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Risian Bridge



  • tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    Cryptic is probably using the time given by the Risa Event to work on the next expansion, so I wouldn't get your hopes up about a bridge, as much as I'd love to see one I'm betting it won't be until next year that we get one.

    This is something that'll crop up again next year, that and body textures for each race so they look better in swimsuits at a bet.
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    There are currently no plans to make a Risian bridge for the future, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.

    Please reconsider.

    You guys set a standard with the last event and event ship, not to mention pretty much all the lockbox ships, it would be a great shame if you could not live up to this standard you set.
    Especially with a ship that for once was extremely highly anticipated because of the potential bridge/interior it might have.
    I mean the possible promise of a unique Risa themed bridge was kind of what got everyone hyped up about this new ship.

    A generic dark and murky KDF bridge just does not FIT with a luxury ship. :(
  • generalmocogeneralmoco Member Posts: 1,634
    edited June 2014

    engine! Sorry it means you'll have to kill stuff. Ok...
    Want to do the tour more faster? Buy a vesta... OK!
    Want to have even more fun helping your tour friends? Max ambassador ranks! Ok.
    Dev: Now lets nerf the tour... Invalidating all of the things you've spent time and money on.
    Me: What?


    I LOLED through the whole thing...

    It was like the best non-fiction novel I've read...
  • admiralcarteradmiralcarter Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    There are currently no plans to make a Risian bridge for the future, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.

    *sigh* Instead we will get yet another Battlezone noone wants.

    I really dont understand why Cryptics development plans are so against working on proper interiours. You say they wont get used either... give them use.... Daily mission, R&R activities, Holodeck (could be a gateway for the foundry) and the list goes on.

    But Cryptic decides to treat interiours like the bad step-child.

    Granted you cant make everyone happy and you need to focus dev effort on content the casual players want... but its not like the begging for interiours is new.

    Its going since Beta now and was always rated as low priority and put at the end of the to-do-list.

    In all the years it was dropped to the end of your list because new priorities were coming up. Interiours are hard work thats for sure. I mapped myself for Elite Force back in the day and it wasnt easy, and of course not done in a day or even a week, but the outcome was pleasant and the appreciation you got was too.

    Back in the day like 100 people were roleplaying on EF Roleplay maps, but to satisfy them (and if only a few) was worth it. We ve created maps so close to the show you couldnt tell the difference.

    In STO you made nice Interiours already. Just look at the Defiant Set or the TOS Constitution, heck even Romulan Interiours are very nice.

    We are begging for 4 years now. Heck we'd even pay ZEN's for it. When does it get a higher priority?

    Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]

    Join Date: Jul 2009
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    r9xchaos wrote: »
    Id rather like romulan alternate bridges... klingons have a smal selection , federation have a huge selection...

    but romulans only have this one bridge...

    (( atleast on all ships i own...Fleet Dhelan Warbird Retrofit , Dhael Warbird , Mirror Dhelan Retrofit , hapax , hafeh , hanom... mirror and normal version...))

    all the same bridges

    i heard the scimitar has one different bridge.. but that dosent help my Fleet Dhelan Retrofit having more than one...

    P.S. i dont get the idea of all those civilian and enemy ships...

    Klingons would only use Ship of Honor...

    Federation has a protocol on Ships they use...

    Romulans have Cloaking ship .. why would they use a Space titanic..?

    so... why dont cryptic gives us a Traders/Pirates/Freebooters/civilian/freighters faction? atleast all those other ships would better fit into the game...

    Consider it quality over quantity.
    The romulan interior is by far the best the the entire game. At this point I play primarily romulan and I never felt I needet another interior..

    And we already have a more or less freelancer faction. It's the kdf filled with Orions and nausicaans.
    *sigh* Instead we will get yet another Battlezone noone wants.

    I really dont understand why Cryptics development plans are so against working on proper interiours. You say they wont get used either... give them use.... Daily mission, R&R activities, Holodeck (could be a gateway for the foundry) and the list goes on.

    But Cryptic decides to treat interiours like the bad step-child.

    Granted you cant make everyone happy and you need to focus dev effort on content the casual players want... but its not like the begging for interiours is new.

    Its going since Beta now and was always rated as low priority and put at the end of the to-do-list.

