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becoming a better pvper with your friends list

beameddownbeameddown Member Posts: 1,215 Arc User
edited May 2014 in PvP Gameplay
so you have tried out some different ships, found one you love, found a build you love, you crave pvp, and you pug matches and find that more often then you like- you get your butt kicked

what are you doing wrong?

everyone has a different opinion on what you could be doing better- but do you want to know why you have been losing more then you have been winning?

its because of teamwork

anyone can get their hands on a cheap computer headset, you can buy them off line or hit a store near you to get one

THATS STEP ONE: this is the 21st century of online gaming, this is an mmo, my god- if you ever want to even have a shot at winning against those top pvp teams or joining their ranks of win/loss ratios, you gotta get a headset

STEP TWO: this is the hard part, you got to mingle, you gotta start making new friends that pvp: its hard, I know, you may have some friends already online but they don't like to pvp that much, or they might not always be on when your on, or they might not be at the same level as you of skill (or they may be the reversal, they are much better then you, but don't want to bring you along when they go) these are all tough situations to deal with, that have a simple solution- you get your self some new friends

your friends list can be your best tool for pvp

on the side of each of your friends name is a spot that you can make notes on that person, this is a great tool for you to use to find players that pvp AND compliment your build

STEP THREE: start doing some pug pvps always around the time you think would be your average being "online" time, if you log in earlier then you would most times, that would not be a good time to spend effort meeting new folks (this game is world wide, so you might spend a ton of time meeting the coolest wingman ever, only to find that they log off in an hour or so after you log in)

so we want to spend our effort trying to find folks that will and play around the same times you log in and log off, best place to find them is in pvp matches

STEP FOUR: once a match starts up: note what your teammates are flying, are they heal boats, are they dps boats, sci boats etc- its key to look for the ship captains that you know will compliment your ship, say your a tac captain in an escort- perhaps you might want to make friends with some healers, or some sci ships, to better compliment what YOUR trying to do with your ship

STEP FIVE: now heres the fun part, when the match is over with- regardless how it ended win or lose- right click the guys name and send them a private message, give them a compliment, all the top pvpers love getting their egos stroked, so giving them a compliment will definitely butter them up to hear what you have to say or even to add you as a friend

STEP SIX: now regardless how the conversation goes down, lets not forget that we are looking to bulk up the friends list and NOT look for your new best buddy, so try and keep the conversation short, I would also like to add that asking them- flat out- in the future would you mind grouping up again? is a key question, lots of folks do random adds to their friends list even tho they already got their crew of buddies they always pvp with, so being forward with that will save you some future grief and leave the impression you want

STEP SEVEN: now if they say "yup, its cool add me", or anything to that tune, NOW is the time to put your friends list tool to work- make a note of that person, things that are good notes to put down are:

the date: this way when its been 5 weeks and you have not even had another pvp with that person or talked to them, you can easily know who to remove off your friends list

the build: was he dps? was he heal? what? make any sort of not that will jog your memory of what that person was doing

the skill: if you just flew with a sci captain that basically single-handed won the match for you buy setting up all the targets making your job as dps easier then its ever been, you might want to make a note of that

if you just blasted through a 5v5 pvp and the tac captain that was on your team just destroyed everyone on the opposing team, you might want to make a note of that

if you just had your butt saved over and over in the last 5v5 pvp all thanks to an eng healer you might want to make a note of that

the time: if you really want to get down to it, figuring out when folks should be on is a important part of the puzzle, if you see a that you wrote down say, 9pm for a guy, and every time you log on and 9pm comes around and you see that same guy on at that time, you might have found yourself an excellent new friend

what comes next is simple, you do this over and over and over, pvp match after pvp match for say a couple weeks, BUILDING a network for pvpers that are ON when you have your peak pvp hours, THIS perhaps is the toughest part really, because most will forget to keep sending out tells after pvp matches, making notes, or meet 2 - 3 new people and stop right there

the point of all this is to expand your options for pvp teammates, that will be on during the hours you like to pvp, with builds that will better help YOU fly and win pvp matches, SO its very important not to stop expanding your network until you click that friends tab, and see you could easily make 4 teams of pvpers at any giving 15 minute block of time

the final part is that you move to the next level, you get on a teamspeak or vent with them, if your fleet does not have one TRUST ME when I say this, many of the folks that will now be on your friends list WILL have one, so don't be shy, ask, THIS IS the most important step that you start to create the team that better aids you, it will take time, but the end result WILL BE A TOP TEIR PVP TEAM, as you do more and more matches with these guys, you will learn more about your build and theirs, you will find out if they are fun to hang around with or not, or at the very least, you will start to understand their skill level and their limits

