So, there's a UFP and a KDF Superior Powerboard...but no Republic Powerboard?
Is this a bug, and they just need to patch it in?
Or did the devs seriously not design a powerboard for us?
(Also, as an aside, while we're on the subject of bugs and Romulans being shortchanged, when one goes to make a Romulan Monument Sandcastle, it makes a Klingon Monument instead.)
My thoughts:
Edit: Just noticed the initials would be R.I.P.
The Bad News is it also has an Risian Symbol on it instead of something Romulan ... still wondering why this one seems to be not on sale ...
I was trying to be succinct and diplomatic about my concerns, but your frustration echoes my own.
They did give us our own scarf back during the winter event. I suppose our own powerboard and sandcastle was finally too much to ask for....
I had heard people mention this, and did go looking for it myself, but couldn't seem to find it. Might go looking again.
Hearing about the fact that there was a model potentially not in the vendor list made me hopeful that maybe there are some things that still need to be patched in, but if even that board only has a Risian symbol on it....
I had that happen to my board once, but I'm not sure what triggers it.
If I could figure out what causes it to glitch out like that, I suppose I could try to force it, and pretend I'm surfing around on a cloaked Republic powerboard. -_-
My character Tsin'xing
If this is not another slap in the face...
Interesting, my Fed Rom makes Fed monuments. Rather Cryptic, isn't it? -ba-dum-tish!-
Aww, do you miss wasting an extra 50% favors for a R.R. board? So sad.
Same here. WTF, Cryptic?
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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I was hoping someone would mess up and using the Imperial design on the powerboard too, but there's not a Romulan one at all? Lame.
I asked Tacofangs when he was on last night, and he said he didn't know. Which isn't promising. If it simply needed to be patched in, I'm pretty sure he would have happily told me so. "Don't know" is usually political/corporate shorthand for "I'm dodging the question".
Or, conspiracy theories aside, maybe even he genuinely doesn't know where in the Void the Republic powerboards are, either.... >_>
My character Tsin'xing
There is a green board between the Fed and KDF boards in the building with the Ornithologist and Powerboard Vendor. I'm also pretty sure that the leaked screenies showed a Romulan Republic board, and this one in between those two looks like I remember the one from the leaked screenies. So where is it? Rumor has it that it will be added on Tuesday, but rumors in MMOs are more often false than true, and I've seen no official word on the matter so far.
Yes, and he stated in Zone chat the day before yesterday that he didn't work on the Risa event, so he might very well not know.
But it would be nice to have some official information, because if there's not going to be a Romulan board, I won't bother farming the favors to get one. I have no interest in the race, seeing as the requirement to "win" is bogus, and I'm not interested in a feathered monkey. But the boards are fun, and I would like to have one. However, if we Romulans have been denied our own boards, then I may very well not bother as a form of protest.
I too am only interested in a Romulan board to collect - is there a link to a screenshot of the leaked?
That's pretty much what I'm waiting to see; if there will be anything patched in during the usual maintenance. After that, if nothing shows up, I might be a bit more...insistent in getting an official answer as whether or not there we'll be getting a board this year.
And if the answer is a negative, or if I still don't get any kind of official response then, yeah, I'm probably going to be done with the event as well, beyond popping on to get pearls and keeping the monkey/bird mark production train rolling. After tomorrow, I'll have pretty much gotten everything I wanted, favor-wise.
To show your faction pride? Which Romulans can't currently do...
The monument thing is hopefully a bug, at least, since I'm building Klingon ones while Federation-aligned and the text string does specifically state "build Romulan monument".
however, i got the klingon powerboard meanwhile
and it looks like the federation one when I use it.... so WTF?
Well, there was a link, somewhere in these fora before the event went live, but leaked stuff tends to get deleted, because posting it is a violation of the rules. So I'm not sure if the post still exists for the masses to view, and I didn't fave the post or the images.