Is there a single mission in this game anymore that when you complete it, it makes you go "Yes, I beat it! That was one great ride!"?
STFs were too difficult for people, it took hours on end to beat them, so they were broken up and watered down. I just started playing them again for the first time in a while and they seem even easier, did they get nerfed again? What little strategy they required before has been ripped away?
It's not just about the challenge of these difficult missions either, but it's taken away interaction amongst players. I'd honestly rather deal with a troll reaming me for not knowing the strategy than the cold silence of "We're just here for marks...", I mean, isn't that what the normal versions was for? Why nerf the Elite?
I grew up on difficult NES games (laugh if you want, but those games were much more challenging than anything I've played in recent years). I loved the days of beating a game on easy, then move up to normal, then hard - Are those days completely gone?
It requires so little attention that I'm seriously thinking about things that are completely unrelated half the time - Yes, even during an Elite STF.
The sad truth is I know I'm in the minority. I've mentioned this to another player and they accused me of being insecure, apparently me liking a challenge is a sign of deep psychological issues and self-esteem - I always thought it was a sign of drive and ambition.
don't get me wrong, I do NOT look down on the people who don't like to play those, even when the Elites were somewhat challenging I'd sometimes take a break with the Normal STFs. Sometimes I do want to just zone out with my game, but other times I really want to dive in and be challenged. That doesn't seem to exist anymore and it even makes the top tier gear pointless.
What's the point of all those fleet weapons and adapted maco if there isn't a single mission that pushes you to have that gear?
I just think there should be some huge, challenging epic missions that requires you to have a good, well equipped team with a tight strategy that rewards you a tremendous amount of Dilithium.
And fleets... One of the reasons why you would join a fleet in the past is to find people who knew what they were doing in STFs, they'd make an event out of it, you would get prepared and be assigned a role in the strategy and when it went well it went very smooth, but when it didn't it was terrible - I miss that sense of community. Now, the only real reason anybody joins a fleet is to purchase weapons and fleet ships. I've been in a couple of different fleets recently - Nobody talks, there could be 30 something people on at once and not a single word.
Anyways, I'm just whining, I can admit that, I just had to vent.
the obvious point, instant gratification. everyone wants everything now, no one wants to wait around for stuff, some have been so obsessive about the game they deliberately spoil the surprise that the devs themselves wanted to share by leaking things early like the recent dyson ships. you are always gonna get a few really rotten apples falling very far from the tree, no doubting that, but the rest of us? challenge doesnt come into it when the players want it easy enough to do, social enough to be around and plays well enough to be worth it in the long run, the devs work around that and have so far gotten it mostly correct in line with their goal of making money from STO.
but recent missions still need some tweaks, when these have been accounted for the majority of the 8472 5 man groups and such will be in line with the rest, as expected.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I keep things interesting by doing end game content with just basic equipment from the main story line, but only through the end of the Klingon story arc for my Fed toon since I have not progressed beyond that point. Any equipment I have bought from the Exchange did not cost me more than 200k EC, many costs under 100k EC.
I have not optimized my Boffs' abilities.
I have not slotted any Doffs yet to improve my performance in space or ground combat.
If the Elite STFs have become mundane or too easy, there is one more difficulty level to be found to challenge your ship/crew/skills, in PvP, where opponents' ships are optimized to kill you faster than you can blink. If you turn off/hide the chat, you don't even have to be aware of when people are mocking you, or putting down your ship/build/playstyle, making it like any other kill kill kill STF.
Yes , it (PVP) may be broken or unbalanced to a degree, but not to a degree you that you can't overcome the learning curve, and attempt challenge yourself to the next level of the game, solo or with friends.
Whats your definition of 'challenge' though? To one person, that means its going to apply pressure, but if you have a solid tactical approach and know your equipment and what to pop when, you'll work your way through almost like a puzzle game. To another, challenge means mobs that will pimpslap them halfway across the map given the chance, and blinking at the wrong time means looking at the respawn timer again. One person's idea of 'a good challenge' is another person's idea of deliberately-irritating game design.
