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Will the new rep system kill STO?



  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Its annoying yes but hardly game breaking.
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It's a lot of hand wringing over a minor change in barely noticeable passives. The vast majority of players won't even notice a difference.
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    reximuz wrote: »
    It's a lot of hand wringing over a minor change in barely noticeable passives. The vast majority of players won't even notice a difference.

    Actually, after talking with ALOT of people, all that "hand Wringing" you mention will end up becoming wallets closing if Cryptic won't stop reigning the veterans back because the new players can't keep up. Also, the people I spoke to as well doesn't like the idea of EARNING the RIGHT to have all your rep abilities just to be told thanks for playing, now you are limited to cater to the new players so they don't feel so weak and to make the newer content a little bit harder. It's not hard to make more difficult content with certain criteria that has to be met before starting. DCUO does it all the time. Their newest DLC, requires you to have at least the highest gear from the last DLC before EVEN STARTING the new content.

    How hard could it be to implement something like that if SOE can do it with DCUO?
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    dragnridr wrote: »
    A few measly passives? If a person has ALL their reps maxed, those "few measly passives" can make a difference in a destroyed ship filled with frustration and a ship that survives. This new rep nerf was done to satisfy those newbie players that were complaining they couldn't keep up with the veteran players.

    My advice to the new players: Work on getting to where the veterans are and quit crying. How do you think the veterans got to where they are? They EARNED all those passives. They also EARNED the right to have ALL those passives active.

    So stop crying and start earning like everyone else.

    This has nothing to do with Newbies trying to catch up to longer tenured players.

    This has to do with Power Creep. More importantly, this has to do with you kiddies getting your leash pulled back from the unbridled Power Creep. This adjustment is but one small thing that has to be done from everyone running around unchecked with offensive, defensive buffs raging all over the place, unrestricted.

    This has to do with you now having to make a choice on your Rep Traits. Go all offense? Go all defense? Or just a tad bit for both? But never again will you be ridiculously buffed for both offense and defense.

    The new traits are each pretty powerful. But you can only fit so many. You can make a really powerful, offensive oriented trait alignment, but you will be squishy. Vice versa if you decided to go all defense. Or if you go balance, just not that good in either, but you bring something to the table for both sides. But again, never having it cut great both ways.

    You got to make a choice now, but at least you can change it on the fly before you go into the instance. Hell, you can go full spec ground or full spec space now, on the fly before you do something.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    This has nothing to do with Newbies trying to catch up to longer tenured players.

    This has to do with Power Creep. More importantly, this has to do with you kiddies getting your leash pulled back from the unbridled Power Creep. This adjustment is but one small thing that has to be done from everyone running around unchecked with offensive, defensive buffs raging all over the place, unrestricted.

    This has to do with you now having to make a choice on your Rep Traits. Go all offense? Go all defense? Or just a tad bit for both? But never again will you be ridiculously buffed for both offense and defense.

    The new traits are each pretty powerful. But you can only fit so many. You can make a really powerful, offensive oriented trait alignment, but you will be squishy. Vice versa if you decided to go all defense. Or if you go balance, just not that good in either, but you bring something to the table for both sides. But again, never having it cut great both ways.

    You got to make a choice now, but at least you can change it on the fly before you go into the instance. Hell, you can go full spec ground or full spec space now, on the fly before you do something.

    All it did was give me traits I do not have to switch between gound or space. Mine has been the same from day one. I was testing the reputation system on Tribble.

    All the change did was make me have less respect for Cryptic after limiting something I earned, closed up my wallet so no $$$, and making publicly comment on how Cryptic is pushing veteran players under the rag in ANY media I stumbled upon(without any resentment to the game future.

    Cryptic is going spend more time with PR after this, I find these reviews interesting and in other websites it's just as bad. Priority One seems to have a player base backlash at Cryptic too. If these changes are here to help the game it's not. I have a feeling it making people are pissed and complaining elsewhere where people check out reviews before playing.

    Links of reviews, and the most recent ones are not good for Cryptic.

  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Hell, SWTOR galactic Starfighter is starting to look better and better all the time. At least SWTOR is still punishing F2P and rewarding Subscribers....Oh, wait....MMO model is supposed to be that way.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    New reputation system is good, it's open door for much more variety and specialized builds. What's more it's small step on way to demand team play. I see all those who yell that they were robbed just as people who were "good/pro" only because toys not own skills and now simply couldn't adapt.
    dragnridr wrote: »
    [...] At least SWTOR is still punishing F2P and rewarding Subscribers....Oh, wait....MMO model is supposed to be that way.