    In all the years it was dropped to the end of your list because new priorities were coming up. Interiours are hard work thats for sure. I mapped myself for Elite Force back in the day and it wasnt easy, and of course not done in a day or even a week, but the outcome was pleasant and the appreciation you got was too.

    Back in the day like 100 people were roleplaying on EF Roleplay maps, but to satisfy them (and if only a few) was worth it. We ve created maps so close to the show you couldnt tell the difference.

    In STO you made nice Interiours already. Just look at the Defiant Set or the TOS Constitution, heck even Romulan Interiours are very nice.

    We are begging for 4 years now. Heck we'd even pay ZEN's for it. When does it get a higher priority?

    I like battle zones, they are prety much the best pieces of actual content that had been addet since f2p.
    I still agree on that interior question, and word in my limited vocabulary that describes cryptics handling of interiors would violate forum rules.

    But it's true, at this point adding more bridges/interiors is kind if pointless since they are useless. The later point is what they should fix first. And that desperately.
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    We are begging for 4 years now. Heck we'd even pay ZEN's for it. When does it get a higher priority?

    when it makes them money hand over fist forever.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    There are very few things in game development that are easy. Seemingly "simple" things are complicated and seemingly complicated things are just that much more.

    For the bridge, it was something the entire team was on board with getting done. However, as with anything in game development, sometimes we can't accomplish what we initially set out to do, due to unforeseen circumstances.

    Case in point. The Risian bridge.

    I am not going to say it would be easy to make a bridge for it.

    Just like I'm sure creating all those swimsuits, the ship itself, or all the rest of the work that went into the summer event this year was likely very difficult, and consumed vast amounts of development resources. It is all very nice by the way.

    But this lack of bridge is that extra 5% of work that would have dramatically increased the value of everything else already done.

    Even something as basic as using the standard bridge with an extra 'beach' option on the turbolift to enter a small version of Risa's existing map (say beach and beach house part) would have been enough.

    As it is now we have swimsuits that will rarely be used by anyone and a new cruiser with nothing special. The bridge would have changed that.

    Funny thing is? I would never use it personally. I'm just getting tired to STO lacking that extra 5% of polish/detail/whatever in development releases that would change the content from 'meh' to 'awesome'. Lack of cooldown indicator for the daily reputation bonuses. Trait and boff ability not being a part of load outs. Shuttle balance.

    And soon an expansion that could have really used a skill tree system revamp for some unknown reason that will have to wait.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    *sigh* Instead we will get yet another Battlezone noone wants.

    I really dont understand why Cryptics development plans are so against working on proper interiours. You say they wont get used either... give them use.... Daily mission, R&R activities, Holodeck (could be a gateway for the foundry) and the list goes on.

    But Cryptic decides to treat interiours like the bad step-child.

    Granted you cant make everyone happy and you need to focus dev effort on content the casual players want... but its not like the begging for interiours is new.

    Its going since Beta now and was always rated as low priority and put at the end of the to-do-list.

    In all the years it was dropped to the end of your list because new priorities were coming up. Interiours are hard work thats for sure. I mapped myself for Elite Force back in the day and it wasnt easy, and of course not done in a day or even a week, but the outcome was pleasant and the appreciation you got was too.

    Back in the day like 100 people were roleplaying on EF Roleplay maps, but to satisfy them (and if only a few) was worth it. We ve created maps so close to the show you couldnt tell the difference.

    In STO you made nice Interiours already. Just look at the Defiant Set or the TOS Constitution, heck even Romulan Interiours are very nice.

    We are begging for 4 years now. Heck we'd even pay ZEN's for it. When does it get a higher priority?

    The sheer irony is that the vast MAJORITY of screen time of all of Star Trek took place.... where? You guessed it....INSIDE the ship!!!! :eek:

    Ship interiors really need to be moved to the top of the to-do list.
    In fact they should dedicate an entire season to ship interior gameplay and function.
    Rigging things up so missions can take place there etc.

    I know I for one would love to play episodes or missions involving alien intruders on my ship, something we saw a lot of in Star Trek.
  • darknessmutadarknessmuta Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I would rather see unique bridges added to the 3 pack ships like the Vesta then these one offs since most people just get them for the novelty especially now with the project change you do not have to feel bad dismissing them since it's only 40 Pearls to get another.
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    They said they had no plans for a Breen Bridge, but a dev made one so they through it in as a surprise.

