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Reviewing Off... Forever?

I'm new to the Foundry, made my first mission about a month ago.

Since reviewing has been turned off for all these weeks, does that mean no one can approve or rate my mission?

What gives!?

Sorry if I'm just confused, but I put a ton of time into that mission, and right when I finish it they mess up the mission reviewing and make no attempt to fix it.

Can anyone shed any light on this?
Post edited by mephistocular on


  • chepetico2chepetico2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    It's currently under review. The issue is that many of the prior Spotlight Missions used a panel on the ESD that went buggy with the revamped ESD. The bug has been corrected but many of these missions need to be rewritten by the authors so they can direct the players to the right start points.

    Reviews should be up and functioning shortly!

    Good luck with your mission!


    Please leave comments or suggestions on the main thread for Homage to Galris at the following link.
    Also feel free to check out some of my other projects at the following link.
  • bazagbazag Member Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Hi mephistocular, and welcome to the foundry.

    After each season/expansion the foundry is completely turned off and over time things gradually come back. As missions are automatically republished, as bugs are identified and squashed. The bringing back of foundry usually comes in 5 stages

    1: republishing. As each season is released all foundry missions are deactivated, editing is turned off and reviewing is switched off as well. One one by one missions are automatically re-published and repopulate the foundry list.

    2. Play Bug identification. Before editing is turned on bugs that affect the player are identified by authors and players. Any bugs that need to be fixed need to be fixed before editing is turned back on. Additional republishings may be required.

    3. Editing operation: Once all the player facing bugs are dealt with the editor can be turned back on. Allowing the authors to check out the interface and see if there are any problems with using the editor. If there are problems that are identified then they are patched.

    4. Reviewing: Once the editor and missions are known to be working well, then they will turn on reviewing again.

    Editing is currently on as you know but reviewing isn't... there are some issues that are affecting some spotlight missions which will need to be de-spotlight for edits to be made. Once that's done reviewing will be turned back on.
  • mephistocularmephistocular Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Thanks for the responses. I guess it's just frustrating cause the timing has been so bad for me. I had spent way too much time on the mission, and was like "Well, I finally get to see what people think of it!" at the exact day they take it all down.

    Can't be helped, I guess. Thanks for letting me know!
  • chepetico2chepetico2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    We all know how you feel! One thing you can do is play through your mission a few times. Working on the dialogue always helps and you may find pathing bugs that don't show when you're in the Foundry.

    I've also used the time to adjust objects and effects.

    Please leave comments or suggestions on the main thread for Homage to Galris at the following link.
    Also feel free to check out some of my other projects at the following link.
  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited May 2014
    Now is also a good time to rope in some playtesters. There's nothing as good for finding fixable flaws than having the mission run by a third party before you really put it out there for everyone. I'd suggest stopping by the StarbaseUGC.com chat room or joining the FoundryTalk chat channel in game and ask if anyone would be willing to test. That way you can have a very polished mission ready to go when reviewing comes back.
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,630 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    drogyn1701 wrote: »
    Now is also a good time to rope in some playtesters. There's nothing as good for finding fixable flaws than having the mission run by a third party before you really put it out there for everyone. I'd suggest stopping by the StarbaseUGC.com chat room or joining the FoundryTalk chat channel in game and ask if anyone would be willing to test. That way you can have a very polished mission ready to go when reviewing comes back.

    ^ This is an excellent suggestion.

    Turn the downtime to your advantage right now. It's so easy for a new mission to pick up a lot of one-star ratings due to simple errors that can be fixed easily - but the bad ratings will remain forever.

    What's the name of your mission? I'd be happy to do a run through - as I'm sure others would be too. :) It's always fun to go through a new story!
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