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Per CaptainGeko, what we're currently seeing is in alpha



  • adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited June 2014


    I came away from the interview with a better understanding of where the build is going and why we are at the point we are. I still feel like Cryptic Studio shot my dog without remorse.

    Thank you.

    Such is the reality of playing a Live game that will change over time, I'll be honest the Genesis Engine was substandard compared to the current standard of new content and perhaps it is " A good day to die" for the system.

    These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
  • rustychatrustychat Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Look at much of the feedback though...had nothing to do with what was there. Hell, most of the feedback appears to come from folks parroting things that never even bothered to head to Tribble. They heard somebody say X, they're rioting over X...whether X is there or not.

    What that means is that the feedback on what is there...is likely to get lost, no?

    I disagree. Most of the feedback that I've read I've felt was entirely legitimate and on topic. Some people may or may not be just be parroting what others have said without looking at Tribble, but I can't say I've seen many complaints about things that aren't in the system. I'd say most people who can be bothered to come to the feedback forum and type out a bunch of feedback on the crafting system would have also bothered to have clicked that Tribble button and waiting a few minutes for the patch to try it out themselves.

    For those that haven't checked it out themselves but are still posting their thoughts, as long as it's be properly explained to them what the system is like, their opinions are still valid, even if it's not as useful as them actually checking the system out first hand. But I think the people running solely on second hand information are in the minority of the feedbackers.

    From what I can see, there's no chance of legitimate feedback on the crafting and Doff changes being lost amongst the few complaints about non-existent systems/feature.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    They have internal testing then redshirt(alpha) then tribble (beta) then holodeck(live).

    That's not how that works, though.

    Tribble (Beta)
    Holodeck (Live)

    Tribble (Alpha)
    Redshirt (Beta)
    Holodeck (Live)

    It's the flow of the patches.

    When there is no Redshirt, Tribble provides the patches for Holodeck. When there is Redshirt, the patches for Holodeck come from Redshirt.

    Always kind of found that funny. It's the reverse of how one would think it would work, which is the way you listed it. That when they wanted some (Alpha) testing, they would bring up Redshirt for it. Instead, they convert Tribble to (Alpha) and bring up Redshirt (Beta) for patches to Holodeck (Live).

    Have to figure, if they did it the way you listed it - more folks might have realized what it was, instead of having to know that Cryptic does it in the backward fashion they do and thus see it for what it was...
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I was thinking about it while out smoking, and it's definitely a trip - definitely something to lay the blame at Cryptic's feet, eh?

    They spend the majority of the year exposing/culturing/nourishing/whatever one wants to call it - the thought process that whatever is on Tribble is not going to change much in the least (rare at all) before it hits Holodeck. Then a few times a year, here and there, they break out Redshirt and change that...Redshirt is "Tribble" and Tribble is something other than Tribble.

    So when they drop out something like this to Tribble, folks are going to figure it is going to Holodeck like they see it...cause they haven't really been a part of that Tribble/Redshirt thing over and over and over. They're going to react based on what Cryptic has shown them, which is things don't change from Tribble before going to Holodeck.

    So if Cryptic were to drop stuff out that's going to change to Redshirt instead, folks might have a different attitude toward it than they would have with it being dropped out to Tribble while having Redshirt brought up.

    Sometimes, one has to wonder if Cryptic just likes to troll the playerbase from time to time...
  • edited June 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I was thinking about it while out smoking, and it's definitely a trip - definitely something to lay the blame at Cryptic's feet, eh?

    They spend the majority of the year exposing/culturing/nourishing/whatever one wants to call it - the thought process that whatever is on Tribble is not going to change much in the least (rare at all) before it hits Holodeck. Then a few times a year, here and there, they break out Redshirt and change that...Redshirt is "Tribble" and Tribble is something other than Tribble.

    So when they drop out something like this to Tribble, folks are going to figure it is going to Holodeck like they see it...cause they haven't really been a part of that Tribble/Redshirt thing over and over and over. They're going to react based on what Cryptic has shown them, which is things don't change from Tribble before going to Holodeck.