    Maybe that might happen again.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    *sigh* Instead we will get yet another Battlezone noone wants.

    The number of BZ Maps running at a time tells me you don't have a good grasp on what the general population wants.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    There are currently no plans to make a Risian bridge for the future, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.

    For what it's worth, I'd ask you and the team to reconsider this decision.

    One thing I think this thread has done, is demonstrate the expectations some of us had for this bridge.

    And we have to be honest, if cryptic did everything on those wish lists, we'd be looking at a fantastically complex map.

    However, I do think cryptic underestimated the desire for this.

    Apart from anything else, we were hoping for somewhere that KDF toons could use their summer gear.

    Feds can land on Risa year round, KDF can't.

    Speaking purely for myself, I wouldn't mind too much if the bridge took a little while to sort out, but came with all the whistles and bells.

    All I'd like for now is a nod that the team are looking again at the issue.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    *sigh* Instead we will get yet another Battlezone noone wants.
    Well, that is certainly possible, but I happend to like the previous two battle zones, so it would be a bit surprising to me if the next was not to my liking. I'd give you that now I probably don't really need or want another ground zone, but I may be wrong. Ground Combat never was my favorite activity in STO, but the battle zone actually was enjoyable.

    Instead of working on a new interior, my suggestion is to first work on a system that allows using interiors for mission content. Including alien boarders and stuff like that, not just running around from A to B (though that might also be interesting enough for a few missions).

    If they ever get that kind of technology, then new interiors will make sense. If it requires deleting all the previous interiors (including the ones I'd spend money on) to create new ones compatible with this new tech, I could actually live with that.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reximuz wrote: »
    The number of BZ Maps running at a time tells me you don't have a good grasp on what the general population wants.

    Do I do battle zones? yes.
    Do I want them? No.

    It only tells you what people are doing, not what they actually want.

    Right now battlezones are the fastest and most reliable way to earn large quantities of marks and secondary tokens(injections, data chips etc), and the ground battlezone dailies are pretty rewarding in dilithium as well.
    So of course people are going to play them..
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    On one aspect I don't understand the decision to not add a specialized bridge to the ships. Lets be honest, the ships aren't that good, the console set is nice, but not enough to make up for the meh-ness of the ships when compared to the pay to win ships. Really these ships aren't going to be used except by a handful of people just for the simple why the heck not I need to make my life more difficult. Adding a bridge may at least allowed it to be used by RPers and the like. So you make ships that no one will use, then say that you're not going to put in a bridge because no one will use the ships, even though putting in the bridge may be the only reason people WILL use the ships.

    But then they are free ships. I get it the devs want (or are told) they need to put their efforts into lobi store, zen store, and lock boxes. Anything else doesn't make them money, and therefore is not worth the time.

    Personally I'm not happy about the idea of basically putting in another grind that will serve no purpose, and the one thing that would make it worthwhile they choose to not put in, in order to concentrate on a totally different grind. Can we please concentrate on one grind at a time and make the grind worthwhile, before concentrating on the next grind you want to give us... please?
  • xsupersnailxxsupersnailx Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reximuz wrote: »
    The number of BZ Maps running at a time tells me you don't have a good grasp on what the general population wants.

    There's only 2 reasons I ever go to battlezones..

    1. to explore it
    2. it gives easy marks (grind grind grind grind)

    NOT because I want to go or that I find it fun
  • vulcancouriervulcancourier Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I think a reconsideration of a unique bridge would add another level of satisfaction for the effort to acquire the cruiseliner.

    It is a bit odd at the moment to beam up to your bridge and find, in my case a Romulan, the interior of a warbird.

    At a basic level, perhaps repurpose the Scimitar bridge, change the walls and chairs, add surfboards as art, a bird on a perch and use the promenade bar theme for the thalaron room.

    Or, use the lobby of the resort and repurpose each counter as a bridge station and replace the dabo table with a horgah'hn.

    Or perhaps make it a player design contest for next Summer.

    Add it to the grind and/or store if it helps.

    Its a fun ship to fly.
  • raw030raw030 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Many of us don't give event ships a second thought because of the lack of unique interiors.

    I know that for me, the lack of a unique Bridge to draw me in, I will only be getting the ship on one toon instead of all my main alts.
    And your right, I probally won't be using the new ship much... because it lacks a unique interior.

    In fact a unique interior that allowed for the swimsuits to be worn would be exactly what would make me use the ship more than any other event ship.

