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Fleet Ha'Feh Warbird ... how to make it OP

shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
edited June 2014 in Romulan Discussion
Hi guys, I got a Fleet Ha'Feh and I'd like to make it OP.

This is my actual build:

This is how I'd like to modify it:

1x Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XII
3x Elite Fleet Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII

1x Bio-Molecular Disruptor Heavy Turret Mk XII
2x Elite Disruptor Turrets Mk XII

DISH: Honor Guard Mk XII
ENGINE: Honor Guard Mk XII
CORE: Elite Fleet Hyper-Stabilizing Mk XII
SHIELD: Elite Fleet Resilient Mk XII

1x Hydro-Dynamics Compensator
2x Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XII

2x Field Generator Mk XI

5x Vunerability Locators Mk XII

2x Conn Officers (TT)
2x Maintenance Engineer (ET)
2x Development Lab Scientist (ST)

I noticed that my weapons damage was heavily reduced.
Torpedoes also, now are completely useless.

But I can't use 7 energy weapons either, cause the energy drain would be too much.
Nowaday, escort ships are TRIBBLE.

But I don't want to start another thread about how devs ruined the game, I just like to improve my ship.
Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

Post edited by shinzonisback on


  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I think that part of the issue is that the Bio-molecular stuff is going to be powerful against Undine, but otherwise weak.

    Your regular build seems fine, I'd suggest sticking with that.
  • syndonaisyndonai Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Should seriously consider getting & using the Assimilated module and KCB. That'll fix you energy drain issues on the whole. Also a plasmonic leech (which, being a warbird, should go without saying). Both of these consoles should replace the Field generators in your Sci slots.

    Course, there's a load of other things you can do, but generally these are a must-have when boosting DPS. On a warbird.

    Peacekeeper High Command
    Scorpius - Zelbinion Mk II
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2014
    Ok, I'll try KCB / Assimilated and Plasmonich Leech.

    well, KCB + Assimilated seems good, but I'm not sure about the Plasmonic Leech ...
    Its bonus was disappointing.
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • syndonaisyndonai Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    well, KCB + Assimilated seems good, but I'm not sure about the Plasmonic Leech ...
    Its bonus was disappointing.

    I'm going to guess you have zero points put into flow capacitors? As those boost the amount of power gained. Generally, with a full alotment of points you'll be pulling 19 power per subsystem.

    Touching the subject of skills, they will make a significant impact to your overall performance anyways, regardless of what kit you're using.

    Peacekeeper High Command
    Scorpius - Zelbinion Mk II
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2014
    Ops, yeah ... I got 0 points in Flow Caps.
    I have to retrain my toon ... uff :(
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The plasmonic leech is also a +power as you fire console...so until you cap it out, it will help supplement the power drain...with an amp core it'll help add additional amps.

    The flow cap skill will help you alot
    Is this a pve or pvp build?
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Presuming PvE this is for...

    I'd be switching both CRF1 for CSV1, and both torp high yields into torp spreads. That'll max your PvE dmg.

    Consider switching APB2 for APO1. But only if survival is a struggle, otherwise keep the betas.

    If you can, put the romulan impulse engine in to boost patterns.
    Also, work towards the bio-molecular turret and torp. Stick them on to get extra boost to disruptors.

    As others have mentioned spec into flow caps and put leech in in a sci slot, much needed on underpowered rom ships to help with amp and other skills.

    The other sci slot, if you need more crit chance put in zero point console (gives more power), if more crit dmg put in bioneural console (gives extra hull), or just regular borg console with KCB for the weapon drain relief.
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2014
    @Dahmius: its a PVE build, (for PVPs i just switch APB with APO).
    But the problem is not only for PVEs.

    @Erad: Yeah, I thought it too, but worffan said Bio-Molecular Weaponry is going to be weak against not-undine ships.

    The problem is that I feel like my damage has been cut in half with the last 2 seasons.

    I remember when I bought my fleet ha'feh: I didn't have fleet weapons nor fleet consoles, but my damage output was high.
    Now I feel like my damage output is near to zero ... then I saw beam ships dealing 4 times my damage.

