Hi all,
This is the build (more or less) that I've been using for PUGing PvP (Kerrat, Arena, duels with Fleeties). I'm fairly happy with it, but I'm sure it could be improved.
Basically this ship was designed as a spike damage tanky escort. I normally fly towards a fight and try and find the squishiest person. I buff up, beam overload, and use the Nadion bomb, and can usually spike someone to the point that I just have to chase them around a bit before they die.
I'm happy with the anti proton, even though the Tempest is phaser oriented. However, is the set bonus with the Obelisk core and the 360° beam worth it for the 10% AP damage? (The 360 beam normally won't overload, it let's the DBB do that) Should I be using a Fleet Warp Core and another turret? Should I use the Kinetic Cutting Beam, or is another turret better?
Are the Rommy Engines any good? I saw them in a spike damage build and noticed that they give +attack patterns which could improve spike damage. Are the Counter Command engines better? (Currently have Omega engines, grinding up dilithium and marks for Romulan Engines)
What Universal consoles are worth it? I have the assimilated, and love the Nadion Bomb. I've been thinking about the Counter Command console... Should it replace the shield generator or a neutronium?
As for BOff slots, I've been debating getting Polarize Hull to stop those damn tractor beams (Omega has a long cool down). I'm also not sure if I should have an EPtE some where. (In place of one of those EPtS)
DOffs are currently Blue 3 Conn officers (TT CD), and two of the Beam Overload penetration DOffs. What should I be doing here? (Keep in mind I only have 1 TT)
Okay, I think that's it. Thank you all for the help (in advance), and if this should be in shipyards I apologize.
That said, we need a little more information. Like are you using cannons, just dual beams, torps? What are your bridge officers set up like?
Can you link a copy of your build from the stoacademy site maybe?
Marked the quotes with numbers.
1. Should link your build, there may be some places to improve upon.
2. The nadion bomb is phaser damage...your losing huge amounts of burst here...Elite fleet amp core and counter command turret 2p will grant you much more then the 2p obi. Kinetic cutting beam and assimilated module should be used, if only just for the proc.
3. No...the viable engines would be the counter command with deflector. 3p soloane, 2p borg with deflector or perhaps advanced hyper engines...your just hurting yourself if you go Rommy. low damage gain...huge defensive loss
4. Leech, nukara if using beams, counter command hydro if using disruptor or phaser, rest can be fleet neutroniums and shield mods
5.link your build
6. keel'el...link yo build bro
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
I made a build on STO academy and everything, then for some reason forgot to link it.
Here it is: (I plan on taking out the Rommy engines, this is the one from earlier)
Thanks again! (Sorry for teh derp)
Biggest question I have, are you interested in single/double aux2bat?
Smaller question, ever considered mask energy signature for a federation style vaper build?
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Yeah, I'll definitely use different ones then. The Counter Command engines will give a +10% defense bonus so I'll probably go with those.
What about the Romulan Console? 1.8% crit chance? Is the counter command Hydro console only good with the set bonus? Turn rate, targeting, and engine power?
I have considered A2B, but I thought that required tech Doffs to really shine? Would it be worth it to run a single A2B in place of the A2D that I have now? I haven't been too impressed by A2D... How good would double A2B be?
Is Mask Energy Signature actually any good? How much would it reduce my detection radius? Would it be worth it to drop Hazard Emitters for it? I really like science team for subnucs and the like.
Thanks for all the help
A high Defense is great to have. The less you get hit, the less damage you have to heal.
Romulan Console: depends on your build and if you have room for it, really. I used it for a while, I liked it, but eventually traded it out for a leech plus an embassy flow caps. It's not a must-have console, but it's nice to have the option.
Aux2dampers is a friend of fast zippy escorts. If that's what you want to fly, aux2damp will be your friend. Add in the doff for extra resists and up-time.
Aux2batt is generally used with the doffs, yes. With 2 copies, you can keep every bridge officer ability at global cooldown (or pretty darn near it). Don't tell the Exchange I said this...but you don't have to have 3 purple doffs to make it work, lol. I use 2 blues and a green (GASP!) and I hit global on every ability except teams(TT, ET, ST) and on those it ends up only being an extra 2ish seconds. For me personally, the extra 30+ million EC wasn't really worth it to make up for 2 seconds. But that's me.
However...if you decide to use one Aux2damp and one Aux2batt, you probably do want 3 purple techs. To get the most cooldown reduction you can with just your one activation. I see escort pilots use this method successfully. Try it out if you want.
I must say, I noticed you don't have emergency power to engines. You should look into it. The speed boost, turn boost, and extra power it gives helps keep you out of holds. Use it in rotation with your Omega to keep high speed up, or use all of them at once if you're chasing someone for the kill.
If you are using the Maintenance doff that gives a boost to damage, then you could probably keep the weapon battery. If you're not using the doff, then consider using an aux battery instead. Pop it right before you use Hazzards for a strong heal and resist.
Mask Energy: I played around with a Masking Kumari vaper for a bit. It was fun in Ker'rat, but I'd never bring it into the queues, personally. The max I think you can go with it, spec'd with 4 sci consoles and everything, is about 3K. And that's if it's a cruiser or escort with no specs into sensors. Remember that sci ships can see you a lot sooner. And it's not nearly as effective as a true cloak. It's fun in its own right, but if you want my opinion, it's a useless waste of a power when in a team setting. Sci team or Hazzards or TSS will help you and your team more in the long run, than a Masked attack that will probably only be used once in the whole match anyway... Just my 2 cents there.
If you want some other ideas, you could try a tractor, well-timed to hold your foes. Maybe team up with someone and both run Extend Shields for some fun team resists. Try ET3; 12k hull every 15 seconds is nothing to sneeze at. Maybe Eject Warp Plasma to slow someone. There are lots of options on that ship.
Try out different things, and see what you enjoy most! Then work your build from there. Gotta enjoy it, otherwise it feels like a grind instead of a game.
Good to hear
I don't think I have enough EC for leech right now so I'll probably grab the rommy console
Think I'm going to run one Aux to Battery for a little extra power here and there ... Probably without tech doffs, just use it as a power buff. (This will replace A2D since I don't have room for both)
Should I replace of of the EPtS with EPtE? Not sure in that area
Fooled around with MES tonight.a bit... Wasn't too impressed, gonna stick with what I had going, but I might add a tractor beam ...
I'm certainly enjoying it as long as I'm not being tractor beamed and inescabably tunneled by escorts that move a billion times the speed of light -.-