I note you mention old NES games. Thing is a lot of those weren't really hard in terms of pushing you though, so much as by memorizing enemy locations and movement patterns and which floors were actually booby-trapped and such, to make you play over and over again (and die a lot) to hide the fact that the game was only an hour long. Castlevania, Contra (without the Konami Code), Blaster Master, the original Super Mario Brothers, Ghosts & Goblins, all the Bullet Hell games, etc etc. Do we really want to go back to that, dying over and over and over again and only succeeding when we metagame the heck out of every level? I don't know about you, but to me that isn't very RPG, and particularly with all that we can do with modern tech, storytelling, and even basic gaming AI. I want my brain and my ability to adapt on the fly to be my best weapon, not memorizing a mission or 'did I buy that one weapon thats the only thing that hurts these guys?' Particularly in a themepark game like STO, Voyager and 3 different Enterprises had to deal with the threat-of-the-week with usually no foreknowledge and whatever gear they had on hand (and no respawns), so why should we be any different?
I'm getting a kick out of leveling a character and playing through all of the F.E.'s using only a Miranda-class. The challenge is great and when friendly ships show up, it really is a relief.
Member since November 2009... I think. (UFP) Ragnar
And this is why I have trouble taking people who say x is too hard on the forums seriously lol. Considering UAE can be solo'd by a half decent build in like 20 minute...
I note you mention old NES games. Thing is a lot of those weren't really hard in terms of pushing you though, so much as by memorizing enemy locations and movement patterns and which floors were actually booby-trapped and such, to make you play over and over again (and die a lot) to hide the fact that the game was only an hour long.
This, with emphasis. Given a binary choice between "mash spacebar, collect loot" and "must memorize every last detail and then robotically reproduce the precise (and only) correct series of keypresses while on a countdown timer" I'll take mash spacebar every single time. "Nintendo hard" isn't anything good, it's how one company suckered an entire generation into equating absurd rote memorization with "challenge" when the only challenge was to one's patience and lack of OCD.
They could bring terradome back or have mision simular to that.I miss that mission and I know it was a 2 hour mission at best but you did have to work as a team in order to complete it. there was no way of doing it by yourself.
I haven't played The Breach Elite in over 2 weeks so I guess I will try it tonight just to see how much the difficulty level has increased.
Whatever they did, it resulted in a massive buff in the damage done by the Voth NPCs in Breach Elite. Last time I played it we all got killed at least twice each, and there was one bit where we all went after a Voth capital squadron and ended up with a total party kill.
And this was a team from a channel, not a straight-up pug.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
They could bring terradome back or have mision simular to that.I miss that mission and I know it was a 2 hour mission at best but you did have to work as a team in order to complete it. there was no way of doing it by yourself.
Oh it will probably be back for 9.5. Unknown how much it will be watered down though.
If you're here just for the technical challenge, and not for any of the other benefits, then it goes without saying that sooner or later you will surpass every challenge, asking for them to be made harder and harder, until you can't surpass them anymore. Long before that point the challenges will have been made too hard for most other people and they will have left.
May I recommend some suggestions?
- Find other aspects of STO, the social environment, other ship types, etc. that are to your liking?
- Switch to another MMO, maybe a first person shooter, and become king of the game until you are bored?
- Provide a valuable and needed service to the STO community using your expertise or set up your own in-game events?
- Develop useful strategy and information guides or wiki entries with all that you have learned?
- Play with your feet? Only use two fingers? Play from a perch 600 feet above an active Volcano or while hanging from a Bungie Chord over a deep Canyon? Play while on an airplane sitting next to crying babies?
There must be some creative solution, or maybe you are just so well geared and so well experienced that there really is no good answer here. Try digging out one of 1990's best pc space combat games and take a crack at it?
With broken attacks from some enemies? No. That is annoying, not hard.
Supposing there were no bugs, Hardcore would be a pretty nice feature. Once your ground character or ship dies everything is gone, ship, character, inventory, all of it. Maybe your bank inventory would remain. Would be a good way to continue making EC off of MK V gear of course I guess you could just delete a 50 and start all over.
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They could bring terradome back or have mision simular to that.I miss that mission and I know it was a 2 hour mission at best but you did have to work as a team in order to complete it. there was no way of doing it by yourself.
Be great if they did bring it back but hope they don't water it down that is what made it fun it made you work together to finish it.
Not that I would claim to have any knowledge about Terradome, but I fear the devs idea of a revamped version of that mission is already back in game: Undine Infiltration
Think about it... What was going on in Terradome? Undine were using the terradome to train their infiltrators.
We come in and investigate to find out who is a real officer and who is an Undine on fake DS9s promenade.
Now it's Bajorans (why is anyone's guess) in a relatively unimportant little town.
