completion unlocks the next tier of ships and gives one random piece of useful ship gear to those involved. Reuse one of the maps from the previous tier to save money.

    Add a teaching event at the academies. You are asked to come back and give a lecture on how you and your crew have handled things and then lead a squad of cadets in the holodeck. Career specific goals.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
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    dgdolphdgdolph Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Changes I would like to do:

    - allow cross faction teams
    - new characters start at lvl 50
    - revamp ground -> turn this part of the game into a real First/Third Person Shooter
    - no more featured Episodes (I just dont like wasting time and resources on boring railroading), instead:
    - update foundry (which is way more awesome anyway)
    - update the old crafting (add mk xii, modifiers of choice, reroll mods etc - just updating not revamping)

    - keep the old UI
    - add new assignments
    - add new doffs (with new powers)
    - update rewards to suit the current state of the game (mk xii, rep/fleet marks)

    - drastically raise difficulty level
    - improve AI
    - update rewards

    - matchmaking
    - leaderboard
    - balance
    - match replayer
    - player profiles
    - detailed gameplay stats
    - spectator mode
    - voting system
    - new maps
    - tournament module

    - create lvl 50 Ships of all existing Ships (D'Kyr, NX, etc)
    - change battle cloak to normal cloak on most Rom Ships (except the small ones)
    - maybe: create a sandbox module for ships:
    - fixed amount of Points to spent on Boff Layout, Consoles, Turnrate, Hull...etc
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    majorone1majorone1 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I would like to see space itself expanded to feel more like open space. In this expanded open space I would like vast areas of badlands where anything can and would happen. This means any class ship or any rank could travel these areas, but at their own risk sort to speak. Where you might just run into other players who just might be very hostile. This would encourage grouping up or even fleet action where if you were attacked by hostile players you could send out distress signals for back up that's if any ships were in range to be able to help. This would make PvP games exciting and way more interesting. If your destroyed while exploring these deep space areas then you must respawn back at star base where you would have to make enter spacedock for repairs on your ship, then if you wanted to seek revenge, you could assemble a group if you wanted or just venture back alone. But venturing back to a deep space area might take awhile because you have to travel a great expanse to return there from spacedock.


    The game would feel a lot more like it should. Now PvP is a joke. always the same arenas, always the same, same, same, same, same, same.

    These attacks and battles could cause mini wars between fleets. And why not? To hell with cannon and peace between races and all that jazz. Star Trek is about alternate universes always has been, so if there is mirror warlike universe, that is where it would be funer to play STO. Peace is boring flat out boring for a naval battle game where this really is.

    While exporing these dangerous badlands is where you would be able to explore and find the most vauable items and commodities that would make venturing there profitable, and worth the risk. Since this open space would be vast, odds are lower ranked players could go there and not necessarily run into any one hostile, and if they did, running is always a viable option!!

    Star Trek like this would keep players around forever because everytime you ventured out into deep sapce something different will happen. Not just the same thing over and over and over again.

    PLEASE Cryptic, "Make it SO"
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1)costumizable ship visuals, like the borg modifications visible, even if you are not using borg parts. similar to the armor sets of the various reputation factions.

    2)less visual fire. What that means is, that even though i have 7-8 beams i only see 1 or 2 fireing at the same time...feels more trek, atleast for me.

    3)penalize energy weapons when hitting hull. Intend would be to make energy weapons less "omnipotent" compared to kinetic weapons.

    4) traveling between the stars inside of your bridge...now before people shout:"that is not possible!"
    we are actually doing it already now, when using the fleet transwarp gate.
    basically, you beam to your bridge (bridge and fleet base map are private instances)...there would be a console with all the various destinations available. I imagine the console layout being something like the sector space map now. You select a system and you directly spawn inside the system.

    at the very least, get rid of the turnrate penalty in sector space.
    Go pro or go home
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Improve the graphics engine to allow for greater numbers of objects maybe take up the new Mantle API to reduce the effects of spam on systems.

    I would redress the game balance with a focus on pvp, this would allow the pvp community to thrive while maintaining whatever pve they want.

    Upgrade the AI and modify the difficulty slider to improve the AI rather than scaling NPC damage and HP, as a result NPC ships would have the same capabilities as their player counterparts including range of available boff and captain skills.

