just a small discussion i had with a fellow in chat, and i found it so interesting i decided to make a thread about it, since hearing how other people would go about it would make for interesting reading material

keep in mind
all the "federation does not invade" is irrelevant here
ok so here goes:
the scenario
you are going to invade a small planet, on your own
your resources
your ship ONLY! no fleet support (carrier pets counts as your ship so you can bring them too)
the opposition
a single shipyard. defencive fleet of 10 ships of different classes. a population of 10 million people on the planet (atleast 1 million of which are soldiers stationed around the planet)
your objective
takeover. either force the government to surrender, or fight the population until they cannot fight you anymore.
so here's what i'd do: i'd bring my Dominion dreadnought, outfit it with a skeleton crew of 500, leaving room for 3.000 troops for invading the planet. i'd go in and use the dreadnoughts overwhelming firepower and the four attack ships i have in my hanger to obliterate the enemy fleet and the shipyard, then i'd orbital bombard any major military installations/air fields/ artillery installations, and anything i can't bombard, i'd send my troops to take out, then i'd lay siege to the capital and wait for the government to surrender on their own.
now the real question:
what would you do?
Maintaining peace through overwhelming firepower.
Warp into orbit and deal with the defenders in space first by hacking their ships and shutting them down, securing the planet would be the challenge.
If my first assault is pushed back, I would carry out a massive bombardment from orbit and glass the planet so nothing is left alive on the surface
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Anywho, back on track.
I would fake a Borg invasion. Forged transmissions of warnings from neutral ships and the ever so familiar Borg chat up lines. If they are the brave type I'd have the invasion happen in another system nearby, and sneak onto the planet for a take over while the fleet is gone.
Failing that, I'd use holograms to have a few Cubes turn up in the system and wait for the ships to run off and most of the planet to evacuate. Then stroll in and take the leaders office.
1. Monitor their planetary broadcasts, identify who the people in positions of power are, then beam them into the cold vacuum of space.
2. Beam armed warheads into key military, and government installations . Set them off.
3. Transport special forces teams onto the "docked" ships to secure, or sabotage, them.
4. Set spatial charges in key populated areas. Contact who ever may still be in a position of power, demand the unconditional surrender of the planet. Every hour that ticks off that I don't have their compliance, I set one off. If a security sweep gets too close to one, it goes off.
This is some kind of joke, right? You don't take and hold ground without ground troops, and the entire crew of the biggest ship in this game against a million soldiers is beyond insane even without considering how many of said crew are viable ground troops and how many are high-tech barely-trained "farmers with pitchforks" grade.
Contact whoever cut the orders and tell them to take a flying leap, then ask where to report for my court-martial. (Which probably won't happen once the doofus tries to do it and loses their entire crew, ship, themselves, and all.)
If I want to destroy the planet and kill everyone on the planet, then fly an automated shuttle at warp speed into the planet.
b)Bring the Gal-X and the Wide beam lance
c)Bring the Scimitar and heat up the thalerons
Job's done.
There is an even simpler option, biogenic weapons, launch a few of those and every living thing on the planet is either dead or dying.
That way you get the planet and it's resources virtually intact
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
There are some countries like Switzerland that have mandatory military service. There are about 8 million people in Switzerland and every able bodied male citizen is conscripted when they reach the age of majority. So you have a bunch of civilians that have at least basic military training and at least one weapon. Alien civilizations are likely to follow a similar policy so the process of actually invading them is insane since there is no way to know who is armed.
We would then take over the minds of the people by ruthlessly manipulating the popular media and culture. All of this would lead to a crisis deliberately fostered and manufactured by my cabal. A crisis which only myself and my crew could save the planet from. At the choicest possible moment, when the crisis was at its height and the survival of the race appeared to be at stake, I would reveal myself and my crew. We would offer to solve the crisis. For a price.
After the takeover, all members of the cabal among the populace would be ruthlessly and publicly purged. After all, they've already proven they cannot be trusted. Blaming them as the cause of the crisis would be bonus. Grateful for someone to blame for the current state they find themselves in, the populace would never turn on my crew. To ensure this we would continue to manipulate the pop culture and the media to always portray us as the liberators we are. Needs to be lots of bread and circuses as well.
And Bob's your Uncle.
-beam down Tovan khev/Slamek/Kurland (pick one, nobody deserve the 3 of them), and ask for surrender. It's too bright here ! Kurland here !
-I have a scimitar. Surrender, or I'll use my thalaron weapon on your planet. My drones can keep them busy while the weapon is charging, and I have a battlecloak. Also, no Picard and Enterprise around this time. It's good to be Romulan, you don't have to bother much with ethics.