    So if Cryptic were to drop stuff out that's going to change to Redshirt instead, folks might have a different attitude toward it than they would have with it being dropped out to Tribble while having Redshirt brought up.

    Sometimes, one has to wonder if Cryptic just likes to troll the playerbase from time to time...

    You're thinking way too much into it. Most that goes to Tribble (and/or Redshirt, if it's up) goes to Holodeck. That's true be it a regular weekly patch or a new season, half-season or expansion.

    Yes, for those larger releases on Tribble, things tend to be added, prices adjusted, some things polished. But the bulk remains whether the players like it or not.

    My 'nerd rage' is based on that knowledge and the fact I find that 'bulk' to be faulty. The only glimmer of hope is to get the Devs to know that feedback clear and loud and very soon so they consider adjusting even that 'bulk'.

    (I'm trying to tell you many of the 'very unhappy' players know where and when releases go and actually check stuff on Tribble/Redshirt, yet are still displeased because of their previous experience.)
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Ive tested alot of stuff on tribble n put reports in to the dev team to be ignored bugs get pushed to main i ponted out there was no trophy room on rom bridges guess wot ppl are still asking for them. I n others posted that nerfing stf dilith rewards to nothing would not go well it took the pkayer base complaining about it in over 1000 page thread to get wot we have now.

    Hate to say it but craptic have in the past ignored wot tribble testers have to say n most of us speck up n try n get them told. If u think craptic do a good job of listening to its testers u realy are naive.
  • ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This is good news if true. If it's Alpha, it means they are expecting to make changes, and WILL be making changes. On Tribble, in the next month.

    -Do I admit that Genesis engine missions were often bugged or had non-sense dialogue? Yes.
    -Do I admit that they could give a poor first impression to the game? Sure, I guess.
    -Can I see that they want to remove anomalies from farmable areas? (Despite formerly having an actual HOURLY event to farm said anomalies?) OK, don't like it, but I understand.
    -Can I see reason to change the DOFF UI if the goal is to get it on Gateway? OK, I guess.
    -Did crafting need some sort of revamp? Certainly.

    -Should a tonne of content be removed with no replacement? Not ideally, it should be improved. No time to improve it? Give us something to replace it. Content with story. Content with story that makes sense, would be ideal. Short NEW content for people to discover.
    -Should doffing changes cripple a bunch of functions (selection of specific doffs more difficult, etc) to put it on Gateway? Maybe. But when is this going on Gateway? It hasn't been announced. Gateway has been a bunch of empty promises since before I started playing, so unless this change is dropping with 9.5, perhaps some of it should be rethought.
    -Should crafting items require dilithium? Never. Dilithium inputs is the MAIN problem with the current system that prevents it from being viable for equipping fresh Level 50 characters. Too many better rewards are available simply from running the missions. This is from someone who DOES craft some items. An EC sink in needed in game - doesn't it make sense to pay for crafting efforts in EC and not precious ore? Are our officers not even accepting Federation Credits anymore?

    If it's all "alpha" and in flux, we should see weekly changes throughout July on Tribble. If there are no changes, then it's not alpha and in flux. If it goes live as-is, with a promise to add this or that, fix that and the other thing later, then good luck with seeing it as in "flux". Ex 2 is coming, and development is reported to be busy on it. There will not likely be any fixes between August 1 and then.

    If this stuff won't be ready til Ex 2, why launch it at all? There's ALOT of Feedback on here, which is what they asked for. Instead of making an excuse that they released an "alpha" for feedback, Cryptic should say "We've heard the feedback, and some adjustments are coming to Tribble next week. We'd like further feedback to provide the best S9.5 experience." THAT'S what Alpha testing is supposed to be.
  • losdoslosdos Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Just because Cryptic are calling this an alpha it does not mean that it actually is an alpha. I would call it early Beta.

    According to Captain Geko on the Priority One podcast, there are only a few things that are subject to change, like costs and recipes ...etc.