    I would change the priority list such that content and bug fixes get the priority from the dev team and ask PWE for an ideas guy to incorporate money making. I would want to bring back the idea of new featured missions every couple of weeks, it wouldn't be too difficult with a team of 6 (1 writer, 2 artists (1 environment, 1 character/other), 1 creator, 2 bug fixers) to get a new mission or two, maybe three, with at least limited bugs, maybe even bugless.

    The last thing would be to increase the level of communication between devs and players as this can usually produce good debate over ideas and produce something everyone is happy with.
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,630 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    majorone1 wrote: »
    I would like to see space itself expanded to feel more like open space. In this expanded open space I would like vast areas of badlands where anything can and would happen. This means any class ship or any rank could travel these areas, but at their own risk sort to speak. Where you might just run into other players who just might be very hostile. This would encourage grouping up or even fleet action where if you were attacked by hostile players you could send out distress signals for back up that's if any ships were in range to be able to help. This would make PvP games exciting and way more interesting. If your destroyed while exploring these deep space areas then you must respawn back at star base where you would have to make enter spacedock for repairs on your ship, then if you wanted to seek revenge, you could assemble a group if you wanted or just venture back alone. But venturing back to a deep space area might take awhile because you have to travel a great expanse to return there from spacedock.


    The game would feel a lot more like it should. Now PvP is a joke. always the same arenas, always the same, same, same, same, same, same.

    These attacks and battles could cause mini wars between fleets. And why not? To hell with cannon and peace between races and all that jazz. Star Trek is about alternate universes always has been, so if there is mirror warlike universe, that is where it would be funer to play STO. Peace is boring flat out boring for a naval battle game where this really is.

    While exporing these dangerous badlands is where you would be able to explore and find the most vauable items and commodities that would make venturing there profitable, and worth the risk. Since this open space would be vast, odds are lower ranked players could go there and not necessarily run into any one hostile, and if they did, running is always a viable option!!

    Star Trek like this would keep players around forever because everytime you ventured out into deep sapce something different will happen. Not just the same thing over and over and over again.

    PLEASE Cryptic, "Make it SO"

    there is no need nor desire to make this ST/EVE online, thanks.

    less than 15% of the playerbase PVPs and you want to force everyone to PVP. that would shut the servers down forever inside 2 months
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    zatharus2zatharus2 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Here's what I'd do

    1. Expand the DOFF system and commendations rewards.

    - Commendation levels going up to level 10 (you could only level 3 type of commendations could reach level 10, others would cap at level 7.)

    - Each type of commendation would provide a bonus (i.e. Engineering would add a bonus to shield regen, Military would increase Weapon power, Science would buff science skills, Trading would discount prices in stores).

    - These bonuses would increase the higher you get in commendation levels

    - Add new DOFF missions as you progress in commendations with bigger rewards but also with more ressources needed.

    2. Make the story missions not repeatable.

    - Additional rewards for these missions would be transferred to the dailies

    - Would give a sense of progression to the game.

    3. Update to the BOFF system

    - Separate Ground skill points and space skill points

    - Proper skill tree for the BOFF's with 3 additional trainable skills. Separate trees for ground and space

    - Boffs can only use the skill points they earned either on space or ground missions. so if you send a specific Boff on ground missions only, he would only get ground skills updated.

    4. Proper skill tree for captains.

    5. Store discounts (GPL, Lobi, Dil store, etc) based on account level, F2P would be full price, Silver would be 5% discount, Lifetime would be 8%)

    6. Refining caps based on level of account 8000 for F2P with a daily account cap of 24000, 10000 for silver with a daily account cap of 50000, 12000 for lifetime with a daily account cap of 70000.

    - Dilithium pool would be account wide and no longer character bound

    6. Customizable quarters and Ready Rooms

    - Craftable furniture

    - special furniture packs in Zen Store

    7. Zen store focus change

    - The zen store would focus more on services (increased storage, increase mail limit, character costumes, character slots, ship slots, boff slots, etc)

    - All store ships would be obtainable in game with significant amount of work to obtain them. So for the impatient person who wants immediate gratification, they could buy the ship and for the player willing to work to gain the ship, would be able to this way. Exception would be lock box ships
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,630 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    first and foremost, I would remove all alien ships from the game, after faction ships are skinned to replace them. I don't WANT to fly a Jem Hadar carrier but it's the most powerful ship in the game that suits my style.

    second, though I do not PVP I would have an expansion of PVP zones. essentially take some of the PVE scenarios and convert them to pvp, and create raids if not on the home systems then on other worlds. maybe take a cue from the "Other" MMO and have a PVP flag option
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    sle1989sle1989 Member Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Allow us to play Feature Episode missions with friends. They should be like any other story mission that allow you to either play by yourself or with a team.

