Well if you're gonna use the antiproton warp core and omni-directional array, getting more AP arrays (even the free one you can get from the end of the Borg miniarc) would benefit from that.
Polarize Hull you may as well downgrade to 1 and up the Hazard Emitters to 2, for better healing and because PH1 works just as well as 2 at canceling tractor beams.
Overload 3 I'm not sure I'd use, since it reduces the effectiveness of the rest of your weapons. Instead an attack pattern might work better, either Beta 2 or Delta 2 to soften targets up for your pets, or Omega 1 for a burst of mobility and to buff your own damage output.
Aux2Bat may nicely boost your cooldowns, but not sure if its worth killing your aux on such a sci-heavy ship. If you slot a pair of Damage Control Engineers, you can replace the EPTS1/A2B1 with EPTW1/EPTS2 for extra weapons damage and shield toughness, plus better science stuff and faster pet recharges, and if you wanted you could trade the ET3 for Aux2SIF2 (lower heal, but hull resistance boost and only 15 second recharge time) as well. Best of all, as a Klingon you can get one purple DCE for free from your Engineering commendation (or buy him for 12000 dil, cheaper than Exchange prices) and get another from the replicator for only 1m ec.
Consoles, never been a big fan of the Emitter Amplifiers personally, getting better use out of Emitter Arrays or Field Generators to boost my heals or my cap. And since you can't put the Torpedo Defense System on a Vo'quv I know thats a typo, so not sure what is in that slot instead.
Just a few quick thoughts anyways. Still, nice to see something more classical out there.
While I've never been particulary fond of carrier play, I'd like to throw in my two cents.
Equipment wise, I'd probably switch out the Adapted KHG deflector for the Assimilated Deflector. The Borg 2-piece set proc is still hard to beat, healing wise. You'll lose the 2-piece Adapted KHG buff, which grants you 5% cooldown reduction, but that's not too big of a deal.
Furthermore, I'd recommend you grab an [AMP] core from the Fleet Store. It'll add damage with every subsystem that's over 75. I agree with the above poster that you'd eighter keep the core you have and go Antiproton, or switch to something else. However, the proc from disruptors will help your pets (and your team) much more than the added critical severity Antiproton would give you. Also, I figure the Torpedo Point Defense should be a normal Point Defense, which, on the KDF side, is Disruptor damage anyway.
Also, remember that the proc from the Adapted KHG shields and Plasmonic Leech don't stack. Might as well grab a Fleet Resilient Shield, or another shield. Plasmonic Leech - with 9 points in flow capacitors will give you a total of +16 to power levels. AKHG shield wont be able to match that, and will even disrupt the Plasmonic Leech stacks.
Boff wise, I'd drop the Beam: Overload 3 and go with Attack Pattern: Beta. It'll help you, your team and your pets. Beam Overload tends to drain a lot of power and shares a cooldown with Fire at Will.
For your engineering slots, there's a couple of options. Damage control officers - duty officers - are relatively cheap at the moment and with 3 blues or 2 purples, you'll have a decent uptime on two different EptX powers. You can go with EptAuxiliary1 for a better level of aux and a lower cooldown on your pets, or go full offense and take EptWeapons. Both of these are supplemented with the - mandatory - Emergency Power to Shields. You will probably do fine with EptS2, but you could take EptS3 with Engineering Team 2. Eighter way, drop the Aux2Bat. It'll kill your aux, raising the cooldown on your pets, and killing your science abilities. Thats a no-no.
Furthermore, Tyken's Rift isn't that useful in standard PvE. Not quite sure if it still shares a cooldown with Gravity Well - it used to - but, if so, it's going to hurt your effectiveness. Shop around for something else - Science Team 3, to help your teammates in a pinch? Transfer Shield 3?
Like the above poster, I'd recommend dropping Polarize Hull to 1 and upgrading your Hazard Emitters to 2.
On pet DPS, someone else will have to inform you. I'm unclear on that, although I'd think the Elite BOPs will be best.
Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Devotion Paladin
WoW, thank you so much to jaegernl and reginamala78, maybe you have more advices for me. I update my skillplaner, boff, gear, weapons, consoles and notes (for doff) as both recommend.
Now, i appreciated if you or anyone more can recommend other doff (because are 5 ) and @jaegerni the of the warpcore, please.