    Personally, the issues I have are with the fundamental systems and how it was designed, like the doff system and the randomness for which there is no 100% success guarantee (for XII pruples) and the cost and time required to get anything useful out of the system is astronomical. Fundamentally it goes against how they conceptualised the system to begin with, which is not going to change. What you see now is what you are going to get, just with a bit of tweaking and maybe some polish.

    He did try and stem the outrage be adding caveats that they will introduce certain features in the future (Expansion 2 update), and who knows he might actually keep his promise this time.

    Once that lock in the current system their will not be any sweeping changes until they get round to redesigning the system again in a couple of years.
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    First, kudos to klytemnestra1 for a well-thought post. Spot on. Similar kudos to many of the other posts in this thread, too.
    losdos wrote: »
    (...) According to Captain Geko on the Priority One podcast, there are only a few things that are subject to change, like costs and recipes ...etc. (...)
    Thanks for pointing that out, losdos. With those Captain Geko statements in mind, we're not going to see major UI changes, nor placing exploration sectors back into the game, as some vocal forum members are clamoring for.

    I wonder if the dilithium cost is due to crafters (potentially) flooding the Exchange with items. High cost = less crafting, less Exchange items, higher Exchange prices. (And with a likely C-Store crafting (fill-in-the-blank) kit/? purchase, then possible account bound items, less Exchange offerings.) -- I'm still waiting to see if this becomes reality, or Cryptic has other aims.

    For many players (myself included), we have multiple toons. We want a less-expensive crafting cost so we can craft items which our toons can use -- and we can get on with playing the actual game.

    But that's fine for a perfect world... (no pun intended)

    Alrighty then: It's all about testing existing features on Tribble and eating the proverbial dog food that gets served up. The devs want feedback, but won't identify if this is an actual alpha, pre-beta, or beta testing cycle. (Devs: please clarify this. Thank you.)
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Here's a wacky suggestion for the devs:

    * Offer crafting at HALF the resource price, whereby the item is account locked. (Not by one toon, but account-wide.) The item cannot be sold on the Exchange.
    * Offer crafting at FULL resource price, whereby the item can be sold on the Exchange.

    If you're seeking to control an influx of Exchange item dumping/selling, then this is an option.

    Devs: Thank you for your consideration.
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Its test n we will ignore 90% of feed back as normal :P
  • z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Geko has said this is an alpha test, when on tribble the devs want you an everyone to find bugs, major hurdles in progression and offer workable advice on the system. From the geko interview I get the feeling they really want to make sure this goes off smoothly as possible, hence why have we an early version to stress test. Im gonna wait and see in a few weeks how its looking ( an working ) before the doom sets in.....
  • edited June 2014
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  • adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    losdos wrote: »
    Just because Cryptic are calling this an alpha it does not mean that it actually is an alpha. I would call it early Beta.

    According to Captain Geko on the Priority One podcast, there are only a few things that are subject to change, like costs and recipes ...etc.

    Personally, the issues I have are with the fundamental systems and how it was designed, like the doff system and the randomness for which there is no 100% success guarantee (for XII pruples) and the cost and time required to get anything useful out of the system is astronomical. Fundamentally it goes against how they conceptualised the system to begin with, which is not going to change. What you see now is what you are going to get, just with a bit of tweaking and maybe some polish.

    He did try and stem the outrage be adding caveats that they will introduce certain features in the future (Expansion 2 update), and who knows he might actually keep his promise this time.

    Once that lock in the current system their will not be any sweeping changes until they get round to redesigning the system again in a couple of years.

    Have you had access to the Catalysts yet? No you haven't, and they effect your chance at crafting , it may in fact be entirely possible to get a 100 percent purple in the full system, You just haven't seen it

    These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
  • artfulmerkageartfulmerkage Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hmmm interesting.

    Valdus | Charn | Costello | Typhus | Thyran
  • agentexeideragentexeider Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    adverbero wrote: »
    Have you had access to the Catalysts yet? No you haven't, and they effect your chance at crafting , it may in fact be entirely possible to get a 100 percent purple in the full system, You just haven't seen it

    then why have them?

    Crafting is not about being a slot machine that you put things in and what you want MAY come out.