Then we went down into a cave to rescue Sulu by battling hordes of Undine.
Now we go down into a cave to plant a bomb while battling a moderate number of them.
The plot details have changed, but it is in essence the same mission.
Only part missing is the spacebattle in the beginning. But that's what the other queues are for.
We won't get the old Terradome back. Story doesn't fit anymore and the same objectives in another mission make it redundant.
That video backs up some of my opinions that hard counters should be universal in STO. If Aux to ID buffs out your Inertial Damper skill (not literally), and allows you to easily get away from Gravity Wells and Tractor Beam Repulsors, then it should be able to counter any Repel or Disable effect in the game. It should be augmented by your own ID skill and reward you for choosing to put point/consoles into your Inertial Dampers. But for some things (like the undine snot rifts), the counter is barely noticable (for me anyway).
If Polarize Hull allows you to ignore the tractor beams of other players, ships, the borg, etc., but suddenly does not allow you to break free from some other NPC's tractor beam -- then that's punishing, not challenging.
If my vulcan's Mental Discipline clicky allows him to break free from various crowd control effects from a large majority of the game's NPCs, then it should similarly allow him to break free from a Salt Vampire's 'Enthrall' ability or a voth dino or mugato pinning him to the ground.
Likewise Gozer could have used that video a long time ago to discover that putting in a respawn penalty for space STFs despite knowing beforehand there were one-shotting invisible torps from the Borg and no way for a teammate to rez your ship... that's not challenging, that's punishing.
I don't know if it's intentional or not, but it's certainly irritating when they add in new NPCs and encounters with new abilities that are somewhat similar to existing abilities (in some fashion), but the counters you assume would work on them simply do not.
For instance now in Season 9 we have buffs for "Control Resistance", even though we've had the Inertial Damper skill this entire time to act as control resistance. But now there's a difference between the two? What's the difference? What is affected and what is not?
Cryptic isn't informing the players, and they're splitting hairs on what up until S9 was the same game mechanic.
Then come back and tell me the game is too easy.
but recent missions still need some tweaks, when these have been accounted for the majority of the 8472 5 man groups and such will be in line with the rest, as expected.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Or The Breach Elite.
I have not optimized my Boffs' abilities.
I have not slotted any Doffs yet to improve my performance in space or ground combat.
I do not rely on high DPS or power spamming.
I rely on tactics.
For myself, I put such toons in ships they're not accustomed to and see how things go.
Sometimes i find out something new about the game.
But, I do see the OP's point.
What do you do with all that fleet, lobi and rep gear on that ten console ship?
Yes , it (PVP) may be broken or unbalanced to a degree, but not to a degree you that you can't overcome the learning curve, and attempt challenge yourself to the next level of the game, solo or with friends.
PvP isn't really "broken", people are "broken".
I note you mention old NES games. Thing is a lot of those weren't really hard in terms of pushing you though, so much as by memorizing enemy locations and movement patterns and which floors were actually booby-trapped and such, to make you play over and over again (and die a lot) to hide the fact that the game was only an hour long. Castlevania, Contra (without the Konami Code), Blaster Master, the original Super Mario Brothers, Ghosts & Goblins, all the Bullet Hell games, etc etc. Do we really want to go back to that, dying over and over and over again and only succeeding when we metagame the heck out of every level? I don't know about you, but to me that isn't very RPG, and particularly with all that we can do with modern tech, storytelling, and even basic gaming AI. I want my brain and my ability to adapt on the fly to be my best weapon, not memorizing a mission or 'did I buy that one weapon thats the only thing that hurts these guys?' Particularly in a themepark game like STO, Voyager and 3 different Enterprises had to deal with the threat-of-the-week with usually no foreknowledge and whatever gear they had on hand (and no respawns), so why should we be any different?
(UFP) Ragnar
And this is why I have trouble taking people who say x is too hard on the forums seriously lol. Considering UAE can be solo'd by a half decent build in like 20 minute...
This, with emphasis. Given a binary choice between "mash spacebar, collect loot" and "must memorize every last detail and then robotically reproduce the precise (and only) correct series of keypresses while on a countdown timer" I'll take mash spacebar every single time. "Nintendo hard" isn't anything good, it's how one company suckered an entire generation into equating absurd rote memorization with "challenge" when the only challenge was to one's patience and lack of OCD.