now I feel confident in saying this, you will meet people that you wish you didn't meet in the first place, don't worry, as long as you are truthful with yourself and don't spend time with people you don't like, none of these "bad invites" will bother you to much if you if your quick to act, if you find yourself hanging with a person that talks badly about others all the time, trust me, chances are they will be talking badly about you when your backs turned, so just a word of caution

be easy going, be friendly, and have fun- no one wants to pvp with someone that complains all the time, doesn't like to work together, doesn't like to embrace change, etc

everyday you log on and do this, keep this end goal in mind, and that is you are working towards constructing a friends list of teams of pvpers, that love to hang out with you every time you log on, embrace your pvp build, and respect you

in the end, months from now when you look back on those old friends you use to hang out with, that old fleet you use to be apart of, you will be so thankful that you took it upon yourself to become a better pvper and find others that see you as that as well

FACT: teamwork wins pvp matches almost all the time

so get YOUR team together :)

sorry for the long post as always
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    STEP FORTY-SEVEN: Make shorter, more concise posts if you want people to actually read them.

    But yeah, your overall sentiment is good. Make friends; PvP with them.
  • edited May 2014
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  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    beameddown wrote: »
    LOL! yup your right, but some of the posts I see online for advise for new players is like:

    make friends, learn how to be better, know your build

    ...? if I was new to pvp, I would be like- ok so, can you give a LITTLE bit more direction?

    But that's where folks, imho, shouldn't be afraid to ask their questions - getting a little bit more a little bit at a time.

    Could you imagine the infodumps folks could drop out on people? They'd be so overwhelming - they'd probably end up knowing less than they did before from brains being fried, eh?

    Though, personally, I didn't think your post was TLDR by any means. I thought I'd popped in to say it's nifty advice - but I guess I skipped doing that after realizing I'd just deleted my friends list again. It had actually gotten up to three people for the first time this year...
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    PvPing with people you know and see online often is awesome! Just ask a Klingon.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • mindsharpmindsharp Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    PvPing with people you know and see online often is awesome! Just ask a Klingon.

    Hahah, no doubt. God bless gorn of the dead. He was almost the only Klingon that you could always count on to pew.

    Plus, I think his friends list contains every pvper that ever was.
    Karrock/Karreck/Darth Karrock/Unspoken
    House of Beautiful Orions
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    mindsharp wrote: »
    Hahah, no doubt. God bless gorn of the dead. He was almost the only Klingon that you could always count on to pew.

    Plus, I think his friends list contains every pvper that ever was.

    True that. It has always been one of my great regrets that I could not team as much with him as I would have liked....
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • mancommancom Member Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Could you imagine the infodumps folks could drop out on people? They'd be so overwhelming - they'd probably end up knowing less than they did before from brains being fried, eh?
    This reminds me of:
    "You find all these endless build threads too complicated? You are overwhelmed by contradictory advice from other players? You don't want to have to consider tons of different aspects? You simply want a build that works?"
  • edited May 2014
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  • horjen1horjen1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Even though I like your post beameddown..lets come the most important part...
    beameddown wrote: »
    THIS IS the most important step that you start to create the team that better aids you, it will take time, but the end result WILL BE A TOP TEIR PVP TEAM, as you do more and more matches with these guys, you will learn more about your build and theirs, you will find out if they are fun to hang around with or not, or at the very least, you will start to understand their skill level and their limits
    I think we need to talk about building up real constant pvp teams.
    Because even if you find lots of players on your friendslist to play with, its more about constantly playing with the same people(once you found them) in a small group wich really fits together, to really improve your teamplay and teamsetup.

    You kind of wrote it in the quote above but I want to emphasize the importance.

    I mean...of course you can become a better pvper with your advices. But you may still not be able to beat real fleet premades.
    Because just grouping up with good but always different pvpers is not the final step.

    We, and I guess some other pvp fleets as well, would really like to see more pvp groups in the arena who really try to grow together as a team.

    What I really like about your post is that you try to encourage people to communicate more. Because what we noticed in the last couple of month or even years is a lack of that.
    Poeple are no longer asking for advice. Some may think they know everything themselves, and some may be too shy...or whatever...I don't know.

    It was very different one...two and three years ago. Of course a lot of 'know-how' got lost with pvp players and fleets who quit playing STO.

    But there are still players and fleets out there, with that 'know-how' and 3-4 years of experience in teampvp, who are really willing to help others(especially pvp teams) to improve. And we are always open for questions, training matches and a lot more.

    edit: I almost forgot a very important advice: Do not just QQ in the public arena trying to advance your team.
    Because you will mostly fight pugs and that won't help you to create a proper teamsetup wich can withstand a good pvp-team. And it won't help the pugs to get stomped by premades.
    Instead ask other pvp teams for private matches and stipulate some rules.

