OOC: This is a continuation of an open RP. Anyone is welcome. I will let each character's owner write their intro if they are already in the storyline. so far there are 3 main characters among two owners. More will be welcomed! As a heads up, there are TWO ships so far named "heartless" the first, the "R.R.W. Heartless, will ALWAYS have 'RRW' before it to differentiate it from the Heartless(no prefix). The R.R.W. Heartless is a Mogai/valdore hybrid and the Heartless is a Tal Shiar Destroyer. Both are owned by both the same person and same character. I realize this will be confusing however it will not be a problem for long.
This RP will be wirtten in story format where each person writes the actions and only the actions of their characters. This way people can decide to simply read along and enjoy, or join in the fun. If people wish to ask questions or make comments, please, so others know you are not joining the story, please place "OOC" or "Out Of Character" before your comments so others know it is YOU speaking and not your persona.
It Was a strange sight, so many ships in a ragtag formation while at warp. They were nearly there. First there was a ship which didnt seem to belong. It was Large and black, Spikes seem to jet from strange angles from it hull. It bore two long tendrils extending from the back and reaching forward in an attempt to grab onto something, though you wouldn't want such i ship to touch you. It was a Romulan ship, and a borg ship but more deadly than any warbird. The Stolen Tal Shiar Destroyer Heartless. Next to the Heartless was another ship, a Klingon Mogh Class Battlecruiser. The Mogh was painted all black, its armor deployed and its weapons were ready for glory. It was a warship that hungered from battle. Its heart, like its crew's was that of true warriors. The Klingon warship Seraphim Shadow. Also at the head of the pack of ships was a thin hulled avian of a ship. Its long wide wings stretched nearly a full kilometer. It was easily as wide as the other ships were long. It wing held more than the feathery design suggested a love for birds. This warbird was as fierce and deadly as any other ship in the group. Fast and agile it could slip in or out of a system unnoticed or appear from nowhere leaving nothing but enemy wreckage in it wake. The Romulan Republic Warbird R'kota. Behind them was a large group of ships. each belonging to one of the different factions who had come together in efforts to stop a common enemy but not hours ago, they were pointing their weapons at each other. Each captain wondered if the others could truly be trusted. Would like play nice and fight with honor, not betraying those who have suddenly sided with them? or would they take the opportunity to step out a head of their rivals?
T'rell sat in his captain's chair on board the Heartless. He was a freedom loving romulan who has refused to join D'tan and his republic, choosing instead to aid his people his own way. By taking from those who plagued them. He had become a notorious pirate. But he was also greatly respected among the romulan civilians. He never struck the republic members but he would carve a bloody path though tal shiar, orians, and anyone else who threatened the republic. He valued freedom, both his own and that of his people. With him, was the R.R.W. Heartless, a combination of a mogai and valdore class warbirds it was a salvaged ship built fromt he broken hulls of other ships. T'rell's first ship he commanded as a pirate. There were also two arkif which he, "liberated" from the reman shipyards at Hfihar before the planet was abandoned. Lastly, he brought with him a D'Derdrix class warbird which while old, was still deadly.
Captain Kurn, son of Rodek, of the Seraphim Shadow was a close friend of T'rell's. The two had fought many battles in the past and aided each other with information when they could. Kurn was a special operative, the personal hand of House Norgga which had slowly become a great house on the klingon homeworld. Thanks in part to Kurn's victories and honor. It was he who lead a raid on the federation shipyards above mars. Other Klingon ships has joined Kurn en route to the Reman Starbase known as the vault. With him was Three B'rel bird-of-prey. All were ready for glory and honor, either through victory or death on the battle field.
