I was thinking about maybe getting the life time sub due to it being on sale,
but i did not know that they had stopped the doing the vet rewards.
Sto had been up for about 1600 days.
Vet rewards haven't "stopped", it's merely that 1000 day rewards are as far as they go. If you sub, you have to sub for the period to reach those reward levels, and if you LTS then you get them all immediately.
apart from all the vet rewards that you get instantly and what you save on standard subs every month you also have the best part in my eyes 500 zen every month to spend in game that starts being paid to your account within a few days of buying your LTS.
check out here what you save. http://sto.gamepedia.com/User:Eklinaar/Subscriber_benefits_breakdown
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.