I need some advice too in boff sci abilitie please
Drop the Sci Team 1 for Tractor Beam 1, since you really only need one sci team and you can do a lot of stuff with TB. And maybe swap the DBB for another beam array, since getting the nose of that thing around is challenging. Otherwise, looks okay (a little excessive on the healing maybe, but it'll definitely survive!!! )
Doffs, 2 Damage Control, Gravimetric Sci, and Tractor Beam Officer (if you swap that power in). Grav Sci and Tractor you can get for free from running the colony chains in the Eridan Belt (Grav) and Arucanis Arm (TB). Takes about a week to run the duration, but free doffs are nice and save you a few million each, plus can be farmed for the grinder for your starbase.
The Damage Control officers, you need to get your Engineering doffing rank up to 4. Then one of the rewards you can pick is a Damage Control Engineer, and if you already picked someone else at that reward you can still buy him for 12k dil. Plus by getting up to rank 4, you can replicate the Emergency Engineering Hologram, who's also a Damage Control Engineer, filling the second slot for just a million EC. That'll give you two officers for a heck of a lot cheaper than Exchange prices. Or just buy 3 blues instead, use up an extra slot but much cheaper to set up.
The 5th slot, lots of options so leave it to personal preference. You could add a debuff-cleansing effect with a special Warp Core Engineer (purples are crazy expensive, but blues are almost as good and much more reasonable), or just use a regular Warp Core Eng for extra energy. A Conn Officer can reduce your Tac Team cooldown and boost your Attack Patterns right before you use APB. A Development Lab Scientist can reduce your Sci Team cooldown. Or as a Carrier driver you have all the various Flight Deck Officers you could use. Depends what you want to emphasize.
Its not clear what you're trying to do with the build, AP is for damage but you only have 6 weapon slots and 2 tac consoles so will never be a monster damage dealer with the ship itself. An eng capt with borg set is ideal for tanking, so you need to give the opponent a reason to fire at you rather than the glass cannons on your team - you need a role other than target, maybe shield stripper, healer, power drainer, opponent immobilizer, otherwise good players will ignore you.
Do some runs and judge what seems effective, in particular is 2 copies of APB better than FAW plus APB? APB also improves the damage your team and your carrier pets do, as does the disruptor proc. People have tac team so maybe faw x 2 is better, or APomega or....
Are your carrier pets getting creamed with FAW? if so you may need to shift to frigates.
The nukara console is good for carriers, leech is good for everyone, flt neutroniums with rcs make the ship more flyable( I know what a grind fleet marks are for klingons, so maybe go mk 11).
If you're going to PVP in your Vo'Quv, you must build for taking HUGE punishment. As a longtime Carrier user, I will tell you now that alot of people will be gunning for you. Most esp. those you cannot see.
You power priority will be Aux & Shield Power. Weapons will be a luxury and the lowest priority. Rest assured: Someone is sitting in cloaks watching you, waiting for an opening in your BUFF cycles and defenses. Because of this constant danger, I rarely go high Weapons Power unless it comes from Red Matter Capacitor or Weapons Batteries.
Tac Skills:
Having 1-2 copies of Tactical Team will be a must. 1 at the very bare minimum to clear dangerous APB or even the rare APD debuffs, as well as auto-shield distribution. You could go TT1, BFAW2, APD/APO... the BFAW isn't really for DPS, but mostly in help deterring projectiles coming your way or are around you. APB loses alot of luster in PVP but still has uses in certain styles. But as a Carrier, you need defenses because I promise you, will be shot at a lot. APO grants significant offensive boosts as well as a powerful escape maneuver. APD grants alot of defensive boosts but doesn't give you the escape. I love APO, but I've tended towards APD in a Carrier for PVP. I've tended more towards 2 TT's and APD. On my JHDC, I've gone 2 TT's, 2 APD's.
I would also drop the EPTW1 and get another copy of EPTS. Your shields better be in good condition, fed with ample power. You never know when the next vaping attack will come.
An alternative to your Grav Well 3 is Tractor Beam Repulsors 3. It may annoy people in STFs if not used correctly, but in PVP, there's far larger implications.
1. Damage goes straight to hull, bypassing shields.
2. Damage is determined by Particle Generators Skill (trade out that Graviton Generators Skill related console for something doing more Particle Generators Skill).
3. "Push" is determined by Graviton Generators Skill & Aux Power.
4. TBR is mostly for "CC." Pushing dangerous targets away... or maybe pull someone back that's trying to get away if you have the TBR DOFF that makes it a "Pull."