As the group of ships drops from warp, the starlines shrunk to stars as the flashes became ships. The Heartless moved to lead the group. T'rell had always been an expert tactician and Kurn had learn to allow him to take charge from time to time. T'rell wondered how T'rela would react to his leading this counter attack but hoped she would allow him some leeway. He DID has the most ships, T'rela only had one other warbird with her. The view before him was one of awe. The vault was surrounded by broken hulls and disruptor fire. T'rell had never seen so many warbird fighting each other and it pained him knowing romualans were killing romulans. It was his person rule within his ragtag band of pirates that no romulan should harm another, not unless he was forced to, and even then, killing was to always be avoided. Beams of green death lanced out from the Vault itself and there were battles occurring all around it. Tvaros danced with each other in deadly dogfights trying to kill the other. Mogai moved in and out of cloak, looking to kill an enemy ship and fade away into the murky cosmos and debris. D'derdrix sluged it out like angry boxers in a celestial ring, plasma torpedos impacted hulls like punches and blows from the strongest of fighters. One of the D'derdrix shields buckled and T'rell wondered if it was a Tal Shiar attacking ship, or a Republic defending ship which exploded.
The Tal Shiar, in an ambitious plan has attacked the VAult in an effort to regain it and use it to rebuild their forces. It had been a surprise attack and only a token defense force was protecting the enormous space station. all that would soon stand between the TAl Shiar and the Vault was a group of people who didnt know each other's true purposes for coming. Each hoped to get something from being here. The only question, what was it they wanted and how far would they go to get it?
"Kurn my friend," T'rell paused, speaking through an open channel, "Will your ships take orders from me, we dont need i bunch of chiefs and too few indians."
"I do not even know what that means, but my forces will work with yours so long as lead us to glory," Kurn grinned a toothy grin, "or to StoVoKor."
"I would rather lead us to a lively victory," T'rell stopped to address the defense force, "Defending republic ships, I am T'rell Ravon of the Star Raptors." T'rell said, giving the name of his group, "We are here to aid you in defence of the Vault. I dislike Tal Shiar. Lets show them what FREE romulans and remans are capable of! Please set your transponders to recognize mines, and the Klingon ships as friendly. We are moving into position to rain down hell. "
T'rell wondered just what T'rela's plans where. every since they jumped to warp to come here, she had been quiet. What was she thinking, What was she planing? She had mentioned there was a price on his head. Standing orders to bring him in. Would he aid the republic only to have to fight them to escape afterwards? He decided he would keep a few aces under his hat if he did. T'rell loathe the idea of fighting the republic. He didnt want to fight them, but he want to be free of chains even more. He most certainly didnt want to lose his rare and powerful ship, The Heartless.
T'rela had folded her hands against each other. The Vault. She had been here before, but it was still an awe inspiring view. But never had she seen it so damaged. Along the main ship docking bays, there were floating doors, destroyed cannon points, T'varo's being sucked in their own breaching singularity cores. Reman ships. Ofcourse, this was the home of the Reman Resistance. But with Obisek preoccupied in other places, they had no strong commander.
As the R'kota decloaked, so did the D'deridex class Raptor Star. A broad hail.
"All Republic vessels, this is Admiral T'rela. Regroup at the main docking entrance at sublevel 472. The Tal'Shiar have a large force there. Target the escorting vessels, I will deal with their flagship."
A specialized hail to Kurn and T'rell.
"I need you to clear out the Tal'Shiar attack on the docking entrance at sublevel 190. A force you should be able to take care of with ease. Once you have defended that area, rendez-vous at coordinates 337 by 250 by 12. Assist any Republic vessels to the best of your abilities."
The R'kota charged towards sublevel 472, with all forward batteries blazing. The initial volley ripped through the shields of several Tal Shiar warbirds, after which the Plasma torpedoes fired left at least one Mogai crippled.
OCC: have has three graveyard shifts in a row. Have SOO tired but i have returned!
And now, the continuation.