    HERE, HERE, I am glad I am reading this today and not in July. Now I can go back to Grinding STF's
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reximuz wrote: »
    The number of BZ Maps running at a time tells me you don't have a good grasp on what the general population wants.
    I dislike the undine BZ. The only reason I play it is for the marks. And once I'm done, I plan to never come back.
    Having people doing something doesn't mean they enjoy it. I also did the grindversary, I didn't enjoyed it.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    erei1 wrote: »
    I dislike the undine BZ. The only reason I play it is for the marks. And once I'm done, I plan to never come back.
    Having people doing something doesn't mean they enjoy it. I also did the grindversary, I didn't enjoyed it.

    I haven't even been back to the voth ground battlezone after I finished the Dyson rep and got all the rep gear.
  • admiralcarteradmiralcarter Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The sheer irony is that the vast MAJORITY of screen time of all of Star Trek took place.... where? You guessed it....INSIDE the ship!!!! :eek:

    Ship interiors really need to be moved to the top of the to-do list.
    In fact they should dedicate an entire season to ship interior gameplay and function.
    Rigging things up so missions can take place there etc.

    I know I for one would love to play episodes or missions involving alien intruders on my ship, something we saw a lot of in Star Trek.

    An entire Season sounds good and would be probably needed for this.

    One day maybe :o

    Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]

    Join Date: Jul 2009
  • druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I thought the ESD revamp was great, and absolutely NECESSARY for the game. However, the old ESD was at least "functional", even though it was an absolute eyesore. The time spent on concepting, designing, tweaking and finishing the new ESD, could've been devoted to a proper revamp of Player Interiors. A request, which has been made repeatedly by the community since beta.

    Instead, we got new ESD...
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    You know I can say a lot of bad things about Wildstar, but one thing I like is that the devs there don't say anything that the community wants isn't going to happen and make excuses why it wil not. Instead they listen to their community and if it seems like it is impotant to the community it
    becomes*important to them
  • hawkhawkinshawkhawkins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Cryptic: #1 in hype. But in follow through? A big pile of #2.
  • valkyriechosenvalkyriechosen Member Posts: 0
    edited June 2014
    I do like the Risa event. The race is fun, even with its flaws, and the team that worked on it did a good job. I think the swimwear designs are fantastic, and great job to the modellers and texture artists who made them. The new promenade area on Risa was beautifully crafted, and the new cruiser actually works well (in concept) for a character I roleplay as crew from a star cruise ship.

    The only thing I was concerned with when I saw we'd be getting a Risian luxury cruiser was that it would have a nice bridge, which might provide use for the things we can buy on Risa (floaters, boards, swimwear, anything in future festivals), as well as being a fun social space without any of the griefers that people have to deal with in all of the social zones, and most importantly, no flashing griefer balls that make my character dance around like an idot, ever. As a bonus, I figured that as a luxury ship, it would have an interior that I could use with that previously mentioned roleplay character, and I assumed it would be similarly appreciated by the vast majority of the roleplay community, who probably provide the bulk of the ship interior use. In my experience the roleplayers of STO tend to make heavy use of their bridges and ship interiors 1) for story purposes, 2) for parties, meetings, and general interaction, and 3) because they are the only places to avoid being frozen in blocks of ice/stuck in a snow storm, spammed with balloons, forced to dance, or otherwise annoyed by people just being silly (excluding starbases). So when all is said and done, the lack of the bridge now, on the one ship that really screamed for a unique, social bridge is probably one of the worst calls for the non-combat portion of the game, and it's this disparity between what the ship should have been (a non-combat/lightly armed at most, hub ship), and what it is (a mediocre version of any of the 20+ T5 cruisers across all of the factions) that makes the lack of a bridge really sting a good portion of the community.

    I fall into the camp of those that say the reason this ship will be so seldom used after the event ends, is because the most interesting thing it had going for it is not even there. What I would ask is, if you know that few people are going to bother using it as is, then why was it even put into the game? If it had a custom bridge that really did carry over the summer fun, but only had a single, fixed Mk 1 turret, that had the special ability that it misfires 50% of the time, and cuts all power to every system by -75 for 30 seconds, and had no officer stations at all, it would still get used more than the current version with no special bridge (particularly by the KDF faction).