    @guinan86 Raumpatrouille Elysion
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    beameddown wrote: »
    so you have tried out some different ships, found one you love, found a build you love, you crave pvp, and you pug matches and find that more often then you like- you get your butt kicked

    what are you doing wrong?

    everyone has a different opinion on what you could be doing better- but do you want to know why you have been losing more then you have been winning?

    its because of teamwork

    anyone can get their hands on a cheap computer headset, you can buy them off line or hit a store near you to get one

    THATS STEP ONE: this is the 21st century of online gaming, this is an mmo, my god- if you ever want to even have a shot at winning against those top pvp teams or joining their ranks of win/loss ratios, you gotta get a headset

    STEP TWO: this is the hard part, you got to mingle, you gotta start making new friends that pvp: its hard, I know, you may have some friends already online but they don't like to pvp that much, or they might not always be on when your on, or they might not be at the same level as you of skill (or they may be the reversal, they are much better then you, but don't want to bring you along when they go) these are all tough situations to deal with, that have a simple solution- you get your self some new friends

    your friends list can be your best tool for pvp

    on the side of each of your friends name is a spot that you can make notes on that person, this is a great tool for you to use to find players that pvp AND compliment your build

    STEP THREE: start doing some pug pvps always around the time you think would be your average being "online" time, if you log in earlier then you would most times, that would not be a good time to spend effort meeting new folks (this game is world wide, so you might spend a ton of time meeting the coolest wingman ever, only to find that they log off in an hour or so after you log in)

    so we want to spend our effort trying to find folks that will and play around the same times you log in and log off, best place to find them is in pvp matches

    STEP FOUR: once a match starts up: note what your teammates are flying, are they heal boats, are they dps boats, sci boats etc- its key to look for the ship captains that you know will compliment your ship, say your a tac captain in an escort- perhaps you might want to make friends with some healers, or some sci ships, to better compliment what YOUR trying to do with your ship

    STEP FIVE: now heres the fun part, when the match is over with- regardless how it ended win or lose- right click the guys name and send them a private message, give them a compliment, all the top pvpers love getting their egos stroked, so giving them a compliment will definitely butter them up to hear what you have to say or even to add you as a friend

    STEP SIX: now regardless how the conversation goes down, lets not forget that we are looking to bulk up the friends list and NOT look for your new best buddy, so try and keep the conversation short, I would also like to add that asking them- flat out- in the future would you mind grouping up again? is a key question, lots of folks do random adds to their friends list even tho they already got their crew of buddies they always pvp with, so being forward with that will save you some future grief and leave the impression you want

    STEP SEVEN: now if they say "yup, its cool add me", or anything to that tune, NOW is the time to put your friends list tool to work- make a note of that person, things that are good notes to put down are:

    the date: this way when its been 5 weeks and you have not even had another pvp with that person or talked to them, you can easily know who to remove off your friends list

    the build: was he dps? was he heal? what? make any sort of not that will jog your memory of what that person was doing

    the skill: if you just flew with a sci captain that basically single-handed won the match for you buy setting up all the targets making your job as dps easier then its ever been, you might want to make a note of that

    if you just blasted through a 5v5 pvp and the tac captain that was on your team just destroyed everyone on the opposing team, you might want to make a note of that

    if you just had your butt saved over and over in the last 5v5 pvp all thanks to an eng healer you might want to make a note of that

    the time: if you really want to get down to it, figuring out when folks should be on is a important part of the puzzle, if you see a that you wrote down say, 9pm for a guy, and every time you log on and 9pm comes around and you see that same guy on at that time, you might have found yourself an excellent new friend

    what comes next is simple, you do this over and over and over, pvp match after pvp match for say a couple weeks, BUILDING a network for pvpers that are ON when you have your peak pvp hours, THIS perhaps is the toughest part really, because most will forget to keep sending out tells after pvp matches, making notes, or meet 2 - 3 new people and stop right there

    the point of all this is to expand your options for pvp teammates, that will be on during the hours you like to pvp, with builds that will better help YOU fly and win pvp matches, SO its very important not to stop expanding your network until you click that friends tab, and see you could easily make 4 teams of pvpers at any giving 15 minute block of time

    the final part is that you move to the next level, you get on a teamspeak or vent with them, if your fleet does not have one TRUST ME when I say this, many of the folks that will now be on your friends list WILL have one, so don't be shy, ask, THIS IS the most important step that you start to create the team that better aids you, it will take time, but the end result WILL BE A TOP TEIR PVP TEAM, as you do more and more matches with these guys, you will learn more about your build and theirs, you will find out if they are fun to hang around with or not, or at the very least, you will start to understand their skill level and their limits