"Admiral T'rela, I am glad to not be fighting you," T'rell said, his face feeling with the happy anticipation to task his Star Raptors with their main purpose, "It will be nice to fight with you again. I do plan to get a higher kill count then you this time. Hope youre counting. Good hunting!"T'rell remembered fighting a warbird shortly after leaving the Tal Prai'ex. During a supply riad he found a warbird he now knows was the R'kota. It stalked him, chased him and nearly killing him. Had he know turned the tide with a surprise attack when the Warbird though him finished he wont have escaped. He learned all he could about the ships commander, and developed an admiration for the commanders abilities. And even came to her aid from time to time, when it wasnt against his own goals though he doubts she knew it was him. A random attack here, a seemingly stray torpedo there. Any commander who could survive battle with him when so many others, ALL others fell before him was to be respected. T'rell opened a channel to both the klingon ships and his Star Raptor forces, "Kurn, my friend. A time to gain glory and honor by destroying Tal Shiar scum is upon us! I have a plan so listen us. First, NO ONE goes to StoVokor yet. Klingon warriors, fight well but, DONT DIE! What i need from you is a flying wedge of ships. Put a dent in there line. But do not puch i hole, we will do that together. You dent them then fade, repositioning behind the Star Raptors under cloak. As you begin repositioning, We will decloak and hit them hard, denting them more. Then WE will cloak and reposition while YOU hit them. Like this we will take turns hitting them until we reach the docking bay at Sublevel 190. Once we reach there, your ships, and a few of mine will hold the area while Star Raptor forces enter the vault and clean out any Tal Shiar ships."
"A good plan," Kurn grinned, "Qupla!"
"Star Raptor Arkifs, you will aid Republic vessels and cover them with you swarmers. Give the TAl Shiar no quarter, spare none. Leave only rubble in your wake. All murders of Romulus DIES."
The two Star Raptor Arkifs peeled off heading to help the Romulan Republic ships as they bleed swarmers into the void and the battle before them. Reddish black beams speared from the swarmers as the grouped around a Tal Shiar ship. It hopelessly tried to fend them off and failed in hitting them, the swarmers move so fast, dancing on the ship's hull as they raced around cutting the ship to ribbons. the Arkifs themselves release deadly fire casting more ships to oblivion.
The other Star Raptor ships vanished as the Seraphim Shadow and its Bird-of-prey escort engaged the Tal Shiar with typical klingon fervor. They impacted the Tal Shiar like a tornado of destruction popping hulls with there opening volleys and fading behind their cloak. As the last Klingon ship disappeared, the Star Raptor emerged from the cosmos Tearing through more ships . The Heartess herself lanced the Tal Shiar with reddish particle beams like the Arkif Swarmers. They left nothing before them and the Tal Shiar fight to Star Raptor vengeance. Then the Star Raptor where gone, returning to the blackness of space. The Klingons and the star raptors continued this trading of attacks until they reached the Docking bay door which began to open just as Klingon ships decloaked. The R.R.W. Heartless, T'rell's first ship he commanded as the Star Raptor leaders, his first flagship before the Heartless decloaked and raced ahead, its captain eager to enter the Vault and continue its spree of retribution. As the doors became fully open it was a mass of spikes similar to the Heartless coming from behind them. Just as the R.R.W. Heartless approched the spiky ship, I huge beam of murderous death sprang from the spikiness, erasing the R.R.W. Heartless. There wasnt debris or wreckage. No impacting for shields before the ship exploded. There wasnt even an explosion. The beam was fired, engulfing the R.R.W. Heartless which simply ceased to exist. T'rell was instantly out of his seat, trying to deduce what it was he has seen and the ship that had fired it. Such firepower... How would he defeat such a ship, a ship that looked so very much like his own and yet was so different? Where the Heartless was long and sleek, this spkiy monster was wide and imposing. It sat in space daring all to defy it. Its power was apparent. The Heartless was longer than Starfleet's new Flagship and that meant the Heartless was a big ship herself, but THIS thing... It dwarfed even the Heartless.