    Crafting is about following a recipe and getting EXACTLY out, what you put into it.

    Your confusing gambling house mechanics with crafting.

    I don't go through the steps to make a cake, and when I open my oven to take it out a souffle pops out.

    Crafting is a GIGO experience, you get what you put into it, period.

    the adding of chance based modifiers is just a method of wasting resources and in essence generate more money by indirectly wasting the stockpile of resources people have, so as to have them go out and purchase more.

    It's a pathetic attempt to create another ZEN sink into the game. it's blatant, obvious, with all the subtlety of a chainsaw.
  • losdoslosdos Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    adverbero wrote: »
    Have you had access to the Catalysts yet? No you haven't, and they effect your chance at crafting , it may in fact be entirely possible to get a 100 percent purple in the full system, You just haven't seen it

    No one has apart from the dev team. So, unless you are saying you are part of the dev team, I will go with Captain Geko. He says that you can't get to 100% but you can get pretty close.

    Considering that at the info I have seen (I am not level 20 in any school yet, myself) is that currently the VR % chance at max level (with purple doff but no catalyst) sits at around 33%, it is fairly safe to assume that, as they currently stand, catalyst won't get you to 100%.

    I honestly will not participate in a crafting system which needs me to spend a vast amount of dilithium and buy stuff off the c-store in order to get 1 mkXII purple item.
  • gooddaytodie39gooddaytodie39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    then why have them?

    Crafting is not about being a slot machine that you put things in and what you want MAY come out.

    Crafting is about following a recipe and getting EXACTLY out, what you put into it.

    Your confusing gambling house mechanics with crafting.

    I don't go through the steps to make a cake, and when I open my oven to take it out a souffle pops out.

    Crafting is a GIGO experience, you get what you put into it, period.

    the adding of chance based modifiers is just a method of wasting resources and in essence generate more money by indirectly wasting the stockpile of resources people have, so as to have them go out and purchase more.

    It's a pathetic attempt to create another ZEN sink into the game. it's blatant, obvious, with all the subtlety of a chainsaw.

    This is what crafting in a free to play game looks like. It's the same in Neverwinter and although some small details may change, the fundamentals will not.
    You want a solid chance at getting a purple MKXII you're going to have to pay for it with either zen or a large amount of EC on the exchange most likely. To say it's a pathetic attempt to create another zen sink well, is ridiculous. It's not pathetic just because you don't like it. Why should it be anything other than blatant?
    How would you propose to add a revenue stream into the game that would pay for the Devs time to do a crafting revamp and also provide them a profit? The TRIBBLE that people are posting on this crafting thing is getting out of hand.
    It's like people expect everything in this game to be 100% free and to their liking other wise it's flame time. Go play SWTOR as free to play and get back to us.
  • losdoslosdos Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This is what crafting in a free to play game looks like. It's the same in Neverwinter and although some small details may change, the fundamentals will not.
    You want a solid chance at getting a purple MKXII you're going to have to pay for it with either zen or a large amount of EC on the exchange most likely. To say it's a pathetic attempt to create another zen sink well, is ridiculous. It's not pathetic just because you don't like it. Why should it be anything other than blatant?
    How would you propose to add a revenue stream into the game that would pay for the Devs time to do a crafting revamp and also provide them a profit? The TRIBBLE that people are posting on this crafting thing is getting out of hand.
    It's like people expect everything in this game to be 100% free and to their liking other wise it's flame time. Go play SWTOR as free to play and get back to us.


    "You want a solid chance at getting a purple MKXII you're going to have to get it cheaper from the fleet store, through the reputation system or a large amount of EC on the exchange." FTFY

    The point is not that it should be 100% free, it costs dilithium (currently, a lot more dilithium than the alternatives). Yes, Dilithium can be obtained for free but is capped at 8k per day, unless you trade it for zen. The point is that by introducing "more powerful" weapons where you can only reliably get them is at the direct cost of zen is called "pay to win". While STO is arguable already pay to win (at least in pvp) with the Uber consoles that can only be obtained through the c-store ships and lock boxes, players (including yourself) should be up in arms about any further move towards pay to win.

