Any consensus on whether the + crit chance or + crit severity consoles are better? I've started up STO again after a while and want to purchase a set of these for my Fleet Akira. Thanks for any advice.
It can be situationally dependent from my experience. When you are at a certain point +1.6% critH is less useful than +8% critD. For me that point is around 25% base critH. As a tac rolling crit hits is great but if they don't obliterate the target on an alpha due to low severity it can be almost pointless with heals and team support.
I strive most of the time for a base critH/D of 25% / 100%+ on my escorts. Fed side anyway.
Crit chance seems to be the way to go, especially since the changes to Rep traits (people tend to lean towards traits that increase crit chance).
I've bought both, and prefer chance over severity.
I strive most of the time for a base critH/D of 25% / 100%+ on my escorts. Fed side anyway.