"Kurn," T'rell called, "Fall back. we need your ships intact. Arkifs, continue aiding the Republic ships, but send me your Swarmers. i need direct control. My new D'Derdrix, after the Heartless engages...THAT...you will enter and the Vault with the Bird-of-prey and clean out the Tal Shiar. Seraphim Shadow, you will remianed cloaked. If the Heartless falls, you MUST finish that thing."
"How will you kill such a beast?!" Kurn asked, jealous of his opportunity to fight such a ship.
"I dont know, but the Heartless is the only ship which i figure has a chace to bring it down." T'rell said, with less eagerness than Kurn.
"Surrender at once!" the spiky battlecrusier commander orderd, "Vault is under our jurisdiction. Do not make us engage your ships."
"Why not?" T'rell sternly asked as the Heartless decloaked, "Only one Captain has survived battle with the Star Raptor fleet. She is behind me. YOU are in front of me. If you value your lives BE somewhere else."
"You Fools!" The spiky ship's commander roared, "You think to can stand against the mighty Tal Shiar, even if you DID steal one of our ships," the Commander noted the Heartless, "I am Commader Rokar Tomalok of the Tal Shiar battlecrusier Eclipse. Surrender! I will not ask again. If you continue this foolish attemp to defeat us, you will not be spared death. We are power made flesh. Feel how weak you truly are."
T'rell approached the screen comig face to face with Commander Tomalok. he said only two words before cutting the channel, "Roger that."
The R'kota continued down. Cannons blazing, torpedoes firing. In her wake, three other ships of the Republic. Disabling that first Mogai had opened a hole in the Tal Shiar lines, one that T'rela was eager to exploit. A full volley disabled the port nacelle of a D'deridex, after which the warbirds in her wake fired their cyan plasma beams to full effect. Escape pods launched from the burning hull, only to be taken captive or destroyed in the massive amount of fire.
A Reman T'varo in front of the R'kota was hit in the engine room. With a core breach imminent, the R'kota activated its repulsor, pushing the T'varo right into the Tal Shiar fleet in front of the docking bay. It imploded within short range of that task force flagship, an Adapted Destroyer. The singularity pulled the Destroyed towards it, and when the T'varo finally exploded, it blasted a wing off the Tal Shiar ship. The R'kota's batteries responded immediately, causing massive damage to the internal structure. A volley of high yield plasma torpedoes finished with the ship once and for all.
With the vast push on their lines, the Tal Shiar withdrew from docking bay 472. Those inside would not play a part in the battle, since the R'kota forced the doors closed with her repulsors. Two Reman Dhelan warbirds repositioned themselves to contain any outbreak point. T'rela was free to look on.
Then the bridge glowed green at the massive blast far above the Republic vessels.
Ramek turned from his console. "It is as I feared, Admiral. An Adapted Battlecruiser. Similar to the one we destroyed in deep space, before the battle of Mol'Rihan."
"Right where Kurn and T'rell are heading. Even with their ships, they don't stand a chance against that Tal Shiar fleet. Time for us to move up to sublevel 190 it seems. Reroute power from the scanners to impulse engines, recharge all batteries. Keep heavy plasma torpedoes ready to fire. Open a channel to the Heartless."
"Channel open, Admiral."
"T'rell, do not engage that ship just yet. We breached the Tal Shiar lines down here, so the Republic can handle the remaining force here. We are on our way to sublevel 190. You are facing a Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, with tremendous amounts of firepower. I will order H'tan to use the Raptor Star's Plasma lance on that ship. That might cause the damage we need to take it out. Be patient, I am on my way."
As the battle enraged all around the Vault, the R'kota and the Raptor Star charged towards the upper levels of the Vault, pushing broken ship hulls out of their way.