5. APO, PH grants immunity to TBR, just as it would with Tractor Beams.
6. Unlike many Science skills, to include Gravity Well, the target(s) do not need to be in your front arc.
7. Clears hostile destructible projectiles.
As a Carrier running high Aux Power, I would switch your Sci Skills a bit. Make Sci Team 3 downgraded to ST2, put Hazard Emitters 3 instead. Your HE3 will be alot more effective.
You need RESISTS. There is alot of bleedthrough in today's STO. If possible get some Dil mine Neutronium Consoles. Whether you do +Turn, +HullHP, +HullRepair, that's up to you, because they all have definitely great uses.
SCI Consoles. 1 extra Graviton Generators related console can help, whatever source that may be (Assimilated Console, Tachyokinetic Converter Console, Embassy Console, etc). The rest I recommend being ones that boost Starship Shield Emitters (determines how much shield is repaired).
TAC Consoles. Throw in an Aceton Assimilator in there. Energy Weapons fire that are AOE near it will send some damage back. More importantly, destructible projectiles coming near it are destroyed, i.e. Breen Clusters, Plasma Torps, Mines, etc. I would gladly trade a Tac Console slot for this large defensive boost.
Hangars: I would not use the BOP pets. I would not use Elite Scorpions (they're trash in PVP). The most PVP friendly hangar unit the KDF has are Elite Interceptors. They move fast as hell, weapons constantly blazing, chroniton torp spam, and they each have Tractor Beams. Great in constantly harassing a dangerous attacker to make them burn their APO, PH earlier than they want. If they've already gone through them, your EI's Tractors will fix them in place for the rest of your team to hammer. Also, as fighters, they will die quickly. But as fighters running in a Carrier with high Aux Power, they will be quickly replaced.
You spewing Elite Interceptors will mark you a special place in the other team's hearts to kill. Play it right, they will constantly be on you. But that's good. You should be built for it. The Fleet Vo'Quv is very robust and has the ENG, SCI, and hull to last. Your Carrier needs to be built for taking the punishment. Your offense are your 2 Hangars while you are completely on the defensive. You can stay on a very high Shield / Aux Power setting and your heals can be used on others if the attention is shifted away from you. If all the attention is focused on you, hopefully that buys alot more playroom for your teammates to work without being focused so much themselves.
A well played Carrier is a centerpiece of a team. It's unique in that it can be specced to be tough as hell yet the 2 full hangars are your real form of offense. The Vo'Quv has done this very well since STO was new. The Fed's own Atrox is a monster in this fashion also.
Note Weapons: @ovinspace: which weapons you recommend, at the begining i had disruptors but in this thread reginamala78 recommend antiproton because i have the KCB and Omni.
Which weapon for help team recommend?
Note Skills & traits:
Please look my skill i change some for the recommendations
Note doff:
The doff what i have listed in the (Notes) are ok?
Well, if you're going to run two copies of EptS, you wont need the Damage Control doffs. The reason I suggested them is you'd be able to run EptA and EptS with a reasonable uptime on both. I think with 2 purple or 3 blue, it's ~86% or so. Not too shabby.
If you're going to run two copies of EptS, you might as well invest in something like Science Team cooldown reducing duty officers. Science Team is an excellent shield heal and debuff cleanser, that, in most PvP matches, will be used quite often.
Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Devotion Paladin
Oh, and I'd like to make this point too: Don't take all of our advice immediatly and change things around. It's probably best to test things first, and find what you LIKE. While a well-built ship is nice, and makes you feel powerful, in the end I find it more important to ENJOY what you fly, than to be shoe-horned in the standard build everyone uses.
So, go have fun, try out things. It'll teach you a lot about what skills work with what. Changing Bridge Officer abilities is cheap enough to test everything you're willing to try. Testing things teaches you about the game-mechanics, abilities, and ultimatly will improve your understanding of the game.
Testing is what find new ways to fly ships people have never even considered.
Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Devotion Paladin
Thank you all, i hope the build run ok, i will try to play this weekend, if i have some question i write someone of you (if is not a problem with you) for asking more.
i will try to join to VoQuv Carrier channel (or something like that) and the feedback i will post here with the changes in my skill planner for help others in a Voquv!! (the best ship in the space):D
I'd go for weapon flavours that helps setup targets for your pets and others:
My choice would be disruptor, polarized disruptor, elite fleet disruptor or the undine rep disruptor that has a slow the opponent proc.
Second choice would be polaron/phased-polaron or a tetryon, this does two things: messes with opponents' systems and avoids going at shields that have an extra resist against your weapon flavour.
