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Mogh Build (PVE DPS)

amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Klingon Discussion
I am thinking of landing on my Mogh Build with the following: (Need my fleet to get to Tier V before I can complete)


A Couple of Questions.

1. Is Photonic Arsenal 2 piece set worth it? (+3 Crit Change versus loss of Beam Array)

2. Is the Undine Turret on the Back worth it? (6.5% extra disruptor Damage versus loss of beam Array.)

3. Are Elite Distruptors higher dps in PVE versus Romulan Plasma that I am running today? (i.e. is the shield melting proc worth it? Also are there any stats on these beam arrays?)

4. If I go with Elite Disrutpers for PVE is the Crt D modifier better or ACC. The real question here is accuracy overflow broken with FAW/beam arrays or not?

4. DOFFs. I am thinking Kling Marion, 2 Damage Control Engineers, 1 Warp Core. 1 Con office that reduces the Attack Patter recharge. I say this because Kling Dirocks, Dyrenes, and other DOFFs are expensive, difficult to get etc. (I also ready have the kling Marion.)

5. Deflector: Is Undine Deflector better than Elite Fleet Axiom deflector in this build?

6. Boffs. I am thinking All Nausicans until I then swap out with 3 SRO operatives as fleet credit becomes available.

7. Locaters versus Exploiters. I am assuming that the Locaters are better and all should be locaters. Is there a better mix of Crit H versus Crit D here?

8. FAW 1: I have heard rumors that FAW 1 actually reduces your DPS because instead of buff each beam fires it actually lowers the DPS of each beam firing. Is this True?

9. Lastly, THis is a non-aux to battery build really built around the added crit from SRO BOFFS. Can Aux to Batt do more DPS. (3 SRO versus 2 SRO and 3 Purple Technicians.)
Post edited by amaresh1 on


  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    amaresh1 wrote: »
    1. Is Photonic Arsenal 2 piece set worth it? (+3 Crit Change versus loss of Beam Array)

    2. Is the Undine Turret on the Back worth it? (6.5% extra disruptor Damage versus loss of beam Array.)
    Once you start eliminating broadside-compatible weaponry from your shipbutt, it's starting to look better and better to just switch your front battery to DBBs. A turret will not exhibit good compatibility with your existing beam-based armament in any event, though. Losing a beam array is around -12% damage traded for 6.5% more damage from everything else. I have no idea how much you can get from the turret set special, but probably not all that much.
    dareau wrote: »
    4. If I go with Elite Disrutpers for PVE is the Crt D modifier better or ACC. The real question here is accuracy overflow broken with FAW/beam arrays or not?
    It is indeed broken. However, [Dmg]x2 is terribad...
    dareau wrote: »
    6. Boffs. I am thinking All Nausicans until I then swap out with 3 SRO operatives as fleet credit becomes available.
    dareau wrote: »
    7. Locaters versus Exploiters. I am assuming that the Locaters are better and all should be locaters. Is there a better mix of Crit H versus Crit D here?
    Locators win out in pretty much every situation.
    dareau wrote: »
    8. FAW 1: I have heard rumors that FAW 1 actually reduces your DPS because instead of buff each beam fires it actually lowers the DPS of each beam firing. Is this True?
    No, that's bollocks.
    dareau wrote: »
    9. Lastly, THis is a non-aux to battery build really built around the added crit from SRO BOFFS. Can Aux to Batt do more DPS. (3 SRO versus 2 SRO and 3 Purple Technicians.)
    No. ATB will actually lower your DPS because you will no longer have the benefit of the Nuka Aux-To-Damage passive or the +3.3% AMP. It will, however, improve the reliability of your ship's functions, your survivability, and not cost you an arm and a leg in Zemoks (which you won't need) and whatnot. If you already have these things, and have already ruined them by equipping them, then clearly you are outlandishly wealthy and can eschew such budget build options. The notion that Aux2Batt is somehow the best is utterly false and will actually reduce your damage. I'm fine with my Aux2Wallet, though, because I'm not Crosis and I'm not made of money.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Pretty much what my esteemed colleague wrote before me.

    1) I would add however that once you got 2-piece protonic arsenal, the Experimental proton wep also uses FAW. And it's bloody good when in FAW mode. In my parses, it does slightly out damage a beam array, without any proton enhancing consoles. So I'd use it. Of course you'll need to be more careful with your position, as it's only got 180 degree arc (still enough to work with BAs).

    2) However the turret might be quite a liability, won't be enhanced by FAW and it's 2-piece bonus is probably to small to compensate.

    5) Not familiar with fleet deflectors.

    7) Well, perhaps this tool will help you. Can't guarantee it's entirely correct, but might offer some leads. http://comatoes.github.io/sto-crit-calc/
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    For this boat, non-a2b does not equal to more dps, here's why:

    Highest possible attack pattern: beta II + beta I
    Highest possible faw: faw III/II + faw I
    Eng skills: eptw III + eptw I, Dem III + Dem I w/marion, no room for tanking skill. In your fit, one copy of eptw, with minimal tanking skill
    Power: Running with max aux, minimal shield and engine

    Highest possible attack pattern: beta II x2 effective
    Highest possible faw: faw III/II x2 effective
    Eng skills: eptw III x2 effective, Dem III x2 effective w/marion. Lots of room for tanking skills x2.
    Power: Running with max shield and eng from a2b, along with additional weapon power

    [amp]x1 plus nukara rep aren't actually enough to make up for dps loss from lower attack pattern, lower faw, lower eptw, lower dem, and lower power. Keep in mind that eng skills like eptw also adds % dmg directly, not just indirectly through weapon power, the higher level, the higher % dmg added. Nona2b also comes with all the annoyances of running with minimal shield and engine power, unless you want to lose dps from nukara rep.

    Lastly, a2b is missing 1 SRO. But keep in mind that Nausicaan pirate trait is almost as good, and dirt cheap. The dmg bonus is final, not base, and it stacks.
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