"Always trying to take my fun..." T'rell thought to himself as the Heartless rocked around him, "She doesnt think i am going to sit by and wait. That ship goes down now." T'rell finish his thought. The Heartless maintained close proximity the Eclipse, their hulls nearly scraping as the traded blows that would of ripped a hole into a lesser ship. The ships fought like titans and their weapons, spears of light stabbing into each other trying desperately to find a weakness, an unguarded spot, anything to decide the victor but it was the Heartless with the most spears. The swarmers still darted this way and that, lancing the Eclipse. At first there was only a small explosion, but soon a second swarmer noticed the impact and fired its beam at the first's spot and the explosion was bigger. Then T'rell seen it, the Eclipse's shields buckled. Whatever they found, it was important. The Eclipse moved to protect its flank and the Heartless pursued. The Eclipse slowed briefly then quickly spun, lining up the Heartless with its main guns then, space with white, engulfing the Heartless And then it was gone, just like the first ship of the same name.
"You see!" Rokar exclaimed, "You cannot not stand against me!"
Kurn was for a moment stunned. Was it really true? Was T'rell, his firend REALLY gone? Then he remembered Rekel and Denra'nrava. They had just seen the death of their brother... Hadn't they? But then...why were they smiling? Had they been around Klingons too long? were they happy their brother died with honor in battle or did they know something Kurn did not? Still smiling Denra'nrava came to Kurn and said, "The fight is over. T'rell has won. We may go inside now."
Kurn was confused, T'rell won?! How?! Kurn had just seen his ship destroyed...hadn't he? "What do you mean?" Kurn asked.
"My brother is a pirate. He has few ships but has always managed to out think he opponents. Those who go against my brother-" Rekel explained from his station.
"...they lose before the fight has even begun. The only way to beat me brother is to NOT fight him." Denra'nrava finished, looking at Rekel, A soft reminder that he and his brother should argue as much as they do.
"But i SEEN the beam hit the Heartless. I SAW T'rell's ship enveloped. I am sorry to say we have seen the end of T'rell Ravon. But he WILL be avenged!" Kurn declared, sure of what his eyes had told him.
"If you truly believe that," Denra'nrava spoke, "Then you dont know T'rell like i do. That fight, has just gotten started."
As the R'kota decloaked, so did the D'deridex class Raptor Star. A broad hail.
"All Republic vessels, this is Admiral T'rela. Regroup at the main docking entrance at sublevel 472. The Tal'Shiar have a large force there. Target the escorting vessels, I will deal with their flagship."
A specialized hail to Kurn and T'rell.
"I need you to clear out the Tal'Shiar attack on the docking entrance at sublevel 190. A force you should be able to take care of with ease. Once you have defended that area, rendez-vous at coordinates 337 by 250 by 12. Assist any Republic vessels to the best of your abilities."
The R'kota charged towards sublevel 472, with all forward batteries blazing. The initial volley ripped through the shields of several Tal Shiar warbirds, after which the Plasma torpedoes fired left at least one Mogai crippled.
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And now, the continuation.
"Admiral T'rela, I am glad to not be fighting you," T'rell said, his face feeling with the happy anticipation to task his Star Raptors with their main purpose, "It will be nice to fight with you again. I do plan to get a higher kill count then you this time. Hope youre counting. Good hunting!"T'rell remembered fighting a warbird shortly after leaving the Tal Prai'ex. During a supply riad he found a warbird he now knows was the R'kota. It stalked him, chased him and nearly killing him. Had he know turned the tide with a surprise attack when the Warbird though him finished he wont have escaped. He learned all he could about the ships commander, and developed an admiration for the commanders abilities. And even came to her aid from time to time, when it wasnt against his own goals though he doubts she knew it was him. A random attack here, a seemingly stray torpedo there. Any commander who could survive battle with him when so many others, ALL others fell before him was to be respected. T'rell opened a channel to both the klingon ships and his Star Raptor forces, "Kurn, my friend. A time to gain glory and honor by destroying Tal Shiar scum is upon us! I have a plan so listen us. First, NO ONE goes to StoVokor yet. Klingon warriors, fight well but, DONT DIE! What i need from you is a flying wedge of ships. Put a dent in there line. But do not puch i hole, we will do that together. You dent them then fade, repositioning behind the Star Raptors under cloak. As you begin repositioning, We will decloak and hit them hard, denting them more. Then WE will cloak and reposition while YOU hit them. Like this we will take turns hitting them until we reach the docking bay at Sublevel 190. Once we reach there, your ships, and a few of mine will hold the area while Star Raptor forces enter the vault and clean out any Tal Shiar ships."