Stage II: Infiltration. Surgically alter some hand-picked officers to look just like the dominant species on the planet.
Stage III: Unrest. Use infiltrators for terrorist attacks, make sure opposition and government blame each other.
Stage IV: Arm opposition.
Stage V: Await civil war, keep supporting whoever is loosing.
Stage VI: Have infiltrators sabotage shipyard.
Stage VII: Decloak and destroy orbital defenses (what is left of them at the time).
Stage VIII: Demand whatever is left of armed forces to surrender, begin orbital bombardments on individuals resisting and beaming up soldiers to spots 200 meters above planet surface.
Stage IX: Bombard cities in case they have not surrendered yet.
Stage X: Crown myself Emperor of Rahmopia Planitia.
Join the Deltas today!
Stage 1: Fire the thalaron weapon in the general direction of the planet in question.
there is no stage 2.
Why are you not rejoicing?
Therefore, I wouldn't bother. Less trouble all around to just claim planet that's uninhabited to begin with if I wanted one that badly.
Then they wouldn't be Cannibal Tribbles.
2) Thalaron Pulse
3) Hope the planet doesn't move out of the arc by the time it fires.
Use the advanced communications network aboard my ship, to access all planetary forms of communication. IE: TV, radio, etc...
Start blaring Justin Bieber music, until the world leaders turn the planet over to me.
If they get too upity you can turn their atmosphere into one big plasma storm that will destroy everything so much you couldn't even get effective DNA samples anymore (any klink can manage that). And that's just one option.
The only way is to infiltrate the existing population and begin to deconstruct form within. This would require ones own force to enter and be accepted within the population, earning trust, and positioning themselves into places of influence and power. Or better yet, influencing some of the native population into positions of extreme influence and power and let the natural greed and hunger for glory do the rest. Imagine if each civilization had a Hitler or Nero committing mass acts of genocide in the end, youd have to only deal with these individuals. Think ahead, have a kill switch, walk in and be seen as a hero to the remaining population. Now you are idolized by the natives and the planet, yours.
As far as a ship, something adequately large to hold the essential personnel yet subtle enough to remainin hidden whilst in orbit, i.e. cloak... Scimitar, of course.
And I thought *I* was evil...
NEVER underestimate old age, and treachery.
Then set up a puppet government with key population centers having large bombs underneath them.
Bonus if there's two or more competing powers I pick one to focus on and try and start a war.
Okay, while the WMD weapons on the Scimi is a popular choice I just need a Miranda and 1 type 8 shuttle or similar small warp capable craft. I believe the illustrious Captain James T. Kirk once said that a single photon torpedo has the power to destroy a planet. So unless they surrender their planet they are all dead.
And just in case a single photon torpedo doesn't have the power to explode a planet, I have a warp capable shuttle. Warp is faster then light speed. An object moving at faster than light slamming into a planet. There isn't going to be much of a planet left. I'll destroy another planet in the system to show them I'm serious.
At 890 Meters long and 1350 wide (2920 feet by 4429) the Scimitar is nearly a MILE wide from wingtip to wingtip. Broadcast from orbit and issue a proclamation: all government leaders will attend a meeting with the ships captain to negotiate the unconditional surrender of the planet. Wait for the first leader to shake their fist in defiance, uncloak 5 miles above their capital, wait long enough for everyone to see the ship, then level capital with a bombardment of torps and cannon fire. Cloak, then return to orbit and re-issue the proclamation.
When the leaders have agreed to meet, beam them up and directly into a single, secured room. Advise them that this planet no longer has a divided and fractured government. That they are now redundant and will act to serve you. All military will be disbanded. All weaponry destroyed. Your crew will beam down to oversee the transfer. An attack on a single member of our crew will result in the annihilation of a random city, potentially making one death cost the natives a million lives.
You then advise them that they will return to the planet to govern as a unified council. They now represent the entre planets governance, answerable only to those whom you place in command. You the n broadcast this to all on the planets surface. As a show of power, you choose a beloved natural landmark and reduce it to a cindering crater. Once this has stunned the population into a dumb silence, you can begin re-education; strip them all of religion and faith, train them in the menial tasks of maintenance and labor, and rule.
Any potential rebellion would need to be dealt with swiftly, harshly and most importantly, publically.
Hope is a powerful thing. If they have even the slightest hope, they will fight. True power is not in squashing that hope, but shaping it into a more useful form. Reward those who serve well as equally as you punish those who defy you or abuse their privileges. Give them the illusion of freedom; have them elect their council democratically. As far as your ship . It only has to make an appearance on occasion, reminding them all that you are there and watching, protecting, governing