    That's why I feel angry: its like the game has destroyed cannons making them TRIBBLE o.O
    What's changed ?
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It doesn't look like it has been said so I'll mention it, you could probably stand to ditch the deflector since the cloaking field set bonus isn't really that great and is easily passed on. You could pick up the new deflector from the Undine rep which looks pretty damn good IMO.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2014
    lianthelia wrote: »
    It doesn't look like it has been said so I'll mention it, you could probably stand to ditch the deflector since the cloaking field set bonus isn't really that great and is easily passed on. You could pick up the new deflector from the Undine rep which looks pretty damn good IMO.

    Actually: I don't have the Clocking Field set bonus cause its the 3pt bonus.
    I only got HG Deflector and HG Engines that give me the 2pt bonus (+25% torpedo damage, +7 Aux Power Level, + Crew Resistance).
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • ovinspaceovinspace Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2014
    Those million DPS beam boats are usually running with next to no armour, shields boosts and minimal heals, you've got 5 don't blow me up consoles and 5 healing powers, the DPSer would have all offensive consoles and a couple of heals, plus maybe the valdore console for shields. They also have 60m+ EC of doffs.

    A typical DPS build has rom plasma weapons, leech, zero point, assimilated, embassy flow cap plasma infused and either a valdore or second flow cap. Capt specced for energy weapon damage. Totally unbalanced and unrealistic in relation to the ships seen in the shows.

    PVP damage stats come from fawing and may or may not be very useful damage in a pvp match that requires concentrated fire on a healing target.
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2014
    Well, yeah I think I understand, but the point is that my ship seems to not deal serious damage.

    1 - why Rom Plasma should be better than Elite Fleet Disruptors (or even Adv. Fleet Disruptors) ?
    I thought Plasma Energy Weapons were TRIBBLE o.O

    2 - I feel like my ship's DPS has been cut in half, it deals low to no damage.
    I remember a 2-3 years ago, before the rep system.

    I got green-blue weapons and consoles and my ship dealt very good damage.
    Now I got Fleet Consoles and Weapons and my ship is TRIBBLE ... WHY ?

    And why torpedoes have been made so unuseful ?
    Its quite better and empty weapon slot than a torpedo -_-

    The only reason I keep using torpedoes is that I like canon ships, and in Star Trek, ships have torpedoes (cause torpedoes were the strongest weapons out there).

    I think it's horrible that someone who wants his ship to be similar to the ones in the series, have to be that penelized.
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • robby0321robby0321 Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Wondering why your using single target attacks with an attack pattern that debuf's groups? I mean delta or omega makes more sence in this build. Plus drop eng team and sci team for tts and another copy of emps and rsp for dem.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    There is nothing wrong with the bio torps, the problem most likely stems from using too many HY skills, and quite possibly due to no skill points added to your captain skills aiding torpedo damage and crit severity.

    Heck I use nothing but photon based torpedoes (3 as a matter of act) on my fed captain's ship, and it devastates npc's when their hull is exposed.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    2 turrets in the back? for god sake.. dont use turrets lol.

    Replace em for the ap beam and the KCB. Turrets are useless in this game (unless you place 3 of em, and still the performance is not even near that having the AP and KCB in there).
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    2 turrets in the back? for god sake.. dont use turrets lol.

    Replace em for the ap beam and the KCB. Turrets are useless in this game (unless you place 3 of em, and still the performance is not even near that having the AP and KCB in there).

    Dude, do you ever say anything positive?

    Also, turrets work just fine as backup for a DHC build. The AP beam doesn't sync well with most cannon builds.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    2 turrets in the back? for god sake.. dont use turrets lol.

    Replace em for the ap beam and the KCB. Turrets are useless in this game (unless you place 3 of em, and still the performance is not even near that having the AP and KCB in there).

    Let me know when either of those are affected by CRF and the former is boosted by a non AP-console. :rolleyes:
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2014
    Hi guys, I'm back :)

    Well: I tried the KCB and Assimilated Module and .. well, don't know.
    They seems to work fine, but my DPS did not increased too much

    Also, it looks like my cannons are firing blank o.O
    They do near to no damage.

    I got 25% crit chance and I took about 3 minutes to kill a gateway (even using APA, FoMM and Tac Fleet).

    Its absurd that a scimitar (which uses beams manage to kill gateways in 30secs).
    Even using all the fuc*ed crit consoles in the world, its impossible that a ship (A BEAM BOAT) manages to deal all that damage.