    Pay to win does not equal free to play. It is a bad business model that just alienates the player base and generally leads to a failure in an MMO. The few that want to buy their way to the top will leave if no one else is in game because they left because the game keeps making moves towards pay to win.
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    In terms of positive ideas from that interview, I really liked the idea of consoles in specific locations that provide a bonus to certain schools. I really like the idea of going somewhere to do something, rather than just jumping into a window or a queue in any random place. Maybe have consoles on Memory Alpha to give a bonus to the Science school, Utopia Planetia can give bonuses to starship related schools. Somewhere else for ground weapons. Perhaps even Qo'nos, giving Klingons the opportunity to craft better ground weapons that they can sell, and the Federation the chance to create better science consoles.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ...but folks crapped all over the place as if it were the completed work and it was going to drop this Thursday. This Thursday, btw, is only June 26th. But in a game where folks got up in arms about not having enough time to complete the Risa event...because you know, it was ending on the 17th after starting on the 5th (and all those folks completely ignored the July part)...

    ere's the issue, they've got a month till release and as per the rest of your post the rest of S9.5 isn't even up yet. That means where only going to get a week or two of crafting as the focus of testing then they're going to move onto the rest of 9.5. So we've got maybe 2 weeks to shove changes through as a community via our feedback and then it's going to be final.
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    But it should have been obvious to folks...

    S9.5 scheduled to launch at the end of July.
    S9.5 dropped out to Tribble on June 19th.
    Redshirt opened to allow for patching of Holodeck while S9.5 is on Tribble.
    S9.5 obviously incomplete on Tribble, based even on the scarce info provided to that point.

    It's like, "No shizzle!" it's an incomplete/early look with it having over a month of testing/etc coming...lol...

    Cryptic spent over two years turning the game into something that everybody that took the shortbus to the internet could play...they've got nobody to blame but themselves for some of the comments their playerbase makes.

    completly agree. there is way to little time to properly push out the redone crafting system. It's better to delay S9.5 to do it properly or to wait to the launch the second expansion for the redone crafting system to go live.
    if they don't cryptic deserves all the TRIBBLE it will get.
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Completely agree, as player I'd rather wait for complete product/crafting system, than get some half done TRIBBLE.
  • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    How would you propose to add a revenue stream into the game that would pay for the Devs time to do a crafting revamp and also provide them a profit?

    How about me using the real money backed dilithium to get what I pay for instead maybe getting what I pay for, seeing as large scale crafting is probably going to need zen purchase support anyway since its the fastest way to get a lot of dilithium.

    Instead of blowing zen on the possibility of getting something good.
  • miroexinmiroexin Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    First of all this is not Alpha. They lack things but the frame for the gambling system is done. And everything sad in the podcast is based that this is the frame and they will add more things and high end gear to gamble with it not change it from ground up. Listen what is he saying.
    After 21 crafting assignments and burning 1575 dil to bypass 2h building time to build MK II dual cannon I got:
    0, yes zero very rare AP MK II dual canons
    p.s. I will execute my rare Jam’hadar who is serving under me for 1,5 years for incompetence it’s just a MK II dual canon, he is Energy Weapons Officer not a Doctor.
  • matridunadan1matridunadan1 Member Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    sethpc wrote: »
    In Rivera's own words (listen to the interview if you really want confirmation), what we're seeing is more like alpha status than beta status.

    If you've ever followed any Cryptic trends, anything that shows up on Tribble is way beyond Alpha or Beta state, and into near-Final.

    The new crafting system IS complete. All they're doing now is tweaking the numbers.

    If you truly believe this is an "alpha", then we should be getting a major revision of at least half of the aspects in the system by the end of July including, but not limited to, UI and the various disciplines.

    The whole point of an Alpha is to test out concepts. That means User Interface and various cosmetic aspects such as the crafting schools are usually neglected in favor of a quick, simple, servicable interface with which the developers can access the core with the minimum number of clicks or fuss.

    I'm sorry to tell you this, but this is not an Alpha.
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