    Not exactly, good F2P MMO model supposed to only offer paying customers faster way to obtain certain things in game. Not preventing free-players from obtaining things just because they don't have big enough wallet to pay both for real live and in game.

    And STO dilithium <-> ZEN exchange is one of the best F2P models I saw in many games.
  • gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    dragnridr wrote: »
    ... if Cryptic won't stop reigning the veterans back because the new players can't keep up. ....

    Oh please, give me a break, people at endgame are still commonly doing over 5k damage these days without even trying, and the best DPS-ers do upwards of 20k, which is absurdly more than is needed for any of the content.

    And it's "reining", as in the reins of a horse.

    And it's not about reining in now, it's about reining in in the future. Before the patch the situation wasn't that bad. We didn't even have 4 actives to play with. But given that they are going to be introducing more reps in the future (and that's a good thing, it's a good enough endgame play), the situation would clearly have gotten out of hand in the future.

    This whole thing is a storm in a teacup. Granted it's upset a few people, but in-game I don't see many complaints, and the few occasions someone has voiced this sort of complaint in Zone chat, they've been deservedly ridiculed.
  • looney1069looney1069 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ashkrik23 wrote: »


    well I don't post much but I do have to admit it has turned me off from playing , I used to get after work and play for a hour or two , but now I rarely get on just for a few minutes to donate to my fleet , I feel that the change in the rep system Is the main reason I don't play as much, why should I grind out rep when at any point all of my work could be taken away, as was tier 5 on all the reps prior to this with two toons now I just don't feel like working on another one since the change , I don't know if this will be the death of sto but it may be the first nail in the coffen
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    dkratasco wrote: »
    New reputation system is good, it's open door for much more variety and specialized builds. What's more it's small step on way to demand team play. I see all those who yell that they were robbed just as people who were "good/pro" only because toys not own skills and now simply couldn't adapt.

    Not exactly, good F2P MMO model supposed to only offer paying customers faster way to obtain certain things in game. Not preventing free-players from obtaining things just because they don't have big enough wallet to pay both for real live and in game.

    And STO dilithium <-> ZEN exchange is one of the best F2P models I saw in many games.

    They may have a great concept, but they are offering NOTHING for subscribers or lifetimers, other than a few measly perks. Even those perks are pretty much useless. I'd rather them LIMIT F2P in order to promote buying a subscription. But they decided that pissing off the veteran players is better than giving benefits to subscribers.

    Make the F2P go with the new rep system and let subscribers have the rep traits of Season 8.

    Give me good reasons for subscribing now....
    -New Ship? Useless since I already have enough good ships that outclass it.
    -extra dil...Not likelly since I can mine it till the end of the game.
    -stipend of zen.....HAH!!!! I just buy what I need. The stipend doesn't afford much.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,669 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Judging by the amount of lag I'm getting this weekend from all the people playing, I'm going with no, it's not going to kill the game.

    It's a bit annoying, still a bit buggy, but doesn't seem to be slowing most people down much.

    It's still not going to prevent power-creep, as you need some reward in new Rep systems and Lock Boxes that is more powerful to attract people to them. The current Rep weapons/consoles set is a nice boost for anyone running Phaser or Disruptor with an end of calculation 7.5% bonus damage (second in total effect to only the Ancient Obelisk bonus to AP), and a heavily tac-focused deflector. The new lockbox has a very nice hull-repair main Trait (the Traits you can have 8 of), allowing you to focus more on offensive Reputation Traits. While this Undine Rep doesn't seem to have anything must-have/OP Trait wise, that's no guarantee that newer Reps won't have that as their incentive.
  • fordguy2fordguy2 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    This is wrong what you did to the rep system, been here for 2 years and , you have the undine rep, like the ones before, and yet you go and change the others that many of us worked so hard for. Whats the point in the grind , go back to the old one PLEASE.
  • caylenrcaylenr Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    exarch1701 wrote: »
    Not a big fan of the new rep system. No, Im not saying that it WILL kill STO, hence the "?" at the end of the title, but I would like to know your thoughts on it.

    Will ObamaCare be the death of freedom in America?

    I'm not saying it will, I'm just asking.

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