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Time for a new PC!

odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
I have been dragging my way through lag in this game for some time now, and I only play on what would be considered medium graphics. I have recently discovered that even when I lower the settings to the absolute minimum, the game still lags and crashes constantly. So, I have decided that it's time to finally upgrade my old machine by replacing it with a brand new, more modern computer.

To those of you who manage to play STO with the maximum graphics, with little to no lag, stuttering, or crashing, what kind of computer would you recommend? I know nothing about how these things work, so I'm looking for the best brands, components, etc. Basically, I'm trying to find out what I need to have STO run at optimum performance.

I'd appreciate any help, because I'm tired of playing STO surrounded by people who I can only assume are even close to humanoid, thanks to warped uniforms, discoloration, and distorted faces and bodies.
Post edited by odstparker#7820 on


  • eulifdaviseulifdavis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Intel Core i5 or i7
    AMD FX 8 series or better

    8GB RAM

    AMD 5xxx or newer series videocard
    Nvidia 5xx or newer series videocard

    64bit Windows 7 or newer

    If you have a specific budget, I can put together a build for you on Newegg.com.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I would recommend checking out http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc . Its full of helpful advise and people.

    Also http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/ is a help, it allows you to play around with setups to get the best for your money. It works in different countries to not just the UK and US.
  • odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    eulifdavis wrote: »

    If you have a specific budget, I can put together a build for you on Newegg.com.

    I'm hoping for something that will total no more than $1000, but like I said, I'm not really knowledgeable when it comes to computer components, which ones are best, and how much a good one costs.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Erm, dude, STO doesnt require a powerful pc. The problem is, it is really badly optimized. And not for buying a powerful pc you will be able to run the game without fps issues and other things. And you should remember that cryptic messed up the game engine in the last season and it will not matter even if you have the best computer of the universe.

    My computer cost me about 750-800 €, and i can play at anything i want at max settings (including STO of course). And my computer is about 1 years old now. But the components inside are about 2 years old (or more). What im saying is, you dont need to buy the best videocard or cpu, hell not even a high end one. Not if you only want to play to the actual games and STO (and STO requires a lot less computer requirements than any other actual game).

    So, with 1000€, you have more than enough to build a great pc and you will be able to play at anything at 1080p and with all options maxed. At least until the next year.

    Now, the thing changes if you want to play to the next-generation games (year 2015+). Well, then forget about 1000€ and think more about 2000€+.
  • odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I forgot to mention what kind of processor that I have at the moment. This is all the system information I can find right off hand.

    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz 2.66 GHz

    8 GB RAM

    64-bit operation system

    I'm not sure if that helps, but it's all I got.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    enoemg wrote: »
    I forgot to mention what kind of processor that I have at the moment. This is all the system information I can find right off hand.

    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz 2.66 GHz

    8 GB RAM

    64-bit operation system

    I'm not sure if that helps, but it's all I got.

    its you Gcard then because i have 5GB of ram with a Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E6750
    (4M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB) and i run at max graphic settings my Gcard is a PNY GeForce GTX 650 2GB
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    enoemg wrote: »
    I forgot to mention what kind of processor that I have at the moment. This is all the system information I can find right off hand.

    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz 2.66 GHz

    8 GB RAM

    64-bit operation system

    I'm not sure if that helps, but it's all I got.

    You kidding right???

    With that computer YOU HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH to play STO in max settings at 1080p, dude.

    I think your problem is the videocard. You should change the videocard and thats it.

    What videocard do you have?? :confused:
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sounds like the graphics card.

    That siad a lot of STO lag is server side and nothing you can do about, its a unfortunate problem of many MMOs.

    I still lag sometimes and my computer is what would be considered high end. (GTX 780TI, i5 4670k, 16GB Ram.)
  • ragnar0xragnar0x Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    dont buy Radeon never, never ever NEVER. They are maybe cheaper but nvidia beats them at gaming. Always Nvidia for gaming.

    Intel processors are best for games that use 1 or 2 cores because they are better at single threaded processes, but AMD is not far but its cheaper so maybe you wanna pick that. New games use 2,4 or more cores now but older games like Rift, Tera etc hates AMD processors.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    zipagat wrote: »
    Sounds like the graphics card.

    That siad a lot of STO lag is server side and nothing you can do about, its a unfortunate problem of many MMOs.

    I still lag sometimes and my computer is what would be considered high end. (GTX 780TI, i7 4770k, 16GB Ram.)