Combining your target engine subsystems, tractor beam, pets with tractor and perhaps grav well or repulsors( with doff) gives you a vessel that slows down fragile opponents as much as possible, add some shield stripping, energy stealing or subsystem messing and they will have a problem, all the while you've got close to 70k hull and lots of heals. If you are using tractor beam a lot get the shield stripper doff.
APomega and auxtodamp( with doff) also give defensive and movement bonuses, from time to time turning the big ship around will be necessary and the cooldown on evasive maneuvers is long.
There are some expensive toys that really help: leech, aceton assimilator, fleet elite pets, flt elite armour, elite fleet disruptors, 6th space doff, elite flt core and tac consoles. At least it isn't marion and another 80m of doffs.
Polarize Hull you may as well downgrade to 1 and up the Hazard Emitters to 2, for better healing and because PH1 works just as well as 2 at canceling tractor beams.
Overload 3 I'm not sure I'd use, since it reduces the effectiveness of the rest of your weapons. Instead an attack pattern might work better, either Beta 2 or Delta 2 to soften targets up for your pets, or Omega 1 for a burst of mobility and to buff your own damage output.
Aux2Bat may nicely boost your cooldowns, but not sure if its worth killing your aux on such a sci-heavy ship. If you slot a pair of Damage Control Engineers, you can replace the EPTS1/A2B1 with EPTW1/EPTS2 for extra weapons damage and shield toughness, plus better science stuff and faster pet recharges, and if you wanted you could trade the ET3 for Aux2SIF2 (lower heal, but hull resistance boost and only 15 second recharge time) as well. Best of all, as a Klingon you can get one purple DCE for free from your Engineering commendation (or buy him for 12000 dil, cheaper than Exchange prices) and get another from the replicator for only 1m ec.
Consoles, never been a big fan of the Emitter Amplifiers personally, getting better use out of Emitter Arrays or Field Generators to boost my heals or my cap. And since you can't put the Torpedo Defense System on a Vo'quv I know thats a typo, so not sure what is in that slot instead.
Just a few quick thoughts anyways. Still, nice to see something more classical out there.
While I've never been particulary fond of carrier play, I'd like to throw in my two cents.
Equipment wise, I'd probably switch out the Adapted KHG deflector for the Assimilated Deflector. The Borg 2-piece set proc is still hard to beat, healing wise. You'll lose the 2-piece Adapted KHG buff, which grants you 5% cooldown reduction, but that's not too big of a deal.
Furthermore, I'd recommend you grab an [AMP] core from the Fleet Store. It'll add damage with every subsystem that's over 75. I agree with the above poster that you'd eighter keep the core you have and go Antiproton, or switch to something else. However, the proc from disruptors will help your pets (and your team) much more than the added critical severity Antiproton would give you. Also, I figure the Torpedo Point Defense should be a normal Point Defense, which, on the KDF side, is Disruptor damage anyway.
Also, remember that the proc from the Adapted KHG shields and Plasmonic Leech don't stack. Might as well grab a Fleet Resilient Shield, or another shield. Plasmonic Leech - with 9 points in flow capacitors will give you a total of +16 to power levels. AKHG shield wont be able to match that, and will even disrupt the Plasmonic Leech stacks.
Boff wise, I'd drop the Beam: Overload 3 and go with Attack Pattern: Beta. It'll help you, your team and your pets. Beam Overload tends to drain a lot of power and shares a cooldown with Fire at Will.
For your engineering slots, there's a couple of options. Damage control officers - duty officers - are relatively cheap at the moment and with 3 blues or 2 purples, you'll have a decent uptime on two different EptX powers. You can go with EptAuxiliary1 for a better level of aux and a lower cooldown on your pets, or go full offense and take EptWeapons. Both of these are supplemented with the - mandatory - Emergency Power to Shields. You will probably do fine with EptS2, but you could take EptS3 with Engineering Team 2. Eighter way, drop the Aux2Bat. It'll kill your aux, raising the cooldown on your pets, and killing your science abilities. Thats a no-no.
Furthermore, Tyken's Rift isn't that useful in standard PvE. Not quite sure if it still shares a cooldown with Gravity Well - it used to - but, if so, it's going to hurt your effectiveness. Shop around for something else - Science Team 3, to help your teammates in a pinch? Transfer Shield 3?
Like the above poster, I'd recommend dropping Polarize Hull to 1 and upgrading your Hazard Emitters to 2.
On pet DPS, someone else will have to inform you. I'm unclear on that, although I'd think the Elite BOPs will be best.
Now, i appreciated if you or anyone more can recommend other doff (because are 5 ) and @jaegerni the of the warpcore, please.