    God its damage is 6-10 times higher than mine (and its not only due to BFAW, cause the gateway is a single target and it killed it in 30 secs, while I take 3 mins).

    HOW ?
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    We're you 0km from your target?cannon drop off is disgusting compared to beams...well, in general, really.

    Hell...I'm making a thread about that now...
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    We're you 0km from your target?cannon drop off is disgusting compared to beams...well, in general, really.

    Hell...I'm making a thread about that now...

    Cannon falloff starts at 2km, while beam starts at 1km, just less steeply. He can be fairly close, as opposed to be touching nose, and still do full dmg.
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    We're you 0km from your target?cannon drop off is disgusting compared to beams...well, in general, really.

    Hell...I'm making a thread about that now...

    Ohh that's why my damage was quite ridicoulus >_<
    I was attacking from 8-9 Km away.

    Am I wrong or the damage drop started at 5 km up to 2 seasons ago O.o ?
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hi guys, I got a Fleet Ha'Feh and I'd like to make it OP.

    This is my actual build:

    This is how I'd like to modify it:

    1x Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XII
    3x Elite Fleet Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII

    1x Bio-Molecular Disruptor Heavy Turret Mk XII
    2x Elite Disruptor Turrets Mk XII

    DISH: Honor Guard Mk XII
    ENGINE: Honor Guard Mk XII
    CORE: Elite Fleet Hyper-Stabilizing Mk XII
    SHIELD: Elite Fleet Resilient Mk XII

    1x Hydro-Dynamics Compensator
    2x Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XII

    2x Field Generator Mk XI

    5x Vunerability Locators Mk XII

    2x Conn Officers (TT)
    2x Maintenance Engineer (ET)
    2x Development Lab Scientist (ST)

    I noticed that my weapons damage was heavily reduced.
    Torpedoes also, now are completely useless.

    But I can't use 7 energy weapons either, cause the energy drain would be too much.
    Nowaday, escort ships are TRIBBLE.

    But I don't want to start another thread about how devs ruined the game, I just like to improve my ship.

    My main recommendation dump out all the bio-molecular weapons TRIBBLE. Go with fleet disruptor. Since a PVP player varies weapons bio-molecular is almost useless because a player can easily change their build doing combat.
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited June 2014
    well, the point is that i used this ship without bio-molecular weapons and it sucked.

    Yes, its because of devs and their crusade against escorts and cannons, but I don't know what to think:

    - If I use beams, escort ships suck.
    - If I use cannons, escort ships suck (because of the damage drop).

    Is tere a way to have a good escort ship ?
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    well, the point is that i used this ship without bio-molecular weapons and it sucked.

    Yes, its because of devs and their crusade against escorts and cannons, but I don't know what to think:

    - If I use beams, escort ships suck.
    - If I use cannons, escort ships suck (because of the damage drop).

    Is tere a way to have a good escort ship ?

    Pilot skills...use epte to keep your positioning on point.

    What exactly do you consider "good"

    Beams work, it's a different style of play for escorts.
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited June 2014
    Get a ScimitarD ... FAW ... Aux2bat. Enjoy your Epeen implant!
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    well, the point is that i used this ship without bio-molecular weapons and it sucked.

    Yes, its because of devs and their crusade against escorts and cannons, but I don't know what to think:

    - If I use beams, escort ships suck.
    - If I use cannons, escort ships suck (because of the damage drop).

    Is tere a way to have a good escort ship ?

    Whats your build? I can take my non fleet version and pit it against bigger targets and PvP against a Defiant, Odyssey, Galaxy X, or Scimitar. Coming about even.

    Waiting for the fleet version.
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Whats your build? I can take my non fleet version and pit it against bigger targets and PvP against a Defiant, Odyssey, Galaxy X, or Scimitar. Coming about even.

    Waiting for the fleet version.

    Challenge accepted...what's your handle?
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    Challenge accepted...what's your handle?


    i think the @ part is the forum name. how about yours ?

    i need to play something other then npcs. heavy dps pvp on
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    i think the @ part is the forum name. how about yours ?

    i need to play something other then npcs. heavy dps pvp on

    @acceleron is mine
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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