    now I feel confident in saying this, you will meet people that you wish you didn't meet in the first place, don't worry, as long as you are truthful with yourself and don't spend time with people you don't like, none of these "bad invites" will bother you to much if you if your quick to act, if you find yourself hanging with a person that talks badly about others all the time, trust me, chances are they will be talking badly about you when your backs turned, so just a word of caution

    be easy going, be friendly, and have fun- no one wants to pvp with someone that complains all the time, doesn't like to work together, doesn't like to embrace change, etc

    everyday you log on and do this, keep this end goal in mind, and that is you are working towards constructing a friends list of teams of pvpers, that love to hang out with you every time you log on, embrace your pvp build, and respect you

    in the end, months from now when you look back on those old friends you use to hang out with, that old fleet you use to be apart of, you will be so thankful that you took it upon yourself to become a better pvper and find others that see you as that as well

    FACT: teamwork wins pvp matches almost all the time

    so get YOUR team together :)

    sorry for the long post as always

    and now the question is what you want to intend with that thread ? a guide explaining adult pvper-players how to make friends and join a fleet/guild and how to play as a team in an multiplayer online-game?

    honestly, such kind of a post is redundant you dont need to tell people in the community how to make friends, they are no children anymore. I think everyone learned in their childhood how to gather new contacts and new friends. it is anchored in human nature. human beings have been always used to act and live as gregarious animals in the run of their evolution. In my view your post mediated that most of the guys here are alone (single players) having no friends and queueing up alone and now u want to inform/support them how to improve their situation ingame by creating a walkthrough with the goal to support extending the number of our contacts in a freaking game.

    but good to know in case i become mentally disordered or depressive due to the lack of friends or other issues l will let you know mr. psychologist. :D

    ps: becoming a better pvper with my friend list is only partly correct. I learned how to pvp in my ships by reading forum threads/guides watching pvp-videos and practicing myself day and night. I neither joined pvp bootcamp nor somebody else taught me intensively how to improve skills in pvp even as i joined a pvp-fleet i only collected some tips (but valuable tips) from fleeties who were veteran pvpers over time, the major part is composed of my own work and researches all around pvp in sto

    If u have the will and if you want to set yourself a goal you can achieve it by yourself you really dont need help from other folks. It's just like in RL.

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited May 2014
    and now the question is what you want to intend with that thread ? a guide explaining adult pvper-players how to make friends and join a fleet/guild and how to play as a team in an multiplayer online-game?

    honestly, such kind of a post is redundant you dont need to tell people in the community how to make friends, they are no children anymore. I think everyone learned in their childhood how to gather new contacts and new friends. it is anchored in human nature. human beings have been always used to act and live as gregarious animals in the run of their evolution. In my view your post mediated that most of the guys here are alone (single players) having no friends and queueing up alone and now u want to inform/support them how to improve their situation ingame by creating a walkthrough with the goal to support extending the number of our contacts in a freaking game.

    but good to know in case i become mentally disordered or depressive due to the lack of friends or other issues l will let you know mr. psychologist. :D

    ps: becoming a better pvper with my friend list is only partly correct. I learned how to pvp in my ships by reading forum threads/guides watching pvp-videos and practicing myself day and night. I neither joined pvp bootcamp nor somebody else taught me intensively how to improve skills in pvp even as i joined a pvp-fleet i only collected some tips from fleeties who were veteran pvpers over time but not more.

    If u have the will and if you want to set yourself a goal you can achieve it by yourself you really dont need help from other folks. It's just like in RL.

    If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    To the OP, good job, sometimes players in STO forget it's multiplayer. A post like serves as a reminder. Thanks.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    brandonfl wrote: »
    sometimes players in STO forget it's multiplayer.

    It's a trip sometimes, definitely.
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    brandonfl wrote: »
    If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    To the OP, good job, sometimes players in STO forget it's multiplayer. A post like serves as a reminder. Thanks.

    that is my opinion which you need to respect. It is not my problem if you dont get along with it. I only regarded this thread objectively. have you read that thread at all? last time i was taught and experienced how to make friends was when i entered primary school at the age of 6. So as a result his post appeared asa bad joke to me.

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • edited May 2014
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  • edited May 2014
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  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    What's the point of picking fights with people?

    Agreed. There are few enough left of us from 'olden days', so to speak. There's no real need for any of us to start raising a fuss against anyone else.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • edited May 2014
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