I need some advice too in boff sci abilitie please
Thanks all in advanced
Here is my build update:
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Doffs, 2 Damage Control, Gravimetric Sci, and Tractor Beam Officer (if you swap that power in). Grav Sci and Tractor you can get for free from running the colony chains in the Eridan Belt (Grav) and Arucanis Arm (TB). Takes about a week to run the duration, but free doffs are nice and save you a few million each, plus can be farmed for the grinder for your starbase.
The Damage Control officers, you need to get your Engineering doffing rank up to 4. Then one of the rewards you can pick is a Damage Control Engineer, and if you already picked someone else at that reward you can still buy him for 12k dil. Plus by getting up to rank 4, you can replicate the Emergency Engineering Hologram, who's also a Damage Control Engineer, filling the second slot for just a million EC. That'll give you two officers for a heck of a lot cheaper than Exchange prices. Or just buy 3 blues instead, use up an extra slot but much cheaper to set up.
The 5th slot, lots of options so leave it to personal preference. You could add a debuff-cleansing effect with a special Warp Core Engineer (purples are crazy expensive, but blues are almost as good and much more reasonable), or just use a regular Warp Core Eng for extra energy. A Conn Officer can reduce your Tac Team cooldown and boost your Attack Patterns right before you use APB. A Development Lab Scientist can reduce your Sci Team cooldown. Or as a Carrier driver you have all the various Flight Deck Officers you could use. Depends what you want to emphasize.
Actually i am a newbie in pvp, i pretend with this build go to my first pvp.
Some people talk that VoQuv in pvp die and die a lot of times... but i love this ship.:)
If you have some advices for pvp i appreciate a lot
@reginamla78: changes update
Here is my build again:
Thanks for your support!!
Do some runs and judge what seems effective, in particular is 2 copies of APB better than FAW plus APB? APB also improves the damage your team and your carrier pets do, as does the disruptor proc. People have tac team so maybe faw x 2 is better, or APomega or....
Are your carrier pets getting creamed with FAW? if so you may need to shift to frigates.
The nukara console is good for carriers, leech is good for everyone, flt neutroniums with rcs make the ship more flyable( I know what a grind fleet marks are for klingons, so maybe go mk 11).
You power priority will be Aux & Shield Power. Weapons will be a luxury and the lowest priority. Rest assured: Someone is sitting in cloaks watching you, waiting for an opening in your BUFF cycles and defenses. Because of this constant danger, I rarely go high Weapons Power unless it comes from Red Matter Capacitor or Weapons Batteries.
Tac Skills:
Having 1-2 copies of Tactical Team will be a must. 1 at the very bare minimum to clear dangerous APB or even the rare APD debuffs, as well as auto-shield distribution. You could go TT1, BFAW2, APD/APO... the BFAW isn't really for DPS, but mostly in help deterring projectiles coming your way or are around you. APB loses alot of luster in PVP but still has uses in certain styles. But as a Carrier, you need defenses because I promise you, will be shot at a lot. APO grants significant offensive boosts as well as a powerful escape maneuver. APD grants alot of defensive boosts but doesn't give you the escape. I love APO, but I've tended towards APD in a Carrier for PVP. I've tended more towards 2 TT's and APD. On my JHDC, I've gone 2 TT's, 2 APD's.
I would also drop the EPTW1 and get another copy of EPTS. Your shields better be in good condition, fed with ample power. You never know when the next vaping attack will come.
An alternative to your Grav Well 3 is Tractor Beam Repulsors 3. It may annoy people in STFs if not used correctly, but in PVP, there's far larger implications.
1. Damage goes straight to hull, bypassing shields.
2. Damage is determined by Particle Generators Skill (trade out that Graviton Generators Skill related console for something doing more Particle Generators Skill).
3. "Push" is determined by Graviton Generators Skill & Aux Power.
4. TBR is mostly for "CC." Pushing dangerous targets away... or maybe pull someone back that's trying to get away if you have the TBR DOFF that makes it a "Pull."
5. APO, PH grants immunity to TBR, just as it would with Tractor Beams.
6. Unlike many Science skills, to include Gravity Well, the target(s) do not need to be in your front arc.
7. Clears hostile destructible projectiles.
As a Carrier running high Aux Power, I would switch your Sci Skills a bit. Make Sci Team 3 downgraded to ST2, put Hazard Emitters 3 instead. Your HE3 will be alot more effective.
You need RESISTS. There is alot of bleedthrough in today's STO. If possible get some Dil mine Neutronium Consoles. Whether you do +Turn, +HullHP, +HullRepair, that's up to you, because they all have definitely great uses.