"A good plan," Kurn grinned, "Qupla!"
"Star Raptor Arkifs, you will aid Republic vessels and cover them with you swarmers. Give the TAl Shiar no quarter, spare none. Leave only rubble in your wake. All murders of Romulus DIES."
The two Star Raptor Arkifs peeled off heading to help the Romulan Republic ships as they bleed swarmers into the void and the battle before them. Reddish black beams speared from the swarmers as the grouped around a Tal Shiar ship. It hopelessly tried to fend them off and failed in hitting them, the swarmers move so fast, dancing on the ship's hull as they raced around cutting the ship to ribbons. the Arkifs themselves release deadly fire casting more ships to oblivion.
The other Star Raptor ships vanished as the Seraphim Shadow and its Bird-of-prey escort engaged the Tal Shiar with typical klingon fervor. They impacted the Tal Shiar like a tornado of destruction popping hulls with there opening volleys and fading behind their cloak. As the last Klingon ship disappeared, the Star Raptor emerged from the cosmos Tearing through more ships . The Heartess herself lanced the Tal Shiar with reddish particle beams like the Arkif Swarmers. They left nothing before them and the Tal Shiar fight to Star Raptor vengeance. Then the Star Raptor where gone, returning to the blackness of space. The Klingons and the star raptors continued this trading of attacks until they reached the Docking bay door which began to open just as Klingon ships decloaked. The R.R.W. Heartless, T'rell's first ship he commanded as the Star Raptor leaders, his first flagship before the Heartless decloaked and raced ahead, its captain eager to enter the Vault and continue its spree of retribution. As the doors became fully open it was a mass of spikes similar to the Heartless coming from behind them. Just as the R.R.W. Heartless approched the spiky ship, I huge beam of murderous death sprang from the spikiness, erasing the R.R.W. Heartless. There wasnt debris or wreckage. No impacting for shields before the ship exploded. There wasnt even an explosion. The beam was fired, engulfing the R.R.W. Heartless which simply ceased to exist. T'rell was instantly out of his seat, trying to deduce what it was he has seen and the ship that had fired it. Such firepower... How would he defeat such a ship, a ship that looked so very much like his own and yet was so different? Where the Heartless was long and sleek, this spkiy monster was wide and imposing. It sat in space daring all to defy it. Its power was apparent. The Heartless was longer than Starfleet's new Flagship and that meant the Heartless was a big ship herself, but THIS thing... It dwarfed even the Heartless.
"Kurn," T'rell called, "Fall back. we need your ships intact. Arkifs, continue aiding the Republic ships, but send me your Swarmers. i need direct control. My new D'Derdrix, after the Heartless engages...THAT...you will enter and the Vault with the Bird-of-prey and clean out the Tal Shiar. Seraphim Shadow, you will remianed cloaked. If the Heartless falls, you MUST finish that thing."
"How will you kill such a beast?!" Kurn asked, jealous of his opportunity to fight such a ship.
"I dont know, but the Heartless is the only ship which i figure has a chace to bring it down." T'rell said, with less eagerness than Kurn.
"Surrender at once!" the spiky battlecrusier commander orderd, "Vault is under our jurisdiction. Do not make us engage your ships."
"Why not?" T'rell sternly asked as the Heartless decloaked, "Only one Captain has survived battle with the Star Raptor fleet. She is behind me. YOU are in front of me. If you value your lives BE somewhere else."