    Well, its not really high end lol, but its a good computer :)

    FPS lag is not caused by the server. FPS lag is caused by the game engine. Poorly optimized and broken since season 9. Server lag / rubberbanding is another different issue.
  • eulifdaviseulifdavis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ragnar0x wrote: »
    dont buy Radeon never, never ever NEVER. They are maybe cheaper but nvidia beats them at gaming. Always Nvidia for gaming.

    This is wrong on so many levels, especially with recent developments. AMD is perfectly fine. They make better hardware than Nvidia, and Nvidia writes better drivers than AMD. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

    AMD is the future of video cards, though, since they have hardware in both major gaming consoles. Game engines (and therefore almost all new games) will be developed specifically with AMD hardware in mind. It's going to be the exact opposite of the "Best with Nvidia" campaign from 10 years ago.

    EDIT: And Nvidia has been struggling with heat generation since their 3xx series cards.

    To the OP: I agree with the assessment of others in this thread. Your processor, while aged, is plenty enough for STO. You most likely have a video bottleneck. What is your current videocard? Also, do you know the model of your power supply?
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ragnar0x wrote: »
    dont buy Radeon never, never ever NEVER. They are maybe cheaper but nvidia beats them at gaming. Always Nvidia for gaming.

    Intel processors are best for games that use 1 or 2 cores because they are better at single threaded processes, but AMD is not far but its cheaper so maybe you wanna pick that. New games use 2,4 or more cores now but older games like Rift, Tera etc hates AMD processors.

    He doesnt need to buy any cpu, just probably a new videocard. But i highly doubt that the videocard he have right now is not "enough" to play STO in max settings.. i find that hard to believe, seeing the computer he have.

    Nvidia is not better than ATI. That is what you think. Maybe more games are "optimized" for nvidia cards, but nvidia cards have more problems than ATI cards, for example. Most nvidia high-end cards its true that perform better than ATI ones, but mid and mid-end nvidia cards are more expensive and they dont perform better than ATIs. I always used nvidia, but that doesnt mean nvidia cards are better. I just feel more confident using a nvidia card. Thats all. Ive been using nvidia cards since the vodoo, and i never changed. The same way i always bought ASUS / Asustek technology every time i can. For me, ASUS are the best hardware guys out there lol, since ever. And every videocard i had, was ASUS made.

    But some ATI cards are really great for really cheap prices. Nvidia cards are always expensive.
  • t0xsick2t0xsick2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    For little less than $1000 i put together this late last summer:
    Gigabyte h77-DS3h LGA 1155 board, Intel i5 3.4ghz quad core, Radeon hd7770 graphic card, 1TB HD, 8gb ddr3, Win 7 64 bit, Raidmax tower/case

    Runs STO on max settings like a dream. Most of the thing I'm assuming you don't have to buy though, like monitor, speakers, mouse, cd/dvdrom, etc
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    t0xsick2 wrote: »
    For little less than $1000 i put together this late last summer:
    Gigabyte h77-DS3h LGA 1155 board, Intel i5 3.4ghz quad core, Radeon hd7770 graphic card, 1TB HD, 8gb ddr3, Win 7 64 bit, Raidmax tower/case

    Runs STO on max settings like a dream. Most of the thing I'm assuming you don't have to buy though, like monitor, speakers, mouse, cd/dvdrom, etc

    Almost the same computer i made for 800€ 1 year ago, with the exception of the gtx650ti 2gb direct cu II instead of the radeon and i got 16gb de ram instead 8. That i5 is a monster, i can tell lol (at least if it is the 3570). I still didnt have any problems to play ANY game at 1080p with all settings maxed. Well not all settings maxed, in some games i needed to lower the AA to just 8x ... lol .:P (more than enough..).

    Yes, we are assuming you dont have to buy things like the monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. Because only the monitor will raise the price for about 200€ more...
  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Erm, dude, STO doesnt require a powerful pc. The problem is, it is really badly optimized. And not for buying a powerful pc you will be able to run the game without fps issues and other things. And you should remember that cryptic messed up the game engine in the last season and it will not matter even if you have the best computer of the universe.

    My computer cost me about 750-800 €, and i can play at anything i want at max settings (including STO of course). And my computer is about 1 years old now. But the components inside are about 2 years old (or more). What im saying is, you dont need to buy the best videocard or cpu, hell not even a high end one. Not if you only want to play to the actual games and STO (and STO requires a lot less computer requirements than any other actual game).

    So, with 1000€, you have more than enough to build a great pc and you will be able to play at anything at 1080p and with all options maxed. At least until the next year.

