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Some more major nerfs imbound - what's next?



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    lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Technician doff stacking needs to be looked at. That's one of the things that really is killing parts of this game, if you want to control power creep then look at one of the main ways that players are running with 100% uptime on boff powers. A2B is all the rage now but it makes most STFs pointless for the rest of the team and I honestly don't see the challenge in flattening everything in seconds and filling the screen with spam.
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    vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    Technician doff stacking needs to be looked at. That's one of the things that really is killing parts of this game, if you want to control power creep then look at one of the main ways that players are running with 100% uptime on boff powers. A2B is all the rage now but it makes most STFs pointless for the rest of the team and I honestly don't see the challenge in flattening everything in seconds and filling the screen with spam.

    I agree but kinda. If a player can't build them ship to stay online as much as possible meaning 100% online then. I feel they should go talk to someone who can and learn how to.

    I played a ISE and I swear every other person in the time was blown up at least 3 times. I survived and I feel I carried the group of players through the ISE. They was still huddled in a circle at the end of it trying to figure it out.

    I don't think I should be penalized for their competence.
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So the Romulan Valdore console - super OP on release - then toned down a bit - guess since it's been out a year and Cryptic has sold almost all they will - gets another nerf. (ok maybe a minor "adjustment" - but still)

    Bother anyone?

    PvP rewards were being abused by a few players - so they were "adjusted" from already ridiculously low levels.

    Probably does not bother many - except the exploiters- so OK

    New Undine Enhanced Torp - purchased through the rep system - apparently useful torp in the game - can't have that - so nerf that one too.

    This last one bothers me the most since Torps are the most Iconic weapon of Star Trek, yet in STO they are useless compared to energy weapons

    I seem to remember in the show/movies that weak shields would let Torps through?? But in STO - 1% shield strength will take away the same amount of your Torps damage as 100% strength(base 75% resist) - Dumb mechanic

    So lets have a guessing game/speculation thread - list over the next 3-6 months "nerfs" that you think Cryptic will bring into the game.

    - I suspect we will see a nerf to dilithium rewards in the Battlezones

    - I think we will get a nerf to Boff stacking of 5 superior Romulan Operatives.

    - I would be happy and shocked - but maybe a nerf to Doff stacking - like nerfing Aux to Battery builds by reducing Technicians to only 1

    So what nerfs do you expect?

    you want me to answer your speculation with a guess? why bother? if and when a major nerf comes you will know about it and i have predicted things before, on a situational level 9/10 times i was correct. stopped doing that a while back. however other types of guessing on how the devs will act has been far less fortunate.

    why would it bother so much? its not like any of our opinions matter one bit.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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