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starter type escort build

khazlolkhazlol Member Posts: 167 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Federation Discussion
all other guides i find requires fleet weapons and Tier 5 rep rewards ><

need to gear my ship a bit before i hit the pve queues

no idea what to get, but i assume i get can most of it off exchange.
Post edited by khazlol on


  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    khazlol wrote: »
    all other guides i find requires fleet weapons and Tier 5 rep rewards ><

    need to gear my ship a bit before i hit the pve queues

    no idea what to get, but i assume i get can most of it off exchange.

    Eh, save your money. Repeat some missions. For example do the misison over and over to get a set of the blue XI quality plasma/disruptor cannons. Kill some random stuff to loot some tac consoles for the damage type. Use the panateric shield reward or do the big ugly orange mission to get the solanae purple shield etc set. Jem h mission set is also still nice to start out.

    There is an entire thread on free gear and where to get it somewhere, so take a look, farm the missions for the gear, supplement with a couple of exchange purchases. Then start working on rep and fleet stuff :)

    Don't get suckered into buying purple rubbish for millions a pop. A few purple weapons and gear are cheap but mostly it is overpriced. I can fill my bags daily with purple junk just doing crystal over and over (taking first of course) and people do pay hundreds of thousands for that stuff, but the why escapes me. Its not worth a bunch of money.... use blues, dont pay over 100k for anything and most of it should be 10k or less.

    Start your rep grinds NOW. They reward gear! Do normal STFs if elites are too much.
  • edited April 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • emperordeslokemperordeslok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Look towards project nightingale, it'll give you 3x plasma DHC plus a torp or dual beam bank for your forward weapons, mix with exchange turrets and consoles(XI blue shouldn't be expensive but really as long as your skills work these don't even need to be that fancy) with some help from fleetmates you'll be done in one play through and if you stick with PVE or decide you like the plasma the rom/plasma is a drop in upgrade(and I've gotten dhc's from the rep boxes so you could end up fully geared for free that way not fast but it works)
  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2014
    Get Polaron Mk XI [Acc]x2 cannons of the exchange, very cheap last time i checked, and Polaron Phase Modulators are some of the cheapest tac consoles out there too, polaron escort builds are very effective, and cheap.
  • bohiapbohiap Member Posts: 535
    edited April 2014
    The Hilbertguide was written as a starter for PvP but there's a PvE build in there that I've used.


    IIRC all of the alternate equipment listed in the guide can be obtained from missions. You can replay missions as you level up to get higher levels of the gear. A full list can be found on the wiki


    I wouldn't bother with the exchange at all. By the time you're at level 50 you will have completed the old FE series that have a couple of different sets of gear, plus the gear from missions will easily get you a build you could take into ESTFs and other qued missions.
  • emperordeslokemperordeslok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    bohiap wrote: »
    The Hilbertguide was written as a starter for PvP but there's a PvE build in there that I've used.


    IIRC all of the alternate equipment listed in the guide can be obtained from missions. You can replay missions as you level up to get higher levels of the gear. A full list can be found on the wiki


    I wouldn't bother with the exchange at all. By the time you're at level 50 you will have completed the old FE series that have a couple of different sets of gear, plus the gear from missions will easily get you a build you could take into ESTFs and other qued missions.

    with all of the different cannons available in the game right now why would the guide recommend a FAW spamming beamscort for PVE?
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    with all of the different cannons available in the game right now why would the guide recommend a FAW spamming beamscort for PVE?

    I think those links are all years old, useful but dated.
  • emperordeslokemperordeslok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    noroblad wrote: »
    I think those links are all years old, useful but dated.

    2013-12-30: updated sections for the Escort and PVEscort builds
    looks like it was updated only 5 months ago at this point, so still "relevant" even if it's not S9 info... it's not a "bad" arrangement(it's one of the few ships I recommend for a beamscort) I just don't understand suggesting that to new players
  • khazlolkhazlol Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    what if i want to fly the andorian escort? with the 3 special consoles and the special phaser cannon.

    im not in any fleet because i sometimes cant play for a long time and then i get kicked for inactivity
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    khazlol wrote: »
    what if i want to fly the andorian escort? with the 3 special consoles and the special phaser cannon.

    im not in any fleet because i sometimes cant play for a long time and then i get kicked for inactivity

    then to get the most out of the wing cannon, load up on all phaser enhancing tac consoles, and make sure all energy weapons are phasers. since anything that boosts phaser damage also boosts the wing cannons. if you got the patience, you can dil grind a set of Mk XI andorian phasers, so all your weapons will match in color.
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    For the most part in PvE, basically everything in the game can be completed with Common Mk XI or Mk XII gear. Don't need to get too picky, just have a good ship loadout (matching energy types and tactical consoles), Power levels, BOff layout and skills.

    To get consistent gear (matching items) you would want to get stuff from the Exchange, for this you need Energy Credits (EC). To get EC, you sell all the drops you don't want on the Exchange by selling them a little lower that what other items are being sold for.

    Some Episode Replay (http://sto.gamepedia.com/Episode_replay) rewards can get you a good amount of EC on the Exchange.

    The Omega reputation system will get you some good end-game Shields, Deflector and Impulse engines. To get those you need to do anything that gets Choice of Marks or Omega Marks, work the reputation up the levels and eventually be able to get the stuff from the Omega store/projects. At level 45(?) you can start doing STFs, even just Normal ones, to earn Omega Marks.
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • bohiapbohiap Member Posts: 535
    edited April 2014
    with all of the different cannons available in the game right now why would the guide recommend a FAW spamming beamscort for PVE?

    As has been said the guide is a little old. I've used the PvE build for my romulan alts and done pretty well. If you want to do cannons it's not that hard to switch things around and get a good build together.

    The OP was looking for a solid PvE build to do qued content. I'm assuming they mean reputation missions. The guide maybe a little dated- and not updated for season 9- but it's still a good foundation.
  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,569 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    khazlol wrote: »
    what if i want to fly the andorian escort? with the 3 special consoles and the special phaser cannon.

    im not in any fleet because i sometimes cant play for a long time and then i get kicked for inactivity

    Feel free to pop into the "tenforwardforum" chat (no quotes) in game. They are an awesome group of casual players who welcome anyone to their fleet. If you don't login for a couple of years, you don't have to worry about your characters being kicked out of their fleets. You can usually find JC in the chat along with many others.
    > <
    > <
    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
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