Fed Alliance is recruiting, we think of ourselves as 1 fleet, with 12 starbases and about 3500 members. There is always someone on to play with. No matter which fleet you are in you will have access to full T5 facilities through the allied fleets, all you have to do is get promoted once (it only takes 40k fleet credits), then you have full access. If you need something that your particular fleet cant provide, simply ask and we will see that you can get it. If you need to get fleet credits, but there are no places to add your items, you can jump around playing fleet Santa Claus to your hearts content, the newer fleets could always use the help. There are no donation requirements (you can just join up and have fun) and no real activity requirements (We usually dont kick inactive players unless they havent logged in for 2 years, even then you are always welcome back). We are famous for helping new players, and helping people get the most out of their ships. We maintain an active Teamspeak 3, that is active 24/7, and a cross fleet channel in game.
If you are interested in joining, PM me in game. My handle is