Today, I am 35 years old, was in rather a good mood - then I read the server was coming down for a patch...
The AFK penalty has been applied to additional queued events.
Captains that AFK in a queued map will receive the following penalty:
0 rewards for the event.
2 hour cool down on the ability to queue for any event.
These changes are implemented into the following queued events in normal and elite mode where applicable:
Storming the Spire
The Breach
Undine Assault
Undine Infiltration
Viscous Cycle
This, is the best birthday present I have received today (so far)...
So, thank you Cryptic, you've really made my day
Many happy returns! May the wind be always at your back
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
Hmm thanks now I feel even older as I hit one of the big X0 birthdays soon. I'm already decrepit and soon I can add old to it. I thought I was a grumpy so-and-so.:P
back on topic. Happy Birthday OP. Ignore grumpy you're still a young whipper snapper
Second, welcome to the club. They've nerfed the Tour on my birthday last year ..
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Knowing my luck, by the time I'd decomposed enough to become fossil fuel - they will have mass produced engines that run on water :P
:::throws confetti:::
Also it's my Birthday too today!!!
Happy Birthday to you to.
AFK people getting a well needed slap and now my long lost birthday sibling is found....
What a day
33 on Sunday myself, this is a great present, even if it is an early one
Penblywydd hapus i chi.
That was good also. I was hoping we would get something like this so we could get feedback from someone.
This whole week is offering all good things.
And I am now 36, and I can't move around due to being disabled, so I can honestly say that I don't hear my bones creaking yet. Lol.
Live long and prosper!