"You Fools!" The spiky ship's commander roared, "You think to can stand against the mighty Tal Shiar, even if you DID steal one of our ships," the Commander noted the Heartless, "I am Commader Rokar Tomalok of the Tal Shiar battlecrusier Eclipse. Surrender! I will not ask again. If you continue this foolish attemp to defeat us, you will not be spared death. We are power made flesh. Feel how weak you truly are."
T'rell approached the screen comig face to face with Commander Tomalok. he said only two words before cutting the channel, "Roger that."
A Reman T'varo in front of the R'kota was hit in the engine room. With a core breach imminent, the R'kota activated its repulsor, pushing the T'varo right into the Tal Shiar fleet in front of the docking bay. It imploded within short range of that task force flagship, an Adapted Destroyer. The singularity pulled the Destroyed towards it, and when the T'varo finally exploded, it blasted a wing off the Tal Shiar ship. The R'kota's batteries responded immediately, causing massive damage to the internal structure. A volley of high yield plasma torpedoes finished with the ship once and for all.
With the vast push on their lines, the Tal Shiar withdrew from docking bay 472. Those inside would not play a part in the battle, since the R'kota forced the doors closed with her repulsors. Two Reman Dhelan warbirds repositioned themselves to contain any outbreak point. T'rela was free to look on.
Then the bridge glowed green at the massive blast far above the Republic vessels.
Ramek turned from his console. "It is as I feared, Admiral. An Adapted Battlecruiser. Similar to the one we destroyed in deep space, before the battle of Mol'Rihan."
"Right where Kurn and T'rell are heading. Even with their ships, they don't stand a chance against that Tal Shiar fleet. Time for us to move up to sublevel 190 it seems. Reroute power from the scanners to impulse engines, recharge all batteries. Keep heavy plasma torpedoes ready to fire. Open a channel to the Heartless."
"Channel open, Admiral."
"T'rell, do not engage that ship just yet. We breached the Tal Shiar lines down here, so the Republic can handle the remaining force here. We are on our way to sublevel 190. You are facing a Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, with tremendous amounts of firepower. I will order H'tan to use the Raptor Star's Plasma lance on that ship. That might cause the damage we need to take it out. Be patient, I am on my way."
As the battle enraged all around the Vault, the R'kota and the Raptor Star charged towards the upper levels of the Vault, pushing broken ship hulls out of their way.
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"You see!" Rokar exclaimed, "You cannot not stand against me!"
Kurn was for a moment stunned. Was it really true? Was T'rell, his firend REALLY gone? Then he remembered Rekel and Denra'nrava. They had just seen the death of their brother... Hadn't they? But then...why were they smiling? Had they been around Klingons too long? were they happy their brother died with honor in battle or did they know something Kurn did not? Still smiling Denra'nrava came to Kurn and said, "The fight is over. T'rell has won. We may go inside now."
Kurn was confused, T'rell won?! How?! Kurn had just seen his ship destroyed...hadn't he? "What do you mean?" Kurn asked.
"My brother is a pirate. He has few ships but has always managed to out think he opponents. Those who go against my brother-" Rekel explained from his station.
"...they lose before the fight has even begun. The only way to beat me brother is to NOT fight him." Denra'nrava finished, looking at Rekel, A soft reminder that he and his brother should argue as much as they do.
"But i SEEN the beam hit the Heartless. I SAW T'rell's ship enveloped. I am sorry to say we have seen the end of T'rell Ravon. But he WILL be avenged!" Kurn declared, sure of what his eyes had told him.
"If you truly believe that," Denra'nrava spoke, "Then you dont know T'rell like i do. That fight, has just gotten started."
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Totally forgot about this one.
Had some pretty big tests last few weeks, so sorry.
I'm gonna type my next bit after dinner today. Sorry to keep you waiting!
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