Idk if this is where this is suposed to be and its late but I have to ask... Why arent there more dreadnoughts? Right now I can think of 5 factions that already have an NPC ship that could work... Tholian, Elachi, Undine, Cardassian, and Tal Shiar. All of these have dreads so why cant we use them? Heck some already have a console to go with them.
Tholian: Shoot a web
Cardassian: Photonic Galors
Tal Shiar (Narada): Black hole generator (I recently also made a threat about this and the romulan anniversary event)
I think that we should see these ships in the game to go along with our other lockbox and lobi ships. We already have a Jem Hadar Attack Dread (or attack ship depending on which you think is more rare and more special), Bullwark which we can no longer get, and even fed side the Galaxy dread... why cant we see these factions as well? I hope that some day we will get to because they would make a good addition to the special ships...
Along with this about my Xindi thing... there could be a Xindi dread as well besides the Aquatic Carrier and Insectoid/Reptillian escort... maybe just maybe by the end of the year we will at least have the xindi and I can finally be at peace XD (wanted this ever since I started the game