SCI Consoles. 1 extra Graviton Generators related console can help, whatever source that may be (Assimilated Console, Tachyokinetic Converter Console, Embassy Console, etc). The rest I recommend being ones that boost Starship Shield Emitters (determines how much shield is repaired).
TAC Consoles. Throw in an Aceton Assimilator in there. Energy Weapons fire that are AOE near it will send some damage back. More importantly, destructible projectiles coming near it are destroyed, i.e. Breen Clusters, Plasma Torps, Mines, etc. I would gladly trade a Tac Console slot for this large defensive boost.
Hangars: I would not use the BOP pets. I would not use Elite Scorpions (they're trash in PVP). The most PVP friendly hangar unit the KDF has are Elite Interceptors. They move fast as hell, weapons constantly blazing, chroniton torp spam, and they each have Tractor Beams. Great in constantly harassing a dangerous attacker to make them burn their APO, PH earlier than they want. If they've already gone through them, your EI's Tractors will fix them in place for the rest of your team to hammer. Also, as fighters, they will die quickly. But as fighters running in a Carrier with high Aux Power, they will be quickly replaced.
You spewing Elite Interceptors will mark you a special place in the other team's hearts to kill. Play it right, they will constantly be on you. But that's good. You should be built for it. The Fleet Vo'Quv is very robust and has the ENG, SCI, and hull to last. Your Carrier needs to be built for taking the punishment. Your offense are your 2 Hangars while you are completely on the defensive. You can stay on a very high Shield / Aux Power setting and your heals can be used on others if the attention is shifted away from you. If all the attention is focused on you, hopefully that buys alot more playroom for your teammates to work without being focused so much themselves.
A well played Carrier is a centerpiece of a team. It's unique in that it can be specced to be tough as hell yet the 2 full hangars are your real form of offense. The Vo'Quv has done this very well since STO was new. The Fed's own Atrox is a monster in this fashion also.
Last recommendations:
Stay in a group.
Stay close to friendly Cruisers.
Accept the Suck! YOU are the tempting bait!
Wow I really appreciate a lot all advices
Here is my link update:
Note Weapons:
@ovinspace: which weapons you recommend, at the begining i had disruptors but in this thread reginamala78 recommend antiproton because i have the KCB and Omni.
Which weapon for help team recommend?
Note Skills & traits:
Please look my skill i change some for the recommendations
Note doff:
The doff what i have listed in the (Notes) are ok?
Really thanks a lot my Vo'Quv look well
If you're going to run two copies of EptS, you might as well invest in something like Science Team cooldown reducing duty officers. Science Team is an excellent shield heal and debuff cleanser, that, in most PvP matches, will be used quite often.
So, go have fun, try out things. It'll teach you a lot about what skills work with what. Changing Bridge Officer abilities is cheap enough to test everything you're willing to try. Testing things teaches you about the game-mechanics, abilities, and ultimatly will improve your understanding of the game.
Testing is what find new ways to fly ships people have never even considered.
Thank you all, i hope the build run ok, i will try to play this weekend, if i have some question i write someone of you (if is not a problem with you) for asking more.
i will try to join to VoQuv Carrier channel (or something like that) and the feedback i will post here with the changes in my skill planner for help others in a Voquv!! (the best ship in the space):D
My choice would be disruptor, polarized disruptor, elite fleet disruptor or the undine rep disruptor that has a slow the opponent proc.
Second choice would be polaron/phased-polaron or a tetryon, this does two things: messes with opponents' systems and avoids going at shields that have an extra resist against your weapon flavour.
Combining your target engine subsystems, tractor beam, pets with tractor and perhaps grav well or repulsors( with doff) gives you a vessel that slows down fragile opponents as much as possible, add some shield stripping, energy stealing or subsystem messing and they will have a problem, all the while you've got close to 70k hull and lots of heals. If you are using tractor beam a lot get the shield stripper doff.
APomega and auxtodamp( with doff) also give defensive and movement bonuses, from time to time turning the big ship around will be necessary and the cooldown on evasive maneuvers is long.
There are some expensive toys that really help: leech, aceton assimilator, fleet elite pets, flt elite armour, elite fleet disruptors, 6th space doff, elite flt core and tac consoles. At least it isn't marion and another 80m of doffs.
where i can get the 6th doff?
Note: I will try to get polarized disruptor... but then... KCB and Omni quit of the weapons?
Bought the space for the 6th or i need to do some mission?