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My thoughts on Romulans



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    kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited May 2014
    TNG era Romulans have much more 'meat' to them, and didn't rely nearly so much on being a stand-in for a specific earth culture.
    Saying they have more meat is true but, it would be more accurate to say that the bone still had a few bits on it instead of being stripped clean.
    I lol'd irl thanks :)
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I kinda like it. It combines elements of a padded gambeson with the shoulders from some medieval Japanese clothing styles. Combined with the grey color, IMO it exhudes militarism, industrialism and a general coldness which fits the Romulans TNG onwards rather well, I think. The DS9 uniforms are definitely better though-they cover much the same ground without looking so....difficult to move in. Shame the DS9 uniforms are not in the game though.
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Not sure what this has to do with continuity

    DS9 showed that the Romulans still use plasma torps as a way of establishing continuity with TOS.

    The term "disruptor" originates in the early seasons of TNG, when they just threw around technical terms at random. Like the completely baffling idea to give Romulans caveman brows, they just slapped the term "disruptor" on anything that wasn't the Enterprise's weapons to establish it was different. They probably just gave them photons because they forgot plasma torpedoes existed.

    Apparently, Ferengi phasers are also focused plasma beams, and there's a line in Best of Both Worlds that Starfleet was designing plasma phasers to fight the Borg . . . so I'm not sure if there even is an actually well thought out difference between phasers, disruptors, and plasma weapons that was intended by the writers, or if it was all just random. It could be that the word "disruptor" covers a wide range of weapons that include plasma beams.

    Remember, these are the people who had Picard scoff that lasers couldn't penetrate Federation defenses . . . and then gave the Borg terrifying laser weapons that could one-shot virtually any Federation ship of the time.

    Personally, I have no problem throwing out the word "disruptor" as it applies to Romulans. If anything, it's a way of shedding all the baggage left over from being turned into a drab copy of the TOS Klingons at the last minute when the Ferengi turned out to be unworkable as villains.
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Why is establishing continuity between DS9 and TOS over Plasma torps important in regards to plasma based weapons? We are talking about particle beam weapons here, and the Romulans never shown using plasma-beam or pulse weapons. They used Disruptors, possibly with a antiproton component, (as opposed to Klingon disruptors, which lack this)

    At any rate, Romulans were never shown using plasma beam/pulse weapons, whether hybrids like So'na & Ferengi use. or pure plasma-based beam/pulse weapons, like you see on Nausicaans & borg.
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    As far as I know, hybrid weapon types are only a game mechanic. Nobody ever identifies them as "hybrid" outside of STO. Ferengi phasers are identified as phasers that fire plasma beams. Nothing ever implies that the Federation's plasma phasers are anything except advanced phasers that employ plasma somehow. Maybe some phasers just shoot plasma beams. Maybe some disruptors do.

    The Borg's weapons are identified as both lasers and plasma, so some lasers must shoot plasma beams, as well.

    Heck, DS9 establishes that the warheads on quantum torpedoes are "plasma warheads". What is the difference between plasma torpedoes and quantums? Something unknown, I guess.

    If that doesn't make any sense (which it doesn't), then you're starting to see why getting hung up on what random word the technical advisor threw into the script without bothering to check if it makes sense is a bad idea. None of these words actually mean anything. They're just meant to sound vaguely plausible.

    If you insist on entertaining this silly idea that any of this matters, maybe the Republic Navy just uses a lot of formerly decommissioned vessels that have had their disruptors pulled out, and have had to have them replaced with plasma, since it's cheaper to buy or maintain those kinds of weapons.
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    As far as I know, hybrid weapon types are only a game mechanic. Nobody ever identifies them as "hybrid" outside of STO. Ferengi phasers are identified as phasers that fire plasma beams. Nothing ever implies that the Federation's plasma phasers are anything except advanced phasers that employ plasma somehow. Maybe some phasers just shoot plasma beams. Maybe some disruptors do.

    The Borg's weapons are identified as both lasers and plasma, so some lasers must shoot plasma beams, as well.

    Heck, DS9 establishes that the warheads on quantum torpedoes are "plasma warheads". What is the difference between plasma torpedoes and quantums? Something unknown, I guess.

    If that doesn't make any sense (which it doesn't), then you're starting to see why getting hung up on what random word the technical advisor threw into the script without bothering to check if it makes sense is a bad idea. None of these words actually mean anything. They're just meant to sound vaguely plausible.

    If you insist on entertaining this silly idea that any of this matters, maybe the Republic Navy just uses a lot of formerly decommissioned vessels that have had their disruptors pulled out, and have had to have them replaced with plasma, since it's cheaper to buy or maintain those kinds of weapons.
    No. We know that Romulan disruptors leave behind antiproton residue, while Klingons leave Ion residue. There are disruptors that use polarons, tetryons, anti-coagulants, and plasma. That tells me that there are a lot of things you can hybridize into a disruptor beam.

