So, I used this weekend sale to support the KDF a bit again and I got myslef a Kar'fi. Not going to lie, I don't generally like carriers, but I had my eyes on this one ever since the "Gates of Sto'vo'kor" KDF promotional blog was published on the STO web-page back in the day.

Anyway, my question here is - what weapon layout should I go with? What would you recommend?
It terms of type of energy, I'm going with fleet AP because I think red fits the ship nicely. Yeah, I'm weird that way. lol

But, I was wondering if I should go with beams or DHC/Turret setup. The turn rate of 8 is not that bad and seems....debatable to me. I'm not sure it will be 100% good to go with DHC/Turrets, but than again - I'm not sure how 2 hangars of Fer'jai will behave and if I'll really need more turn rate than that.
I have flied my friend's Kar'fi a few times before, he uses beams on his, and worked well.
So what do you or would you use on this ship? Beams of cannons?
Since I am low level, I only have an Mk XI RCS console and the Undine Turn Console (resulting in a turn degree of 18), and DHC is not feasible at all. At best, just use DBB at front, and then of course the 360 AP Beam array at the back. The most optimal setup I have is to have 1 or 2 DBB at front and then beam array for the rest.
But since you have access to fleet gear, DHC MAY be feasible in PvE.
Though the Kar'Fi is the best turning Carrier in the game, for PVP, I would never put on DC/DHC weapons. DBB would even be a stretch. It was a problem lining targets up in PVP before LOR, and in today's era of EPTE, A2D, etc, I can't even imagine trying that. For pure PVE, DHC/DC/DBB is more doable. But you then come across the problem about keeping up movement and defense vs forward weapons time on target. For PVE you need to be smart about that, naturally.
Beam Arrays is where it's safest and she performs quite good with them, PVE or PVP. Maybe throw in a Torp or whatever. You get to maintain movement and bonus defense, you don't need to worry about keeping forward arc on target. Just keep moving and pounding away. Also, beams in general are "cheaper" TAC-wise compared to cannon skills in what ranks you can start getting them in.
When I flew the Kar'Fi all the time, for PVE I split between DHCs and BAs. After a while, esp. with PVP, it all became BA's. With everyone trying to gun for you in PVP because they know the Kar'Fi only has a Lt ENG station, you cannot afford to slow down and everyone was swarming around me.
Beams. Beams. Beams.
As a KDF player, I'd like to remind you that the Kar'Fi, like any SCI-heavy Carrier available to the KDF, is a very capable Drain Boat.
Its a very good ship but its pure offense. It lacks engineering seats and consoles and is just a little bit soft for its size and speed.
I highly recommend the new console with turn rate from undine.
Been running mine with 6 beam arrays and the KCB, then let my pets handle torpedo duties (except for NWS, where things are stationary enough that cannons are okay). I know some people can make cannons work with it, but I figure with the limited engineering spaces (for turning consoles) and only 8 base turn, better to not spend my time fighting with the ship, particularly as every new season seems to bring faster and more numerous enemies not worth the time spent maneuvering. For energy I went with disruptor, since that proc boosts my sci damage and pet damage as well as my own fire (debating upgrading to Elite Fleet but not sure if that proc is worth it for soft-shielded PVE targets).
That 8 base turn - you just end up sacrificing too much, imho, to try to get it to stay on target - as mentioned, you're looking at just a Lt Eng and 2x Eng Consoles. A Vo'Quv or Bortasqu' has more room for play in trying to add some zip than the Kar'Fi does in that regard. I really hated that they didn't Uni En for the Fleet Kar'Fi...meh.
I've got a fair bit of other things lightly enhancing my turnrate as well, but shouldn't be required with Aux2Damp: Hyper-Overcharged warp core for a little more energy to engines, KHG (multi-way tie for 1st in turnrate) engines, Tac captain with APA, APO in Lt. Com Tac, Conn Officers with +attack patterns on Tac Team improving APA and APO turnrate boosts, and the Elachi Lobi Heavy Crescent single cannon for when I'm not yet on target with DHCs.
Thanks for reminding me, I completely forgot about the existence of the 360 AP Beam Array.
Hmmmm.....drain boat...might try that. I was considering going with GW and such, but I just may put the leach, the acteons and set it up to suck the life out of anything.
Well, in my defense - I have been vocal against carriers as well. :P
Well, predominantly PvE. May jump to PvP every now and then for change of pace, but it's not really my thing in the place it is at the moment.
I'm still considering, since I'm still putting finishing touches on my PER and then I'll start gearing up the Kar'fi, however it migh be a good idea for me to go with the beams. I'm very used to playing beam cruisers, so using beams comes natural to me - moreso than the DHCs.
Might try the beams and see how I feel, if I feel I got the speed and opening to do DHCs might get some afterwards.
The Fer'jai frigates are some of the best in the game and do massive dmg. The advanced ones in the Dil store are great, the Elite ones in the fleet holding are BEAST.
Max the living hell out of Flow Capacitors (anything you can find with Flow Cap, even some Universals).
Jem'Hadar Space Set (or at least 2 pieces; deflector has very high Flow Caps and Grav.Gens).
Polaron Beam Arrays (of note is the Dominion Beam Array Mk XI that you can get for free... Polaron Proc + Shield Drain effect).
Tractor Beam w/ Shield Drain DOFF, ES, TR3.
Aceton Assimilator
Energy Siphon Drones (I got the Elites)
You can go up to the biggest, nastiest things like TAC Cubes, Gates, etc., and outright shut them down or make them very weak. The Energy Siphon Drones and Aceton Assimilators are what distinguishes KDF Drain Builds from Fed ones by a large margin.
The Tractor Beam is useful for faster moving targets. Pin them in place if need be, send the Energy Siphon Drones in (12 total for a full carrier), land the AA in close proximity, Energy Siphon, then land Tykien's Rift 3 on them, all while continuously pounding away with Polarons in close range. If someone lays down a Grav Well with a bunch of NPCs in the area, TR3 does wonders.
I'm sure there's better builds out there, but I got this working this past weekend.