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Fun Ships?



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    riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    For me Scimitar all thr times, I love it both in Nemesis and STO :D
    Follows Avenger, Excelsior, Mobius, MVAE (with MVAM module) and sometimes T'varo.
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    greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I have a lot of fun in science ships. I enjoy cruisers as well, in the "OMG BEAMZ EVERYWARE" way, but I like how science powers work.

    I was using a Fleet Intrepid until the ship sale and I had a lot of that. With the sale I picked up the Vesta and I'm using that at the moment. I like the ability to have some more tactical powers bit still having some of the heavier hitting science abilities.
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    cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    Will have to stick with my Excelsior.

    Not a DPS King, not an Aux2Demarion, not a regular beam boat. A rather unique mix of torpedoes and beams. She can deal her fair amount of damage. But more important, I am yet to find the NPC to bring her down. As in, no single NPC can take me down. In groups, that is also hard for them. And that is with thread generation maxed out to the limits.

    I'm just enjoying flying around, healing myself and everyone in the area, taking all the damage, stuff like that.

    I have to say, the ship isn`t the "best" at anything....but it`s "good" at just about everything.The excelsior is just a well rounded, not overly flashy starship. I have a engineer captain dedicated to using one.It is a fun time using it.I find most of his "more advanced" ships tend to sit in spacedock.
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    caldannachcaldannach Member Posts: 485 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    My favourite ships are:

    My absolute favourite right now is the new fleet patrol escort. Its so much fun. The console is fun, the rear cannons are cool. Maybe not the most effective idea ever, but they are FUN. Forget min/max this game should be fun. I usually fly cruisers on my fed but this escort has changed my view.

    My build for it is the rep bio torp front with DHCs, and then rep grav torp rear, with turrets and DC or sometimes the proton weapon too. That way, just like after a long weekend of drinking, ive got stuff coming out both ends that can kill! Ha ha. Seriously though its a lot of fun. And the boff setup is great, you can do pretty much anything you like. I have so much facility on that ship for an escort its unreal. Highly recommended. People are whining its ugly, just get the fleet version and the fleet skin is badass!

    Other ships i like:

    - Gal-x dread for huge survivability, especially with both its special consoles, but still good damage with 4 tac consoles and fun stuff on it. I found even though it has limited tac boff slots, just having FAW1, TT1 and APB1, it still tears things up.
    - Fleet avenger for good survivability yet good maneuverability for a big damage beam and torp build. Similar to what i discuss below!

    - Scimitar with 5 rom plasma dual beam banks and 2 of its special consoles. Just a pure predator with BO3 and the right rom boff setup.
    - Arkif just a fun ship, and the only rom ship i use with cannons. With rom plasma cannons, and the quad cannon 2 set bonus and 5 tac consoles, the close range damage it can do is insane, especially if you pop the singularity beam as well. Plus it has fighters. A fun ship, and sexy looking, especially with Reman skin.
    - Fleet Dhelan is great, again i like dual beams on this one, i usually make a tet build for it, with nukara mines. This is even better now that they improved the nukara space set. The 3 piece click and the rep click abilities are pretty nasty when you are on a ship that has 5 tac consoles if you spec them all tetryon. Plus i use the 2 special consoles on this ship which makes it really tough for a warbird. A great ship and also very sexy!

    Overall i have been having much more fun playing since i started using torps more. Torps might not be the most efficient damage type, but they are so much fun, and the rep torps can be nasty. Especially if you do the following:

    - Equip both the rep photon torpedoes, bio and grav.
    - have 1 or 2 purple torp doffs
    - Use the full dyson console/torp/beam set for +10% photon crit chance and extra photon damage, as well as just extra crit and crit sev.
    - use the counter command tac console from the new FE for more photon damage
    - Possibly use some of the Adapted MACO space set for its 2 piece bonus, increases all torp damage.
    - Finally make sure you have at least TS3, and maybe HY2. My favourite trick with that is fire TS3 on the way in, then drop a HY on them as you bank out as you should be right on top giving them no chance to react or destroy if its a slow/destructible weapon type. FUN!

    Because they are photon weapons, the cooldown is only 6 seconds, if your torp doff procs you can fire again instantly, and also in an agile ship you can just keep twisting and dropping torps all over while you strafe with energy weapons, even more so with the new escort and its tail gun. If i could pluck that ship out of the screen and have sex with it i would! ha ha.

    Wow, i waffled a bit but got carried away! :)
    " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
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    shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    My Plesh brek...
    I have one of those (dubbed Schnee); it is indeed fun; thanks for reminding me to put some more stick time on it. Another ship I've been meaning to try out is that Gladius that was handed out as a freebie not that long back.

    Also wouldn't mind getting a temporal vessel or one of the Tholian ships... not so much for any 'uber' builds involving them or their special equipment, but simply because they ooze style. On this note, I again wonder if we'll see a playable Tarantula, since we already have the Bastion, which if I understand right, is about the same size...
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    gogereaver wrote: »
    yea its hard to say being each player has his own style of whats fun for them.