    Now, the thing changes if you want to play to the next-generation games (year 2015+). Well, then forget about 1000€ and think more about 2000€+.

    this guy is right, we have folks with GTX 760 at the graphical bugs forum having issues ffs, you could have a brand new overclocked I7 with a titan, you would probably still have some issues in some areas(especially the undine zone), cryptic needs to optimize their game, especially their UI.

    this is a 2010 game, its not supposed to run badly.

    also don't forget that are certain bugs as well, some people can't max shadows anymore for instance, despite having no issues with it before the undine update.
  • shandypandyshandypandy Member Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If you're just basically upgrading because of this game, I would buy the graphics card you would put in a new system and try that first. If it cures your lag/jitter, then bingo. If not, you buy the other bits.

    I'd say its probably dynamic lighting causing your issue, seems to be the problem here. I've a gtx460 in my desktop (with 8gig ram and a q9450) and with dynamic lighting on it struggles in faw spamfests. 60fps locked to vsync with it turned off.

    I also use a dell laptop with an i5 , 6gig ram and a gtx540m, and thats fine with dynamic lighting on and yet struggles with anti aliasing.
  • odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    My graphics card is a "ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series"
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    enoemg wrote: »
    I have recently discovered that even when I lower the settings to the absolute minimum, the game still lags and crashes constantly. So, I have decided that it's time to finally upgrade my old machine by replacing it with a brand new, more modern computer.

    This is another complete different thing. If the game crashes constantly in your case and you have so much fps lag even at minimum settings, its obvious that there is something wrong with your computer. Maybe too many programs in the background, the antivirus interfiering, the computer really bad optimized, maybe a problem in your connection network (less probably), a viruse problem, etc etc

    The first thing you need to do is to check your computer is in perfect shape. That you dont have conflicts anywhere, or maybe it is a BAD MEMORY module. I mean, constant crashes and bad performance even at minimum settings is not normal, not at all.

    Maybe the only thing you need to do is to "clean" your computer, and with clean i mean, everything, make a virus scan, a hard disk defrag, an anti-spam scan, then chekc that all your components are correctly installed, and check that your computer is not so dirty that the fans are even blocked or something like that. I mean, everything. Make a complete clean up.

    And, on a side note, it could be as well that your videocard is generating so much bottleneck that is making your entire system collapse. In this last case, only a new brand videocard will do the trick.

    But without knowing what videocard do you have, we cant really help you.
  • eulifdaviseulifdavis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    That graphics card is not designed for gaming, it's designed for media PCs and similar "streaming media"-type systems.

    As promised, there is a computer build for less than $1000: http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWishDetail.aspx?WishListNumber=32943228

    If you have 2x PCIe power connectors coming off your power supply (they're 6-pin plugs - 2 rows of 3 pins), then you can just buy a new videocard and call it a day. What you're looking for in a videocard is:

    Nvidia: x60 or higher
    AMD: x850 or higher

    (x = any number)
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    enoemg wrote: »
    My graphics card is a "ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series"

    THIS is the problem. This videocard is really bad. You need a new one :P;)
  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    enoemg wrote: »
    I have been dragging my way through lag in this game for some time now, and I only play on what would be considered medium graphics. I have recently discovered that even when I lower the settings to the absolute minimum, the game still lags and crashes constantly. So, I have decided that it's time to finally upgrade my old machine by replacing it with a brand new, more modern computer.

    To those of you who manage to play STO with the maximum graphics, with little to no lag, stuttering, or crashing, what kind of computer would you recommend? I know nothing about how these things work, so I'm looking for the best brands, components, etc. Basically, I'm trying to find out what I need to have STO run at optimum performance.

    I'd appreciate any help, because I'm tired of playing STO surrounded by people who I can only assume are even close to humanoid, thanks to warped uniforms, discoloration, and distorted faces and bodies.

    i'd recomend getting a powerful CPU, this game is CPU intensive due to its extremely unoptimized UI, so that should be your priority, so get something like a i5 4670k and you're good to go, as for the video card, you should get either a R9 260X or GTX 750ti minimum(they're more than capable of running this game well), if you can, get a GTX 760 or R9 280(either regular or X version), and you'll be able to run pretty much anything that gets released this new gen.

    try getting an SSD as well if you can, to install both your OS and STO, samsung 840 evo is a good SSD.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    phoenicius wrote: »
    i'd recomend getting a powerful CPU, this game is CPU intensive due to its extremely unoptimized UI,

    You really dont know what you talking about.. even if this is the case, we are talking about a game from the year 2010. It doesnt matter lol. Any computer with 2 years in the back will be able to run the game in proper conditions.

    And what the hell, the cpu he have right now is more than enough to run sto in proper conditions at max settings. If with that cpu he cant run STO in proper conditions.. lets switch off the lights and lets go, lol.