    I understand that to make a custom bridge interior is a complicated process, involving coordination between modellers, texture artists, some scripting/programming, and level designers, but most of the resources should already exist, and the work involved should not be particularly overwhelming at this point, so I'm holding out hope that someone will decide that the bridge should go into the game. I'm not typically one to complain on forums about this kind of stuff, but when talking to others about this ship in game, the most common comments relate to the lack of a bridge, and it's the main thing that would turn around complaints about the festival as a whole. It would also open up options in subsequent years to purchase customizations through favours.

    My biggest hope is that this future update that we will all love more than a custom interior for the Risian cruiser is the ability to make our own custom ship interiors, with a plethora of military and civilian options.
  • lexusk19lexusk19 Member Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I do like the Risa event. The race is fun, even with its flaws, and the team that worked on it did a good job. I think the swimwear designs are fantastic, and great job to the modellers and texture artists who made them. The new promenade area on Risa was beautifully crafted, and the new cruiser actually works well (in concept) for a character I roleplay as crew from a star cruise ship.

    The only thing I was concerned with when I saw we'd be getting a Risian luxury cruiser was that it would have a nice bridge, which might provide use for the things we can buy on Risa (floaters, boards, swimwear, anything in future festivals), as well as being a fun social space without any of the griefers that people have to deal with in all of the social zones, and most importantly, no flashing griefer balls that make my character dance around like an idot, ever. As a bonus, I figured that as a luxury ship, it would have an interior that I could use with that previously mentioned roleplay character, and I assumed it would be similarly appreciated by the vast majority of the roleplay community, who probably provide the bulk of the ship interior use. In my experience the roleplayers of STO tend to make heavy use of their bridges and ship interiors 1) for story purposes, 2) for parties, meetings, and general interaction, and 3) because they are the only places to avoid being frozen in blocks of ice/stuck in a snow storm, spammed with balloons, forced to dance, or otherwise annoyed by people just being silly (excluding starbases). So when all is said and done, the lack of the bridge now, on the one ship that really screamed for a unique, social bridge is probably one of the worst calls for the non-combat portion of the game, and it's this disparity between what the ship should have been (a non-combat/lightly armed at most, hub ship), and what it is (a mediocre version of any of the 20+ T5 cruisers across all of the factions) that makes the lack of a bridge really sting a good portion of the community.

    I fall into the camp of those that say the reason this ship will be so seldom used after the event ends, is because the most interesting thing it had going for it is not even there. What I would ask is, if you know that few people are going to bother using it as is, then why was it even put into the game? If it had a custom bridge that really did carry over the summer fun, but only had a single, fixed Mk 1 turret, that had the special ability that it misfires 50% of the time, and cuts all power to every system by -75 for 30 seconds, and had no officer stations at all, it would still get used more than the current version with no special bridge (particularly by the KDF faction).

    I understand that to make a custom bridge interior is a complicated process, involving coordination between modellers, texture artists, some scripting/programming, and level designers, but most of the resources should already exist, and the work involved should not be particularly overwhelming at this point, so I'm holding out hope that someone will decide that the bridge should go into the game. I'm not typically one to complain on forums about this kind of stuff, but when talking to others about this ship in game, the most common comments relate to the lack of a bridge, and it's the main thing that would turn around complaints about the festival as a whole. It would also open up options in subsequent years to purchase customizations through favours.

    My biggest hope is that this future update that we will all love more than a custom interior for the Risian cruiser is the ability to make our own custom ship interiors, with a plethora of military and civilian options.

    This... You sir are awesome. :)
  • edited June 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • tigerblade99tigerblade99 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The good-ole double talk. No need to spend time on something if its not going to get used And no reason to use something if their not going spend time developing it... I like it.

    So much more could've been added or suggested if constructive inputs were being accepted but give your content team two thumbs up for me though....

    Hopefully next summer we get a awesome Escort. A super fast "Beach Chair" with only 7 console slots...
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hopefully next summer we get a awesome Escort. A super fast "Beach Chair" with only 7 console slots...

    Because we have an escort next year will probably be a sci ship......or a carrier! Oooooooh a Risian carrier!

    But I like the beach chair escort idea...maybe because one of my favorite games ever is Harry the Handsome Executive...
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    Because we have an escort next year will probably be a sci ship......or a carrier! Oooooooh a Risian carrier!

    it launches Crab fighters :D
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