    Yeah but thats why its a question worth asking, not just what but why? Otherwise we'd just all fly a max-DPS Scimi and things would get really dull really fast. Besides, with the sale on, its a good time to look at ships that you play Just Because.
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    sudonamisudonami Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I personally have the most fun in the regent. broadsiding sure that's useful but when i want to have fun the looks, maneuvering, and and the fancy looking pew pew of a bunch of beam firing off that thing. favorite ship and a fun one.
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Probably my Fleet D'Deridex. It really has everything I desire out of a ship and more.

    It's by far the most aesthetically pleasing ship in Star Trek to me (if not all of sci-fi). The Lt. Cmdr. tac slot means I can use torp spread III which by itself is a really fun ability to use. The singularity projectile does passable crowd control and I personally love the combination of Singularitry Projectile, Torpedo Spread III (with omega plasma torps), Fire at Will II, and as soon as the projectile detonates?

    Plasma Shockwave V.

    Regardless of how much or how little damage it does -- the visual of seeing all those explosions at once (particularly if my plasma shockwave knocks out subsystems since I got an elite fleet core specifically for that), is just epic.

    The Lt. Cmdr. Sci slot means I can run both Transfer Shield Strength III along with my Cmdr. Engineer which means I can run Emergency Power to Shields III.

    if I really wanted, I can put in Reverse Shield Polarity III (and have the purple doff that extends the amount of time it is active).

    As an engineer, I have the additional fortune of having Rotate Shield Frequency III -- which potentially makes my D'Deridex one beefy shield tank. If I want overkill (or overheal), I'll throw in that passive warbird shield console or my reman set and have capacitance transfer activated to leech even more shield power.

    Essentially, I find it a lot of fun to have a big hollow ship like the D'Deridex be one of the hardest-to-kill ships in the game.

    With EPS Power Transfer III, and EPS Manifold Efficiency (and a rechargable shields battery), my power levels are a non-issue and I can consistently get to 125 in all subsystems (which is awesome with Synergy Amp), and still have the power to spare whenever I feel like blowing my singularity power level for Plasma Shockwave V.

    Hull heals aren't ignored either. I have another Engineer with Aux to SIF III, and I always bring Hazard Emitters II and Engineering Team II on my D'Deridex. I have the damage control doff that has that 40% chance for an additional HoT whenever using Aux to SIF.

    Of course there's Miracle Worker and Grace Under Fire.

    Turn rate isn't much of an issue for me, given the battlecloak, phase cloak, Helmsman trait, and Neutronium Alloy Consoles with +Turn.

    But really, who needs to turn when I have guns point the way I want to go?

    All in all, my Fleet D'Deridex is by far the most fun ship I have in STO. In addition to being effective, it's just a joy to use and watch in action as it destroys groups of enemies while remaining at 100% shield health with entire enemy fleets pounding away at me.
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    dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The ship I have the most fun with is my Risian corvette. At first glance the stats made it seem like a bad choice (low hull/shields), but the speed and turn plus the bonus defense more than make up for that. I was skeptical at first, but my first test flight left me grinning.

    The most fun is when you're in a dogfight. Everything is moving fast, and the turn is so high the screen is practically spinning. The ship can be very difficult to control, but it becomes easier once you learn not to overshoot targets.

    I've tried a number of other escorts since then. Many of them have been fun to use, and some might even be more deadly to my enemies than the corvette, but every time I end up going back to my corvette. It's just that fun!
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    dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'll throw in a vote for the T'varo, too. Loaded the thing up with plasma torps and a DBB disruptor and just have a ton of fun with it. Those big red terror torps actually seem worth using, unlike a lot of the C-store consoles. It pops occasionally, but more often than not either the cloak throws everything off, or decloaking and getting out of range works. If not, there's always the quantum absorption panic button.

    I picked up a B'rel retrofit yesterday, though, and I'm just not feeling it. I love the ship for how iconic it is, but it just feels flat-out inferior to the T'varo. I guess that's what happens when you give two ships the same gimmick. I'll give it a while before I make any calls, but I really see myself going back to my Vor'cha.
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    vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,886 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    decisions decisions. for federation ships, def the odyssey, but i have an alt rocking the mirror Nova.

    top of the list though is the Jemnaught. loaded with 12 elite scorpions it's a moving wall of death. I can just imagine being in the target. they see the ship. then they see 15 plasmas headed their way as they get pounded by a BO2 strike. all that can possibly go though their mind is "OH, ****!"

    for KDF, I like the b'rel torpedo boat and the two carriers.

    Romulan, I was not real happy. the T'varo is fun, but it take too long to kill stuff. so i looked at where i was. then i saw the Mirror Oh Mogai. that thing is a BLAST. all i have to do is get some power to the build. good tac and sci boff layout, sturdy enough, turns well, cloaks as an oh TRIBBLE escape.
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