Whatever they did, it resulted in a massive buff in the damage done by the Voth NPCs in Breach Elite. Last time I played it we all got killed at least twice each, and there was one bit where we all went after a Voth capital squadron and ended up with a total party kill.
And this was a team from a channel, not a straight-up pug.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Oh it will probably be back for 9.5. Unknown how much it will be watered down though.
No more respawns!
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
Done, and done still easy with thinking team.
Be great if they did bring it back but hope they don't water it down that is what made it fun it made you work together to finish it.
With broken attacks from some enemies? No. That is annoying, not hard.
No, that's "Nintendo hard" for all the nostalgia buffs. :P
May I recommend some suggestions?
- Find other aspects of STO, the social environment, other ship types, etc. that are to your liking?
- Switch to another MMO, maybe a first person shooter, and become king of the game until you are bored?
- Provide a valuable and needed service to the STO community using your expertise or set up your own in-game events?
- Develop useful strategy and information guides or wiki entries with all that you have learned?
- Play with your feet? Only use two fingers? Play from a perch 600 feet above an active Volcano or while hanging from a Bungie Chord over a deep Canyon? Play while on an airplane sitting next to crying babies?
There must be some creative solution, or maybe you are just so well geared and so well experienced that there really is no good answer here. Try digging out one of 1990's best pc space combat games and take a crack at it?
Sorry, pvp is so broken that it needs a big palm in the back.
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That was good it does prove a good point about making games.
Supposing there were no bugs, Hardcore would be a pretty nice feature. Once your ground character or ship dies everything is gone, ship, character, inventory, all of it. Maybe your bank inventory would remain. Would be a good way to continue making EC off of MK V gear of course I guess you could just delete a 50 and start all over.
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
Not that I would claim to have any knowledge about Terradome, but I fear the devs idea of a revamped version of that mission is already back in game: Undine Infiltration
Think about it... What was going on in Terradome? Undine were using the terradome to train their infiltrators.
We come in and investigate to find out who is a real officer and who is an Undine on fake DS9s promenade.
Now it's Bajorans (why is anyone's guess) in a relatively unimportant little town.
Then we went down into a cave to rescue Sulu by battling hordes of Undine.
Now we go down into a cave to plant a bomb while battling a moderate number of them.
The plot details have changed, but it is in essence the same mission.
Only part missing is the spacebattle in the beginning. But that's what the other queues are for.
We won't get the old Terradome back. Story doesn't fit anymore and the same objectives in another mission make it redundant.
That video backs up some of my opinions that hard counters should be universal in STO. If Aux to ID buffs out your Inertial Damper skill (not literally), and allows you to easily get away from Gravity Wells and Tractor Beam Repulsors, then it should be able to counter any Repel or Disable effect in the game. It should be augmented by your own ID skill and reward you for choosing to put point/consoles into your Inertial Dampers. But for some things (like the undine snot rifts), the counter is barely noticable (for me anyway).
If Polarize Hull allows you to ignore the tractor beams of other players, ships, the borg, etc., but suddenly does not allow you to break free from some other NPC's tractor beam -- then that's punishing, not challenging.
If my vulcan's Mental Discipline clicky allows him to break free from various crowd control effects from a large majority of the game's NPCs, then it should similarly allow him to break free from a Salt Vampire's 'Enthrall' ability or a voth dino or mugato pinning him to the ground.
Likewise Gozer could have used that video a long time ago to discover that putting in a respawn penalty for space STFs despite knowing beforehand there were one-shotting invisible torps from the Borg and no way for a teammate to rez your ship... that's not challenging, that's punishing.
I don't know if it's intentional or not, but it's certainly irritating when they add in new NPCs and encounters with new abilities that are somewhat similar to existing abilities (in some fashion), but the counters you assume would work on them simply do not.
For instance now in Season 9 we have buffs for "Control Resistance", even though we've had the Inertial Damper skill this entire time to act as control resistance. But now there's a difference between the two? What's the difference? What is affected and what is not?
Cryptic isn't informing the players, and they're splitting hairs on what up until S9 was the same game mechanic.
Nah, those ships hit a lot harder now. It's not "still easy."
You were forced to utilize, I belive you stated, a THINKING team? That means thought was put into strategy and tactics?
Not spacebar online?
Yeah, definitely not "still easy" if you had to do all that.
Yeah, that's the real challenge - finding a team that will use chat and not ragequit after five minutes.