    Thanks to the UI, the cpu takes a little more work, but its almost insignificant. The GPU is still taking all the hard work.
  • odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    OK, that explains it. If the graphics card is the main problem, it's probably a relatively easy fix.

    My computer has been running really badly for about a year now, I'm guessing due to some virus I picked up in one place or another. Something has been slowing things down, deleting files, rendering some programs unusable, and all kinds of other TRIBBLE. I've been able to use it for a lot of things without too many problems, but now it's just getting worse and worse. As soon as I'm able, I'm just going to wipe the damn thing and start again. I just wanted to get an idea of upgrades I could get while I'm at it, just to end up with the best results when I'm all done.
  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You really dont know what you talking about.. even if this is the case, we are talking about a game from the year 2010. It doesnt matter lol. Any computer with 2 years in the back will be able to run the game in proper conditions.

    And what the hell, the cpu he have right now is more than enough to run sto in proper conditions at max settings. If with that cpu he cant run STO in proper conditions.. lets switch off the lights and lets go, lol.

    Thanks to the UI, the cpu takes a little more work, but its almost insignificant. The GPU is still taking all the hard work.

    lol what? his CPU is identical to mine, and my STO is still suffers due to the bad UI, i5 4670k is twice as good in performance compared to the Q9400, it should be able to handle it better.

    yes i agree his video card is well, awful, but he will also need a new CPU if he wants to run STO truly well, especially since the devs responsible about the UI could care less about optimizing it.

    if you don't believe what i said about the UI, try turning it off, and see the ENORMOUS difference in FPS(you'll easily gain 20-30+ FPS in most cases), press alt+F12, and see for yourself.

    just getting a new video card, will not fix his problems.
  • eulifdaviseulifdavis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Your upgrade options are virtually non-existent without replacing your whole computer. The Core 2 Quad processors ran on the LGA775 socket, which only supported DDR2 memory. The current standard is DDR3 memory.

    You'd have to replace the motherboard, which means replacing the CPU, and the memory. Since those are 3/4 of the most expensive parts, and you need a new videocard anyway, you might as well consider doing the whole thing.

    Again, though, the only thing you actually NEED for STO-specifically (besides a reformat, as you just mentioned) is a new videocard, and possibly a power supply if your current one isn't at least 500W with two PCIe plugs.
  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    eulifdavis wrote: »
    Your upgrade options are virtually non-existent without replacing your whole computer. The Core 2 Quad processors ran on the LGA775 socket, which only supported DDR2 memory. The current standard is DDR3 memory.

    You'd have to replace the motherboard, which means replacing the CPU, and the memory. Since those are 3/4 of the most expensive parts, and you need a new videocard anyway, you might as well consider doing the whole thing.

    Again, though, the only thing you actually NEED for STO-specifically (besides a reformat, as you just mentioned) is a new videocard, and possibly a power supply if your current one isn't at least 500W with two PCIe plugs.

    indeed, i recommend following this list(its from neogaf), its a pretty good one.

  • t0xsick2t0xsick2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Almost the same computer i made for 800€ 1 year ago, with the exception of the gtx650ti 2gb direct cu II instead of the radeon and i got 16gb de ram instead 8. That i5 is a monster, i can tell lol (at least if it is the 3570). I still didnt have any problems to play ANY game at 1080p with all settings maxed. Well not all settings maxed, in some games i needed to lower the AA to just 8x ... lol .:P (more than enough..).

    Yes, we are assuming you dont have to buy things like the monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. Because only the monitor will raise the price for about 200€ more...

    Yeah, it's the 3570 :)
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    phoenicius wrote: »
    lol what? his CPU is identical to mine, and my STO is still suffers due to the bad UI, i5 4670k is twice as good in performance compared to the Q9400, it should be able to handle it better.

    yes i agree his video card is well, awful, but he will also need a new CPU if he wants to run STO truly well, especially since the devs responsible about the UI could care less about optimizing it.

    if you don't believe what i said about the UI, try turning it off, and see the ENORMOUS difference in FPS(you'll easily gain 20-30+ FPS in most cases), press alt+F12, and see for yourself.

    just getting a new video card, will not fix his problems.

    I get like 9fps difference between UI and no UI in space and I have an i5 4670k running at stock speeds .
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Just so you guys know, the Nvidia Titan has problems with lag in this game. Just bad coding really....
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    Just so you guys know, the Nvidia Titan has problems with lag in this game. Just bad coding really....

    Titans are overpriced and not that great for gaming, you are better off getting a 780Ti for a much better money to performance card.
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