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    a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    schmedicke wrote: »
    What changes would you make to STO and why?

    Step 1: Removal of and immediate banning of all IP addresses related to, associated with, or engaged in gold farming, along with the arrests of all who are engaged, related to, or associated with gold farming and gold message spamming. (eg: EGpal.com, etc.)

    There is no step two.
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
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    feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    For a monetizing thought. Buy the ability to apply costume options to any of your ships.

    Specifically, you did the grind and can now use borg gear. But you want to slot Omega. Now you can look like you have borg on but have the benefits of the omega (jem hadar what have you.) And keep a look that fits you.

    Alternate Example the shield looks. I like the White ship look one of the shields gives an Atrox. But I don't want to lose my set bonuses.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
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    shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    iconians wrote: »

    -elaboration redacted-
    Endorsed; more lore and backstory is always welcome. And I imagine that in assembling this, the dev team might (re)discover potential plot threads. For example, we know the Tholian Assembly has some interest in the Iconian gateway found on New Romulus - what effects have its activation and the fallout therefrom had on their agenda? And leave us not forget the Romulan Empire itself... Sela's presumed abduction has surely dropped a nice large rock in that proverbial pond; it should be interesting to see what ripples manifest...
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Endorsed; more lore and backstory is always welcome. And I imagine that in assembling this, the dev team might (re)discover potential plot threads. For example, we know the Tholian Assembly has some interest in the Iconian gateway found on New Romulus - what effects have its activation and the fallout therefrom had on their agenda? And leave us not forget the Romulan Empire itself... Sela's presumed abduction has surely dropped a nice large rock in that proverbial pond; it should be interesting to see what ripples manifest...

    I'm glad other people see things that way. Butterfly effects are a great way of tying the Star Trek universe together, and puts an emphasis (similar to Earth), that we're all in this together and that what affects one faction might affect something else happening in another.

    People want more 'Star Trek' in STO, and I'd argue a codex type system would function as exactly that. It would be a nexus of lore and discovery.

    You could attach duty officer missions to the codex -- all of those crewmen aboard your ship could be given assignments to fill out missing codex entries that you perhaps overlooked. Unique doff assignments could be attached to the codex, with unique rewards upon completion. Titles, other duty officers who notice your ship's captain and crew are on the same missions as they are and want to participate. Special consumables, traits, weapons. The possibilities are as limitless as the codex itself.

    All of these things are already possible with the systems Cryptic has already developed -- a codex system could tie it all together and revisit old stories, plots, and other unique aspects of the game that perhaps we forgot.

    You could even bring it to the fleet level and allow fleet members to collaborate on various codex projects, where multiple captains work together to discover the hidden areas of the reality 'we' live in, and uncover mysteries in a type of 'think tank'.

    It could be another aspect of exploration and discovery in STO.
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    tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Here's a wacky suggestion for the devs to improve STO:

    * Offer crafting at HALF the resource price, whereby the item is account locked. (Not by one toon, but account-wide.) The item cannot be sold on the Exchange.

    * Offer crafting at FULL resource price, whereby the item can be sold on the Exchange.

    If you're seeking to control an influx of Exchange item dumping/selling, then this is an option.

    Devs: Thank you for your consideration.
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Game is broken beyond repair. One example: the game is designed around unbalanced items--fleet gear and rep gear is better than pickup gear, therefore balance is not possible without wholesale changes to those systems and the original design decisions. Cant be fixed, wont be fixed, ever.
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    shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    What we need is a structure that reflects what Starfleet actually needs and would field, not the nonsense of "Engineering, Tactical, Science" when these are actually departments every ship should and must possess. What instead are the ship's mission profile and intended role? That's how real navies work and how Starfleet should as well.

    So what we should have, at least Fed side, is spaceframes and variants. Spaceframes would range from the lightest to the heaviest, outfitted for their intended roles. Support ships would be variants, not a class of their own and a player would choose to accept that role if they fly that ship rather than a primary frontline vessel. Gives and takes would be more about speed vs protection, capacity and versatility vs efficiency, like real ships.

    -elaboration redacted-
    Well thought-out, sir; I for one would like to think the developers would not dismiss the idea out of hand. It is, after all, a logical progression of how consoles work as it is.
This discussion has been closed.