    Regardless of terminology, romulans shoot green beams. Not blue, or blue-green fuzzy beams. Is that clear enough or do you find the need to split hairs even more? :D

    Now if we were talking Reman weaponry (which I'd also like), I'd be perfectly happy with blue beams, but Romulans have never used them.
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    admiraldcadmiraldc Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Ooh, the plasma weapons. Yeah, I've wondered about those too. Particularly the non-RomPlas weapon types. One possible angle is that there may be some Vulcans helping to supply Romulan breakaway factions, given D'Tan's Unificationist views and the increasing desperation since Hobus. After all, the previous 'leader' of that movement was Spock, and let's not forget his cowboy-diplomat tendencies in Undiscovered Country and TNG. Can't say I'm sure about those, though.

    Now, RomPlas is interesting, because it's a hybrid of 'classic' (disruptor) and 'new' (plasma) Romulan tech, and I think it works better in fluff terms since it's part-disruptor. The question being where it came from. Hybridization with the other plasma weapons previously described is a possibility. It could also be a Borg research offshoot, considering who else uses plasma weapons, not to mention the data obtained from Hakeev's Adapted Battlecruiser. Could be a relative of Nanite Disruptors like that.

    Maybe we should get Romulan Nano-Plasma weapons next, with the plasma and nanite disruptor procs? :P Wait, I think I just gave someone an idea for hypothetical Borg Plasma weapons...

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    davidwforddavidwford Member Posts: 1,836 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    umiharayuu wrote: »
    If you listen closely, you can hear Tovan crying.

    Actually, that one character ISN'T Toven. It is my aged Former Romulan Senator Quintus Arrius. As for Mr. Khev, I leave him onboad my ship cleaning the head.
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    fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The fuss is quite easy to explain, and I have done so several times despite your lack of reading comprehension. Cryptic is really pushing the plasma=romulans angle with the Republic-heck the whole Romulan rep is full of nothing but plasma weapons. It doesn't help that Romulans have the 'plasma weapons specialist' traits which strongly pidgeonholes romulans into using plasma on the ground. Sure, you can use other energy types, but you know that you are handicapping yourself by doing so. Heck, prior to the trait revamp you had to use a respect just to get rid of it or you'd be having a wasted trait slot to boot if you came with it by default. And of course many bridge officers come with it as well, where it cannot be swapped out for another trait
    at all.

    To each his own. I am not overly fond of the TOS Romulans and think the switch after the first two episodes to the sneaky arrogant militarists we had in TNG/DS9/VOY to be a good one. If I wanted to watch faux Romans, I'd watch Babylon 5, the Centauri were executed much better.

    Do you know what is worst than my reding comprehension? My patience to put up with people that start arguments by insulting other people or always need to insinuate themselves as superior to others.
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You aren't exactly the picture-perfect image of politeness yourself. If you don't want to be called out on stuff like that, you probably shouldn't go about repeatedly mis-representing them.

    I don't care about the availability of tetryon, poloron etc weapons to the Republic! I said as much in my first reply to you. Seriously, it was two sentences. If people want to run polarons on their D'deridex, fine by them-I don't care. It's about the 'default' weapons of the Republic, which are plasma- for no greater reason than that there already was a faction that used disruptors.
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I don't care about the availability of tetryon, poloron etc weapons to the Republic! I said as much in my first reply to you. Seriously, it was two sentences. If people want to run polarons on their D'deridex, fine by them-I don't care. It's about the 'default' weapons of the Republic, which are plasma- for no greater reason than that there already was a faction that used disruptors.
    And the reason they used plasma in TOS.
    And the reason they still use disruptor... plasma hybrid weapon.
    And the reason it was several decades ago, while Romulan may have swapped disruptor for hybrids. Like the feds and quantum torpedoes. And later in a parallel universe, transphasic.

    But yeah, if you carefully remove all the good reasons, I agree, you end up with no good reasons.
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    jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited May 2014
    One thing that bothers me most is this... Why do the Romulans use Plasma weapons and not Disruptors?

    In hard canon Romulans used

    Plasma Torpedos
    Photon torpedos......tech exchange from klingons
    Disruptor Beam weapons
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
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    fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You aren't exactly the picture-perfect image of politeness yourself. If you don't want to be called out on stuff like that, you probably shouldn't go about repeatedly mis-representing them.

    I don't care about the availability of tetryon, poloron etc weapons to the Republic! I said as much in my first reply to you. Seriously, it was two sentences. If people want to run polarons on their D'deridex, fine by them-I don't care. It's about the 'default' weapons of the Republic, which are plasma- for no greater reason than that there already was a faction that used disruptors.

    Excuxe me? Do you mind telling me where have I insulted anyone? :confused:
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    erei1 wrote: »
    And the reason they used plasma in TOS.
    And the reason they still use disruptor... plasma hybrid weapon.
    And the reason it was several decades ago, while Romulan may have swapped disruptor for hybrids. Like the feds and quantum torpedoes. And later in a parallel universe, transphasic.

    But yeah, if you carefully remove all the good reasons, I agree, you end up with no good reasons.
    Feds were already using quantums far earlier in trek, and they still use photons alongside them. They still use phasers as well-they haven't switched to tetryon-phaser hybrids or some silly thing.

    The RSE still uses disruptors, and the republic is an offshoot of that. Somehow I doubt the Republic has been around for 'several decades' in which to make the switch. Romulans never used plasma beam/pulse weapons until LoR, and then only the Republic. Disruptors would make more sense for them IMO.
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